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Everything posted by kdsingh80

  1. This party is considered as savior of sikhs and Punjab by many
  2. Yes Sikhs killed muslims during 1947 partition , but only as revenge. It was muslims that started killing Hindu's and Sikhs in west Punjab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdX0v-S-6u0 Please watch this what sikhs went through. These things happened when Pakistan was not even officially announced .It is easy to talk about peace in peace time but when people went through something extremely horrible then their thinking change completely Namdhari sect is not in Sikh panth And yes sikhs protected cows because being an agrarian country cow was extremely important Infact even Babur banned cow slaughter after its invasion. Hardly any indic religion followers eat cows. BTW Hindu's in Kerala eat beef , does that make them separate religion? And you are going gaga over few muslims in Sikh dominated Punjab and Hindu dominated India protecting Guru granth Sahib Look How they treat Sikhs in Muslim dominated Punjab of Pakistan They are not even sparing holiest Sikh city where in India they are fighting for useless Babri Mosque which hold no significance for them. A true nature of religion is displayed when they are in absolute majority and not living in some minority area .The above is from Pakistani sources so you can't even say that that it is fabricated
  3. The harmony in Malerkotla is due to historical reasons https://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php/Malerkotla Sikhs also did not harm them in 1947 riots
  4. Dalsingh hates whites thats why he is growing Kale lol
  5. Who will benefit from Beadbi 1) Badal -- No benefit only loss he is ruling Punjab , has to maintain peace 2) Central Govt -- Nothing to gain , at time when already whole country is communally charged with Hindu muslim tension another communal issue will do more harm to them 3) Dera-- Nothing to gain , If it was found that they did that then they will loose support of many Hindu's and sikhs which visit them 4) Rss -- nothing to gain who will benefit 1) AAP , Punjab is their next target so they have everything to gain 2) Congress , very beneficial as they will Badal govt failure 3) other anti Badal Sikh political parties and sikh organisations , Much gain even non practising sikhs will feel hurt and protests ,killings will make them increase their support
  6. This is what they do with calves Of course cows and calves can be killed in above humane way so all religious hypocrits can drink their milk.Just turn blind eye toward these and continue living in denial
  7. even pre partition or 1984 era people were very kind to each other , I sincerly hope they don't do anything to sikhs
  8. Kashmir is also burning but with a different issue, A muslim truck driver was killed in Jammu because he was transporting cows. Now today was Srinagar bandh , there is chance that communal tension will increase in Jammu and Kashmir and muslims will retaliate on minorities.
  9. Surprising no pro Sikh farmer association is taking up this issue
  10. N30 Singh ji A letter is no solid proof , do we have any video recording of Dera chief or any big leader spreading hatred against Sikhism asking its followers to attack sikhs and do beadbi of Guru granth Sahib? People in India are expert giving their local issues to communal turn. Last week I met a man from Dadri where that muslim who supposed to consumed beef was killed. He told me that real reason was that the man's son and powerful Thakur's daughter were involved and they had warned him several times but he did not listen so they went to mandir put gun on poojari and told him to do annocement that the muslim was killing cows and consuming beef.after that everything is in front of us Dera chief has condemned the incident and He is their highest authority. unless sikhs found concrete evidence against Dera followers they should not be blamed O/W this is same behaviour which all religions display
  11. Why is it that so many sikhs just want to blame Dera for any attack against sikhism ? This is the same type of politics that RSS and Hindutva elements . They always blame muslims for anything against Hinduism without even proper evidence . So many sikhs are are also jumping conclusion that all these attacks are caused by Dera
  12. Many criminals want to keep 100s of men under their control, for that they use beating , killing , sometimes miaming in free world .They hardly use male rape in free world. .How come those criminals suddenly start using male rapes when they are in prison?
  13. A video clip today surfaced on TV channels and social media purportedly showing a man hung upside down and being gruesomely beaten to death by three men. The video shows a man, identified as Ram Singh, a worker at a private factory here, getting thrashed with iron rod by the trio, taking turns to hit the victim. According to his wife, Ram Singh was allegedly kidnapped on Wednesday by a man and two of his accomplices from his house in an SUV and taken to an isolated place where he was beaten to death, the police said. The police have booked the accused, who has been identified as Jaspreet Singh, under Section of 302 of the IPC, the police said here, adding that no arrest so far has been made in the case. Ram Singh, a native of Nepal, had been living with his wife in the city for the last fourteen years. — PTI http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/punjab/factory-worker-beaten-to-death-video-goes-viral/147228.html
  14. for many illnesses they say reduce milk and diary products but if you are strictly allergic to milk then diary products are big no.
  15. I never said that majority of women rape for sex . That was just single case quoted in article and we don't know the exact reason for that . It could be any sex , power, revenge etc To some extent I agree with you that many men see women as object but this is because through women they can satisfy their sexual desire.Please remember when women are not available then many men also rape men example famous male rapes in prisons which by many accounts are very high especially in USA.So it is more of satisfying sexual desire for those rapists
  16. You can interpret the studies in whatever way you want but most rapists have sighted sex as reasons amany times Rape only because of Power is B.S theory with no scientific basis, its like saying all murders are because of hatred. Crime never has 1 reason for all criminals
  17. What about a person who is allergic to dairy products. ? Should we allow him non veg diet or he/she should remain unhealthy? Milk is one the thing that many doctors and nutritionists say to avoid if you have allergies.
  18. 1) You started saying that those women must be victims, or they were just teaching boy a lesson this is the first sign of showing sympathy toward the women who committed the crime 2) Your argument that women just suffer in silence goes both ways as men too are hesitant to report anything against wives as they are considered emasculine not manly , or totally under the thumb of wife 3) Rape as crime committed for the sake of only power is pure feminist argument with no basis , rape could be because of any reason .Here is survey of UN on southeast asia on rapes by men
  19. 1)This report is not only about a single boy 2)Your defending of those women culprits is amazing , by your logic we can say that many little boys in India are sexually abused chances are they also they also abuse women or children when they grow up , it must me O.K for them 3)Nirbhaya documentry was media sensation if you ask a random criminal about the crime he may give whatever justification to his crime, it doesn not mean that society is like that. Someone should make documentry of shooters in USA and then people will say that those shooters want to punish the victims as the view of American soiciety 4) In which world you are living , women in India are watching movies from 50s 5)there 38000 male victims who call this helpline slightly less than half of women , it is not a small number you can't give justification for these victims
  20. Not saying your family kill cows or Buffaloes, but it is simple question of economics. If cows and buffaloes keep on multliplying then whom do you think will take care of bulls or unproductive cows or buffaloes. Punjab is just 50k sq km area with 27 million human population , where is the space to keep them, who will contribute money when farmers are already in distress. A personal family can easily take good care of cows but in the end they too have to sell male calf and majority of milk don't come from personal family cows or buffaloes. So yes milk industry indirectly contribute to meat industry And I am not vegetarian.
  21. I hope you still have all her calves and their calves . Also Punjab is one of the places where buffalo meat is exported from India, wonder where those slaughter house got their buffaloes
  22. Earlier male calves were castrated and used to plough or pull cart but now with tractors this purpose is over , most farmers delibrately starve the calves if they are of no value .
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