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Everything posted by amardeep

  1. Heavens and earths are numerous. Prophets, saints, avatars, and sidhas have attained perfection through devotion to God. And everyone who strives in the worship of God, by whatever path he wishes, becomes a favourite of God. The means of (attaining) proximity to God is no-injury to any living being. Be righteous then you become freed (saved). Righteousness from you (shall bring to you) success from God.11 where is this shabad to be found it the Guru Granth Sahib? i have never come across this before
  2. with the second coming of Guru Gobind Singh maharaj
  3. He translated the entire Guru Granth Sahib into Arabic and send it to Midle eastern sangat. Somewhere i heard that it was burned during the sovjet invasion of Afghanistan where it was located...
  4. his reason is love.. why does he need to explain.. love is unexplainable..
  5. Bahadur ji could you please tell us your understanding of the Haram, Halal, Hajamat and Hookah. Haram halal means forbidden/permissable what does it mean for one that enters the Khalsa. does it mean that he is not allowed to do what is forbidden and permissable according to his old religion or? if that is the case, and sikhi does not have a sharia, what sharia is one supposed to follow, if you give it up when entering the fold of the Khalsa. and another thing. what is the english word for hajamat? is it uncut kess, or does it have another meaning such as "look distinct from others"
  6. three mudre: Kesh, Kirpan and Kechara.. The three mudre are mentioned in Sri Sarbloh Granth, whereas 5 kakaars are not mentioned anywhere untill 19.century. Bahadur Ali Singhs research has made him conlue that these three items originiate from shia chivalry orders.
  7. I think Javanmard has raised some excellent questions on the concept of Sikhi in regards to: -the true definition of Haram Halal -The lack of systems regarding economic, state affairs etc(a sharia is missing) and hereby going on to Whether Sikhi was really intended to be a religion, or rather a spiritiual level for hindues,muslims christians and others to join. etc...
  8. what is the role of the Bhagats, if they are not "sikhs" of the Guru? I always thought that, even though Maharaj had not manifested yet, Bhagat Kabir, Bhagat Ramanand, Baba Fareed etc were all Sikhs of GUru Nanak in the sence that he enlightened them by his powers, as the sun also warms up the earth even though it is hidden by the clouds
  9. very interesting neo.. So tell me, was Guru Nanak not the Guru of Kabir? Since Kabirs bani talks about playing the game of love and givin ones head, i assumed Guru Nanak was his Guru, as well as he mentions the Sikhs of the Guru..
  10. who are the sanyasis and brahmchariyas ? very interesting indeed..
  11. i hope to hear more about the issue of charan di pahul after 1699 by other members such as javanmard(shamsher), niranjana, tsingh, neo singh etc. i'll try to find the rehatnames in the meanwhile
  12. Some rehitnamas seem to indicate that Charan di pahul was still in existence AFTER 1699, hereby having a clear distinction between the sants, and the sant-sipahis Sau sakhi: Hear me, my khalsa. spiritual liberation is is obtained by initiation based on the uncut hair. this can be either by the excelent initiation of Khande di pahul, or the foot wash variety (charan ki jugah) The initiation the first 9 Gurus gave was the initiation to the Sant, whereas Guru Gobind Singh added the sword hereby creating his soldiers. i thought that maybe Shaheed Bhai Taru Singh and other non-militarian sikhs had taken charan di pahul from Maharaj, hereby having the name Singh, and still being an amrit dhari?
  13. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh. Lately there has been various discussions on this board regarding the origins of the Khalsa amrit sanchaar, and most of us have agreed that the purpose of creating the Khalsa was to create a warrior group to fight opression. Guru Gobind Singh in his fatehnama clearly states that it is a warrior group when he says: Now by the grace of the Lord, I have made the water of steel (Amrit for my warriors) which will fall upon you like a torrent And with this (torrent of Amrit), your sinister kingdom will vanish from this holy land without a trace Mcleod in his "Sikhs of the Khalsa" also concludes that the early khalsa was strictly a military unit to fight the opressors, and only men were allowed to join this brotherhood. But after talking to different sikhs, i have been told that many of the shaheeds of the sikh panth were NOT warriors even though they took amrit. Bhai Taru Singh is one of these who did not join a military jatha. So the question is; If the khalsa was not strictly a 100% percent brotherhood for warriors, then what was it? What was the overall purpose of creating the Khalsa, and what is the duty of a amrit dhari in todays world when it comes to the chivalry aspect of it. and also, is the famous sakhi of Shaheed Baba Deep Singh loosing his hands and carrying it on his palms an oral tradition, or is it to be found in early sikh or non-sikh sources ?
  14. according to islam the woman will have to wait 2-3 months before she can do muta again(in order to ensure that she has not gotten pregnant) The misyar has no roots in Islam and is a later invention, it is not to be found in the sunnah nor in the Quran, as is Muta.
  15. the rehitame must be a sharia then, since it deals with public law etc. not as wide as the islamic sharia, but still a sharia
  16. i agree.. bring back javanmard and ban all of those sharia sikhs described in maha kharags excelent post!! all they do is to bring sikhi down to an animal level and all they know about sikhi is rules and external appearence..
  17. I know the Truth as my supreme guide, I would sacrifice myself in his way, I was born yesterday, I will die today, Come, whoever would die, here is the arena.
  18. "my country is better than yours" buu wuuu what a lame debate
  19. on Page 62 in Mcleods Sikhs of the Khalsa, it says that it was Kesar Singh Chibar that declared the Dasam Granth Guru in 1769 and from then and onwards it was considered the Guru and given equal respect as that of the Guru Granth Sahib..
  20. I dont know why, but i always have chills when i read Bani of Maharaj where he either mentions the Khalsa, or the word "Singhs". It makes everything so special and gives you a personal relationship with Maharaj as the caring father that nurtures his children.
  21. this is not meant as a provokative question, but what is it that makes the Uggardanti so speciel, and where is it to be found? In the Sarbloh Granth or?
  22. its a shame that the panth has covered the jewel of gurmat with mud and filth. i thought the four sampardayas were a bit decent atleast, sounds like they are not..
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