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Everything posted by Sat1176

  1. Feeling well sad, Its been taken down at my local too. Makes me even more determined to go and see it now.
  2. If akal thakt already approved this movie why is it being banned now?
  3. I'm very disappointed that at our local cinema the Khalsa fauge is protesting outside and sending people away who want to watch it and gurdwaras are writing to them to get further showings removed. https://www.facebook.com/Gurukhalsa11?ref=ts&fref=ts We are happy for artist pictures to be drawn and put up. Even mediocre cartoons and low budget films made with drawings to depict characters. We have 100s of saakhia told on stage without anyone questioning their validity or accuracy. Take it to the next level and make a proper film and everyone jumps up and down. I have been waiting so many years for something like this from the moment I watched Mahabarat and Ramayan. I used to think how great it would be if Sikh's made it of our Gurus. If I can't watch it in the movies I'm definitely going to buy the dvd and let my son watch it when he gets older.
  4. Waheguru! Really nice shabads: 1. Waheguru Simran 2. Man dharshan ki Pyasa, sant jana peh karo benti.... 3. Pishalae guna bakhshyae, jeeo ab tu maarag paae. Har ki charnee laag rehaa vicho aap gavaae. I have converted this one to mp3 so if any wants it let me know and i'll upload to soundcloud.
  5. Really nice amrit vele kirtan simran session. Wish my local Gurdwara had kirtan like this.
  6. Sometimes we need to be reminded as per the following great kirtan divaan.
  7. I like this: So a person's real identity is God but though we are all God, we are God asleep. And though we think we are awake we are really as in a dream. The awakening from this sleep or dream is the ultimate attainment described in all the World's religion and the realization of our true selves as God.
  8. I recently started listening to this Sukhmani Sahib katha and think it has excellent guidance and reinforcement on naam simran. Highly recommended and very inspiring. www.sikhmysticism.org/LiveDiscourses.aspx
  9. http://thewayofmeditation.com.au/blog/the-wisdom-of-a-silent-mind/#
  10. And the rest... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA97E2984E352F56A
  11. Naam abyaasis will appreciate the contents of thiis video.Enjoy. This pangtis were taken from Ang 1162 He is like the sky, stretching across the lower, upper and middle realms. araDh uraDh mukh laago kaas. In the profoundly silent celestial realm, He radiates forth. sunn mandal meh kar pargaas. Neither the sun nor the moon are there, oohaaN sooraj naahee chand. but the Primal Immaculate Lord celebrates there. ||5|| aad niranjan karai anand. Know that He is in the universe, and in the body as well. so barahmand pind so jaan. Take your cleansing bath in the Mansarovar Lake. maan sarovar kar isnaan. Chant "Sohang" - "He is me." sohaN so jaa ka-o hai jaap. He is not affected by either virtue or vice. ||6|| jaa ka-o lipat na ho-ay punn ar paap. ||6|| He is not affected by either high or low social class, sunshine or shade. abran baran ghaam nahee chhaam. He is in the Guru`s Sanctuary, and nowhere else. avar na paa-ee-ai gur kee saam. He is not diverted by diversions, comings or goings. taaree na tarai aavai na jaa-ay. Remain intuitively absorbed in the celestial void. ||7|| sunn sahj meh rahi-o samaa-ay. ||7|| One who knows the Lord in the mind man maDhay jaanai jay ko-ay. - whatever he says, comes to pass. jo bolai so aapai ho-ay. One who firmly implants the Lord`s Divine Light, and His Mantra within the mind jot mantar man asthir karai. - says Kabeer, such a mortal crosses over to the other side. ||8||1|| kahi kabeer so paraanee tarai.
  12. Have a listen to this jugti at 2 hours 3 mins and 50 seconds into the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leK7eidglJo&t=123m50s
  13. Sorry to hear of your loss Singh. My condolences to you and your family.
  14. I understand where you coming from bro. Even I found this concept hard to grasp and I too became confused as we are always told that there are two forms to waheguru, Sargun and Nirgun. i.e. Sargun Nirgun Nirankar Sunn Samadhi Aap A few months ago at the mysimran.info camp in Vancouver the lecturer stated that there are 3 forms to waheguru. Think the lecture videos are up on their site and youtube channel. 1) Sargun - Creation/Qualities/Form 2) Nirgun - Naam 3) Niranakar- Without Qualities/Form His way of explaining this was that gurbani states that before anything came into existence Nirankar all alone. From Nirankar came Naam which is known as Nirgun, Thirdly from Naam the creation was created, Sargun .
  15. I believe Anhad bani is known as Nirgun as the following two pangtis help clarify this point. nirgun kathaa, kathaa hai Har kee. The Speech of the Lord is the most sublime speech, free of any attributes. Har kee kathaa anaahad baanee The sermon of the Lord is the unstruck, endless song.
  16. This is how I understand the steps as explained by Bhai Sahib. Taken from some of his books. Dhyaan We have been told that dhyaan is a power. Dhyaan starts when our mind separates form the body and focuses on the subtle body (soul). Further spiritual progress can only be made through dhyaan. Naam can control the mind and then dhyaan can be controlled to any limit by our own will. This stage can only be achieved in the stage of awareness (jaagat). We meditate using the gurmantra to separate from our body (also known as separating from the air/pavan/poan) and then by focusing on Naam. Finally, we have to focus on God and unite with him. Dhyaan can only be controlled if we are thoughtless. We have to focus at one point to have control of our dhyaan. if we want to unite with God then we should practice step by step to progress. First we have to leave thoughts (Maya), then we must get to Sunn, then we reach Naam or Anhad Bani, and finally we reach Naad (word of God). Naad helps us cross the bhavsagar and takes us to God. It means that to have union with God, we have to cross many stages. Stages: 1) Swaas Graas simran by chanting Gurmantra to stop the thoughts. Focus on sound of Gurmantar. Term Swas Giras means simran with every breath and covers Bakahri/Vocal, Madhma/Whisper, Pasanti/Mental forms of Simran jaap. 1a) Swas Giras Simran - Simran with each and every breath. 1b) Swas Swas Simran - Whisper synchronised with breath all the way down to mental simran with breath but focused on sound not breath. 1c) Rom Rom Simran - Mental simran faster than the breath so you separate from breath and latch onto mantar , i.e. synchronized with pulse 1d) You have to cross the 5 elements, Air, Water, Fire, Earth and reach Ether/Akash. 2) Enter the Sunn (like going to sleep to rest) 3) Stay awake by dhyaan when free of thoughts. (Awoken by a loud blast) 4) The divine words appear in Sunn. 5) Anhad Bani (the divine music) appears to which you listen 6) The mind enters the Sunn (third Sunn or Anhad Sun). 7) Naad/Toor (word of God) appears which will help us cross the Bhavsagar (the dangerous ocean). 8) The mind unites with God in Sehaj Ghar. The way of spirituality based on Naam is different from this city of illusion. We need to leave these colours behind both in the material and subtle forms. Initially when starting meditation, do not focus on the trehkuti. When we stop our thoughts we should go to Sunn to begin the path. In Gurbani, we have been told about the indications of Tenth Door. Those who close off the nine gates, and restrain the wandering mind, na-o dar thaakay Dhaavat rahaa-ay. come to dwell in the Home of the Tenth Gate. dasvai nij ghar vaasaa paa-ay. There, the Unstruck Melody of the Shabad vibrates day and night. Through the Guru`s Teachings, the Shabad is heard. othai anhad sabad vajeh din raatee gurmatee sabad sunaavni-aa. SGGS 124 Gurbani explains that at the tenth door are the divine words or the divine music (anhad Shabads or anhad bani). There is no color, pictures or forms there. Gurbani has changed our path from Maya (illusion) to Naam. For example, a child can be distracted all day with colorful toys and different games and it will forget to eat its food. Similarly, the mind watches the colorful acts of Maya and forgets about its food. The mind that is stuck in these illusions does not want to leave Maya and reluctantly falls asleep. People may believe the mind of such a person has gone to Smaadhi and they presume they have attained a high spiritual stage. But Guru teaches us that this is the last stage of Kaal and it has to be crossed by Naam. After crossing this stage we can enter the Tenth Door and then true enlightenment begins. That light will be the light of our soul, which has been explained to us in Gurbani as: Within the Gurmukh is intuitive peace and poise (Sehaj); his mind ascends to the Tenth Sky of the Akaashic Ethers. gurmukh antar sahj hai man charhi-aa dasvai aakaas. No one is sleepy or hungry there; they dwell in they dwell in the peace of the Naam (word of God). tithai oongh na bhukh hai, har amrit naam sukh vaas. O Nanak, pain and pleasure do not afflict anyone, where the Light of the Supreme Soul, illuminates. naanak dukh sukh vi-aapat nahee jithai aatam raam pargaas. SGGS 1414 The house of our mind starts from the Tenth Sky (tenth door). The Tenth Sky is present all around our body. So the tenth door is not far and it is formless. Our body with nine doors is also present in the same area. After leaving the body (nine doors), our mind will enter the Tenth Door. It means we reside in God and He is inside us. Gurbani tells us: The body is contained in the Lord, and the Lord is contained in the body. He is permeating within all. har meh tan hai, tan meh har hai, sarab nirantar so-ay ray. SGGS 870 Other names for the tenth door have been given such as Nij Mahal, the fourth stage, Turi avastha, Unn Munn or the castle of our mind. By achieving that state, we will get enlightened. It depends on us how quickly we want to achieve that stage (by practical meditation). Once we enter the tenth sky, the divine light will appear. All of this practical work is done through dhyaan. Through dhyaan, the master (God) keeps an eye on us (world) and by the same way we can see God. Without spiritual knowledge we look towards this material world (ardh i.e looking down and in front of us), but by attaining the Guru’s knowledge we start to focus on Urdh (looking up – towards Sookh mahal, God). The vision discussed is not about the physical eyes. Even a blind person can attain union with God. If the blind persons can meditate by dhyaan on Naam they will unite with God and have blessed darshan of God. If we don’t use the Jot (vision) of the mind, we are called spiritually blind, even though we have physical eyes.
  17. Here you go Sukrit Kaur ji. I posted the link on another similar thread.
  18. I found this open sangat q&a session with Bhai Sewa Singh ji very useful in answering some of the questions I also had. Taken from the video broadcast on wahegurulive.com of the simran camp from the morning of 31-12-2009. https://soundcloud.com/sat1-2/bhai-sewa-singh-tharmala-qa-20091231-morning Enjoy
  19. This very question was asked by a sangat member to Bhai Sewa Singh Tharmala in a Q&A session during the 2009 simran camp. It was broadcast on wahegurulive.com only a few days ago. I will upload the audio for you to have a listen but his teaching suggests to let it happen and enter the state of Sunn. In this stage waheguru will wake you up himself with anhad bani.
  20. Sahib, I am coming to the realisation enough of the theory for the time being. It is time to put into practice what I already know and get back to basics. So much has already been posted on this forum in terms of techniques and details of the path that lies ahead. It is time to put in some serious effort and spend the time doing actual simran. Reading alone and the gyan gained will not lead to realisation of the ultimate truth. For that one has to make some effort and practice and leave the rest to his grace. I personally feel it's time to put the books and websites down for a bit and spend that time doing the practical simran instead. If I look back at the time I have spent reading about the subject, if I had spent even half of that time doing actual simran the story to tell might have been a whole lot different. The gyan gained over the past months has given a solid foundation and a little more clarity and confidence about what to do on the path of shabad/gurmantar surat yog. You can be told the same thing in so many different ways by different people but unless you put in a serious amount of focused effort oneself this gyan will be worthless. When I now look back, I find the biggest progress was made when I didn't know much. I simply did what I was told and just did my simran focusing on the gurmantar and the experiences started themselves. It was only when I tried to get ahead of myself and started researching deeply into the path and what lies ahead or what to do I lost some of that momentum. The fascination of learning took precedence over doing the practical and that I see as my own short coming. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying one should not learn about the marg, the knowledge helps you identify if your taking any wrong turns and confirms if what you are experiencing can be expected. It also shines some light to the unknown path ahead so when another experience manifests or you have an inkling what the next step of the path involves you are not entirely taken by surprise and knocked off your balance. Going too much beyond your own practical experience level is somewhat pointless and is just a distraction. I have to admit it was all fascinating reading but when you do some serious inner reflection of where do you actually stand on the rungs of the ladder one realises that whist they might be able to see the rungs that go up, you have not actually climbed many yourself. It is time to walk that walk and not just talk the talk. A mahapursh once said in that regard, the unpar/uneducated make progress far more quickly then the educated. The simple folk just accept they have to do the gurmantar and just get on with it. The educated starting bringing their analytical mind and start asking too many questions and try and use their own reasoning to explain certain things which may or may not give you the right answer. The quest for knowledge and answers itself becomes an obstacle that needs to be overcome. I am slowly beginning to see the wisdom in these words. By all means if you feel there are relevant teachings of this person whom you recommend then feel free to share share some of his gems. I am sure they will be much appreciated if they are not too contradictory to the teachings of spiritual Sikhi and the inner journey.
  21. This weeks recording from Sunday 15th February 2015. https://soundcloud.com/satwant15/20150215-veer-manpreet-singh Shabads: 1) Aisee Kirpaa Mohi Karahu http://www.sikhitothemax.com/page.asp?ShabadID=3125 2) Bandana Har Bandana Gun Gavo Gopal Rai http://www.sikhitothemax.com/page.asp?ShabadID=2610 Appologies for the crackling in the background but the gurdwara speaker is warn out.
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