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Everything posted by sukhsingh

  1. are those shastars? i would tihnk so we should carry shastars maybe not bombs...
  2. nihangs dont work do they? caues my mom say they just go to everyones house collecting food and stuff. it happened to them 2
  3. wat if ur making a cake and u run outa sugar????? :cry:
  4. thanks bro, but heres another one. http://classic.winamp.com/skins/detail.jht...mponentId=26780
  5. WAHEGURU JI KA KHALSA WAHEGURU JI Ki FATEH!!!!!!! hey, is it ok to have munmukh friends? i mean im in school, how can i not be friends with them? i hear when u take amrit the punj payarai tell u not to associate with manmukhs. how is this possible in school? i know i shouldnt associate with ppl dat do wrong thinks like smoke and do drugs like dat. but is it possible if we live in a western country? WAHEGURU JI KA KHALSA WAHEGURU JI Ki FATEH!!!!!!!
  6. just learn some paat, then with wahegurus kirpa i will
  7. i know i would prob keep my dhari open, but y do some ppl say its wrong? did guru ji tell us to have it open?
  8. slandering anyone or any jatha is really really bad... dont say things like dat...
  9. mmmmm dat doesnt have a trans for Jaap sahib. it says it does , but it doesnt. bangle, he wasnt talkin about Japji sahib...
  10. seriously though, if make up and dat stuff makes u happy, good luck...
  11. wat kind of challange is this? a fight of some sort?
  12. plz i dont like ppl dat say u can be sikh without hair. u arnt a sikh because ur not obeying the Gurus Hukem.
  13. yooooooooooooooo NEO!!!! u got it traslated yet? :?:
  14. truth singh, u think u can give us a date?
  15. is it a kind of simran? i mean there has to be a little description!
  16. no, i mean, do they tell ppl they are?
  17. wjkkwjkf i bhraym giani is someone who is met god right? i heard some ppl on this board like "NEO SINGH" call ppl braymgianis , but how do we know if hes met god?
  18. is it when someone does intensive simran? am i right????
  19. but i dont get it. ppl tie up there hair on there head, wats the difference if u tie ur beard up?
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