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Everything posted by kdsingh80

  1. But cow slaughter and export is banned , Sikhs along with Hindu's go voilent , why this discrmination between two motherly figures cow and buffaloes?
  2. Capitalism emerges from greed , not only of producer but also of consumer.In this world if few countries will allow their environment to be exploited to produce cheaper goods then how many will boycott those goods . The answer will be close to 0. People want cheap products no matter from where they are coming.
  3. Punjab is one of biggest exporter of Buffalo meat from India , how many sikhs protested against it?
  4. How man Sikhs consider Buffalo motherly figure who provide 80% milk in Punjab?
  5. Human mind require some type of Opium .we have seen with Marx experiment that if not religion them people start following some human and we don't even know what that human will preach. Stalin Hitler , Mao bring terrible destruction because of its religion like followers and if not human then they start running for materialistic goods but their desire never stop .This result in massive exploitation earth's resources
  6. Hinduisation of sikhi will hurt them more.Once million of Hindu's will go to Gurdwara instead of mandir then their shankarcharya will declare war on sikhs. Just look what they are doing with Sai Baba worshippers. there are images of Hanuman smashing Sai baba , There are millions of Sai baba bhakts if this will not stop they too will declare sai babaism as separate religion. Can you imagine Picture Hanuman Hitting Guru Nanak will do?
  7. You don't need murti just killl a cow and see what happen
  8. Sikhchic is hardcore anti Hindu site. They don't even allow comments which defends Hindu 's or anything . All they allow Blatant bashing of India and Hindu's
  9. This is joke of story , pure fantasy , taking revenge from RSS for 1984
  10. Before replying many times I used to look 3-4 times a thread .Sorry but the site is pretty much killed for me
  11. I think then there should no newspaper of gurmukhi, They comes under the feet , people tear the etc
  12. This button sis suddenly missing from site . It was the main button with whom I used to check topics.
  13. I accept my mistake , the admin can remove this thread
  14. It was sarcastic 80% of milk in Punjab comes from Buffaloes ,they are backbone of of rural economy , yet nobody call them mother or don;t want to ban their slaughter .Infact Punjab is one leading states from where Buffalo meat is exported , so what is this? Punishment you decide Also there are reports that farmers including in Punjab re giving up cows as value of cow go to zero when they become dry while buffaloes always fetch goof price. Do you think it make any sense not to oppose slaughter of buffalo while giving argument like cow give milk so and so
  15. But we hate buffaloes and Punish them for giving us more milk than cows ,that's why Punjab is one of leading state in Buffalo meat export
  16. Just Like sikhs around the world know that Beadbi at kotkapura was done by Sacha sauda or RSS.lol On a serious note just read some white supermacist blogs forums etc Most of them hate present structure of their nations.They hate Feminism because they think Feminism killed their birth rate. Check white woman TFR it is around 1.4-5 something , many of them call it race suicide I don't know much about this but even if they then why so much surprise. Every nation in world is blindly trying to ape them.They are benchmark of progressive liberal society People in many nations have shunned their clothes , Hairstyles to copy them. Their language is adopted as world language.In countries like India I have seen Security guards with master degree in sanskrit. while 1 girl batch mate of my brother who failed even computer degree in first attempt got job in MNC company because of her looks and english speaking ability.In iNdia many very good students who are not good in english lag so much behind while English speaking fools who act like westerners gain so much.
  17. This is same Western society that trashes India and other Asian nations on women right issues but allow Saudi Prince to molest , rape their women and Flee.Leftists all over world criticise Israel and Hug saudi royal family , long live double standards
  18. Actually it is leftist Feminism that caused that. White racists are also anti feminists
  19. This is just theory .Present days , there are cases where two amritdhari's or very religious sikhs happily married but after few years 1 just give up sikhi? Then what to do?And in many cases it is women who suffer as men return to their drinking partying lifestyle
  20. They are forced by society to do whatever job is available . A man' get respect in society if he is earning money and when things are not going your way men choose whatever job is available. If he has wife and kids then the pressure to bring bread is on him.Women on the other hand can easily shun dirty dangerous jobs they can wait until they get their preferred job or if their partner is financially sound they can easily choose to opt out. If a man is not earning finding wife g/f become very difficult for him , society start considering him burden usless. Also in countries like India in business families the minute a boy is born his career is decided by father to join family business that is why we see in India several communitties dominating particular business. If you want to pursue career of your choice just 1 option rebel , deal with with all emotional blackmail of family and in some cases they will also throw you of house and may not even give you share in property business Satkiran , Satkiran , This world has more than 7 billion people and CHOICE is something that is limited to very few particularly from developed nations or from well to do families.. majority of people don't think in this way. Millions of people want to be sportsperson , singer, dancer or models , what what is the actual demand in these professions very few a so the rest live just their life Good theory a child need both parents but what is happening in west 55% percent of marriages are getting broken divorce , so in other word a child has to live with 1 parent mostly mother. and child custody laws favour women so any father that will get himself emotionally too much attached later may end up suffering separation
  21. You have not read my post carefullfy , I have already said that at indivisual level this debate is useless.And yes its a a fact that dangerous and dirty jobs are dominated by men , don't just just go by I have seen this so and so women are working so they must be in high percentage States from Canadian army Only 20 percent Canadian police is women So much equality in Canada but its strange that 30 times men die than women doing dangerous jobs This is from Australia . Forget about in percentage they don't even apply jobs as garbage collectors
  22. When we talk about gender roles we talk about what majority do or prefer. There are fire brand Sadhvi's in Hindutva.They cut their hair short wear male dresses and live like men, but tell Hindu's to have more kids or marry muslim women. They have command over 1000s of men.They never do what an average Hindu woman is expected to do Just a question can you tell what is percentage of women doing male dominated jobs, In New york only 1% percent taxi drivers are women. Only 7 % women are commercial pilots in developed nations, only 4% percentage are firefighters Look at above news about Mumbai sewer cleaners , almost all men doing hellish jobs. Most of them will be happy if they cook and play with children rather than manually cleaning sewers. If women want equality in workplace then they all have to do dirty and dangerous jobs which men do and that too in large percentage O/W women what dream jobs in male dominated area they do is just their choice and privilege . Handful of lucky people in world has spread the myth that people should do what they want , what they don't understand is there are many which are doing so many jobs which are unwanted by many and because of these unwanted jobs they can do their dream jobs
  23. What else he will say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkHwIitu4Sg Look at above video , he was thrown by people and he did not say a word. If he was in sober condition then he would have fought very hard
  24. Search the entire net and found me intstances of sikhs raping killing muslims in late 1946 or early 1947 when Pakistan was not declared https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Action_Day This was the day when muslim league started riots all over India.The sikhs rioting and killing started quite late.Its a fact not and not some fiction
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