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Everything posted by amardeep

  1. Why do most sikhs regard him as being a muslim. He was a hindu prior to becoming a Sikh of Guru Maharaj, and i have never heard that he took Khande di Pahul amrit, but he must surely have taken Charan di pahul from Maharaj. his writings are quite astonishing..
  2. www.zafarnama.com, here you can find the ganjnama on Guru Gobind Singh, and the entire Zafarnama and Fatehnama in gurmukhi persian and english. the one on Guru Nanak i typed in from Trilochan Singhs book... its awesome
  3. Ganjnama by Bhai Nand Lal; 25-38 Thus spake God to Guru Nanak; You, My son, are the true Guru; The enlightener, Go, reveal my Light to the world. I will abide in You in full radiant glory. My spirit is in Your sould and being. My will is Your will. My light is Your wisdom You know My law and justice. Go, reveal the real path to humanity be the singer of My Love and justice. I will be Your helper in your mission. I will be Your friend and companion ever. He who understand Your greatness My son, and learns from You My glory and wisdom; I will reveal myself to Him. This is My abiding promise to You carry all over the world the torch of My Light and Truth. Be a well teacher, My Son. Tell the misguided humanity without my light and power. the whole world is not worth a grain. By My will I give light and wisdom to men. By My will I leave them in darkness. religious leaders and pundits have become hypocrites and magicians, they may with limit powers- my gifts, even kill the living, and bring the dead to life. They may make fire dance on water. These are magical tricks, and fruitful feast of occult powers. show mankind the way to Me; The ultimate Reality. Teach the right contemplation of Truth, prevent them from going on the wrong path. Guide them to my door, my Son
  4. interesting.. look forward to hearing it.
  5. I wanted to share this beautiful sakhi of love with rest of sangat. it shows that true love towards God is all that counts in the end. it is from Bhai Gurdass's vaaras: A brahman would worship gods (in the form of stone idols) where Dhanna used to graze his cow. On seeing his worship, Dhanna asked the brahman what he was doing. “Service to the Thakur (God) gives the desired fruit,†replied the brahman. Dhanna requested, “O brahman, if you agree kindly give one to me.†The brahman rolled a stone, gave it to Dhanna and thus got rid of him. Dhanna bathed the Thakur and offered him bread and buttermilk. With folded hands and falling at the feet of the stone he begged for his service to be accepted. Dhanna said, “I will also not eat because how can I be happy if you are annoyed.†(Seeing his true and loving devotion) God was forced to appear and eat his bread and buttermilk. In fact, innocence like that of Dhanna makes the sight of the Lord available.
  6. Gurfateh ji. i just heard that searchgurbani.com has translated all parts of the Bhai Gurdass Vaara from 1.pauri to the 40. Then i remembered the 41. pauri that was allegedly written by a Gurdass in the times of Guru Gobind Singh, and i would like to know if there are any translatations on this, and what these vaars deal with? is there any controversy regarding them.
  7. very disturbing to see that the "Granth" is not called Guru in this book as it reinforces the belief of naamdharis, that Guru Granth Sahib is not called Guru in any writings prior to Singh Sabha. the mentioning of meat makes it sound like it is a nihang amrit ceremony
  8. being a member of the panth.. the opposite would be a thanakah
  9. according to Mcleods analysis the meaning of Sehajdhari is actually a person that follows the spiritual aspect(piri) of Sikhism, but has not adopted the psycichal appereance yet... Nanakpanthi is another name they are given if i correct,as they have not adopted the rehit of Guru Gobind Singh yet, even though they practice naam with sensere devotion..
  10. the mentioning of killing ones dad was only an example, and i also mentioned beating up ones wife, worshipping several Gods etc etc. the main theme was: How can one commit these acts, and still be a member of the brotherhood, whereas if one cuts his hair he is out?
  11. what is the incident of the pirs grave? i have never heard of this. on a side-note it should be said that neither the rehitnama of Bhai Desa Singh, Bhai Nand Lal, Bhai Prahlad rai nor bhai daya singh mentions anything about the word "thankha"... it is only to be found in the rehitnamas of Bhai Chaupai singh.
  12. I've read the book and it is awesome, i recommend it for everyone to read. He talks about the Khalsa being the inner-circle of the devotees sorounding the Guru, the elite of men given speciel rights and knowledge, whereas the non-initiated are still followers of the Guru, but they are not a part of his inner circle, they are the Sehaj Dharis on their way towards Maharaj. He also acknowledges the fact that our Matas name was not Kaur as most people today write, and he mentions and analyses the Sehajdharis role througout sikh history and their rehitnama Wajib Ul Arz. One could argue however, that Guru Gobind Singh calls them his "khalsa" in refference to them having taken Charan di pahul, or simply because these sikhs are under his guidance as there are no masands in between.. This is the argument that people on sikhsangat use in Guru Maharaj calling non-singhs his khalsa
  13. thank you matheen. now killing ones father or worshipping idols, beating up your wife, stealing and cheating is not one of the Bujjar kurehits, so what is the importance of labeling haram halal hajamat hukah as Bujar Kurehit, if you'll still become a tankhana by doing these other mentioned things?
  14. people are still not answering the question. if i take amrit, and i beat up my wife and worship several Gods, am i still considered a member of the Brotherhood, or am i a tanakhana then?
  15. i'll try again: If a man beats up his wife worships several gods, cheat, lies and steals, is he still a member of the brotherhood? Technically he has not violated any of the 4 Bujar kurehits so the answer must be yes haina? or as kavita said.. if a man eat a kebab he is a manmukh, but if he kills his own wife he is still considered a member of the pure elite?
  16. i find it very od that a person can start to worship several Gods, statues, beat up his wife and commit other sins even in public, and still claim to be member of the Brotherhood because he technically has not violated any of the Bujar Kurehit. he can commit all kinds of illegal actions, sins etc, and still me a member of the brotherhood of the Pure ones, the elected and chosen ones. this kinda lowers the status and importance of this brotherhood, as it can have the most horrible members who can argue that they are still members of this brotherhood. Khalsa mera roop hai khaas, I am manifested in the Khalsa. i find this to be very od as the Khalsa brotherhood possibly can consist of thugs, murderes thieves and pimps.
  17. excelent post mekhane, i agree with everything you are saying, but this is not the point im trying to make. shaheediyan : According to the rehit of the Khalsa. if a person breaks any of the 4 bujar kurehits he is not a member of the Khalsa, but what if one steals, lies, beats up his wife, worships several gods, forgets his nitnem etc.. technically he is still a member of the khalsa as he has not breaken any of the 4 bans..
  18. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh. Say a man takes amrit and enters the brotherhood of the Khalsa, then he is considered an amritdhari right? There ar 4 Bujar Kurehits that a man can commit to get banned from the Khalsa. Eating Halal Meat, Adultary, Smoking tobacco and cutting his kesh. now lets say that this man starts fights in the Gurdwara, he starts to steal and cheat others, he lies all the time, he beats up his wife and worships several gods, and stops his nitnem. is he still considered a member of the Brotherhood? He has not broken any of the 4 bujar kurehits?
  19. In the beginning of Chaubis Avatar, it is also stated that whenever there is Tyrani, The Lord will manifest himself
  20. According to many sources, Guru Gobind Singh will return to earth at the end of Kalyug and destroy all tyrants and tyrani in order to create Satyug
  21. I personally do not think that Hajamat and Hookah are limited to a ban on cutting kesh and smoking the pipe. I think these are universal "bans and messages" and they can change over time.. I consider the ban on hookah as a symbol of a ban on adopting the lifestyle of your opressor. The bani of Guru Nanak clearly criticize hindus for having adopted the lifestyle of muslims, and i think that this is what Maharaj banned his sikhs, as the Hookah was a muslim invention. in a larger scale i would think this also meant that sikhs during britiish raj were forbidden to adopt the lifestyle of the british, wearing their clothes, joining their army and using their instruments of kirtan etc.. Guru Gobind Singh clearly says that aslong as the khalsa remains disticnt, i will give them my power. the Hajamat is not limited to a ban on cutting kesh only, but means that the sikh should stand out at all times.. imagine a man created a religion tommorow and calls it "chariism" and orders his followers to wear dastaar and long beard and they grow to milions in number througout Punjab and rest of india... how will people know the difference between these men and the khalsa? i therefore think that a sikh at these times are allowed to change their psychchal appereance to look distinct once again as they did in the times of the Gurus. maybe not by cutting their kesh, but by giving other kakaars or different appereance, and hereby making it is a bujar kurehit to remove these items as it is bujar kurehit to cut kesh. i also think this is why Guru Maharaj gave Gurgaddi to the Panth, to make sikhi an everlasting religion not limited to the days back in 17.century.
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