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Everything posted by tonyhp32

  1. Millions of fake marriages? Really you're are the dumbest Hindu on the web.
  2. You arsewipe read what I wrote and not what you think I wrote. The British did grab hold of Jerusalem in 1917, They colonised the Muslim world along with the French and the Dutch. If The Mongol destruction of Baghdad saved Europe why didn't it save India as well?
  3. Well the word Hindu does mean a lot of negative things like Black, Slave etc maybe Hindu should now also mean fool as well. Gaurav se kahin hum HIndu hain!
  4. Much as I like to show a Hindu his dumbness, I don't have the time to educate you. The forefathers of the Italians, the Romans ruled most of Europe for over 600 years. The Muslims only ruled Spain for about 700 years and parts of the Balkans for 400 years. The rest of Europe was able to hold off the Muslims and with superior technology colonise the Muslim world. Too bad the Hindus who make tall claims of having invented everything did not use this genius to hold of the Muslims.
  5. Wow one might think you are proud of Punjab until you remember that you are the harami who wanted the Bhayyas to take over Punjab. Looks like the Punjabi Hindus wants any master as long as they are not Sikhs! British did not change the social status of the Jats, Banda Singh Bahadur and the Misls changed the status of the Jats. The buttons and toilet were to shows that the ancestors of the so-called sophisticated Hindus of the East were probably half naked and shytting in the open when our ancestors have flush toilets.
  6. Dumb Hindus just can't get India out of their brains, Sanskrit, Latin and Greek are descended from Proto-Indo European which is a language which seems to have either come from Central Asia or the Caucasus. Sanskrit is no mother to European languages, it is mother to some North Indian languages. Like I wrote the Italians don't need to brag about what a great history they had. Had the Hindus had a history like the Italians ruling over most of the Western world rather than as they have of being slaves to Muslims for a thousand year can you imagine how annoying these scum would have been.
  7. You dumb Hindu. How is the decimal system yours! All of Europe uses the Latin alphabet but you don't have Italians brag about it. People who are achievers in real life don't need to keep on harking back to some golden age just to achieve some level of self esteem. Just to show how ridiculous your claim is. Buttons were first worn by the Indus valley civilisation which was mainly a Punjabi-Sindhi culture. So Hindu stop using OUR BUTTONS! If that's not ridiculous enough STOP USING OUR TOILETS as these were also developed in the Indus Valley Civilisation when your poorbia ancestors were still grunting and living in filth,
  8. Sikhs are in the habit of shouting from the roof tops just because just because a Sikh has achieved something. You won't get Bull$hit emails sent around like the Hindus do about '50% of scientists at Nasa are Indians' Just to know how many Jat scientists there are I did a google search on Jat surnames and the word scientist. Seems like there are thousands of them as the results for just Sandhu surname shows. https://www.google.co.uk/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=IRAuVIuzIO6q8wf13YGoDw#q=sandhu+scientist&spell=1 The only way to gauge compare Hindus and Sikhs is by comparing the two according the last census in India. Sikhs have a higher rate of literacy than Hindus, have the lower gender gap in literacy than Hindus, Sikhs consistently outperform Hindus in all areas. Now for the most important statistic of the 7000 odd Indians who die of hunger each day, how many do you think are Sikhs? This is omething that Hindus need to be ashamed of, I would guess nearly 100% of these Indian dying would be HIndus. No amount of 'Hindu this' 'Hindu that' can change that fact. Seems like these 7000 Hindus don't see any benefit of Bahman scientists.
  9. Sikhs are doing well in the west and showing their potential. In the UK higher percentage of Sikhs own their own houses than Hindus do. If a few Sikhs take part in the drugs you malign a whole community, so will you also accept that Hindus take part in white collar crime on wall street like Raj Rajatratnam and Rajat Gupta? Seems like the Hindus are bringing their gand to the west Here the other types of fraud that Hindus indulge in http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/10905922/Businessman-jailed-for-fraud-after-faking-own-death.html http://www.rediff.com/news/report/indian-american-millionaire-jailed-for-2-years-over-medical-fraud/20140211.htm Here's a Hindu doing what they do best, hera pheri in one of Hong Kong's largest fraud case http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1299110/lawyer-hong-kongs-biggest-fraud-case-sentenced-12-years-jail Another popular fraud that shows how low down Hindus can be in the west is healthcare fraud. That's defrauding money out of the heathcare system in the US. Directly taking money from those who are sick or dying. You would think these Hindu scum don't believe in karma or something! Looks like these Hindus just can't keep their hands out of the cookie jar! Here are some of the leading lights of this type of fraud http://www.ndtv.com/topic/healthcare-fraud
  10. When the government is full of criminals and the PM is culpable in the murder of thousands of people do you really expect these schemes to get rid of corruption?
  11. As is goes the dog seems to be best looking Hindu bridegroom I've seen in all the Hindu weddings I have been to.
  12. You can hardly expect the truth from a Hindustani, much less a Hindustani MP and even less so a Congress MP who was a part of who oppressive and criminal govt that murdered thousands of Sikh youth. Sherni is not really the smartest Hinduani here is she?
  13. Most of the western media didn't even cover the Gujju in NY. It was the Indian media and the NRIs wanting some political influence with the new govt. Here's a clip which shows you can take the Gujju out of the slum but you can't take the slum out of the Gujju! May da farse be widh yoo
  14. You must be looking upwards considering the BS you've come up with here.
  15. Wow Jats are stupid and the Indians so clever yet the Jats don't starve to death but 7,000 Indians do every day! I would take your tribute to Indian ingenuity more seriously if there weren't 7,000 Indians dying everyday.
  16. The report is full of anecdotal quotes about Jats are claims that such and such village is Jat dominated and the female ratio is low. The only data that the report yields actually shows the opposite of what you have claimed. Rural Punjab has a higher sex ratio than the urban areas. There has no studies done based on the caste so until that is done then the jury is out. The report claims that Jats have always had a low female ratio and then uses that to reach the conclusion that the Jats today are also responsible for the low female ratio. The report states that Jats had a female ratio in 1931 was 802:1000 but if we see other castes ratios theses were Hindu Rajputs 789:1000. Brahmins 820:1000 Khatris 819:1000. If you think that lower castes were immune, then think again. Chamars 854:1000, Chuhras 837:1000. Even Dal Duggu's Tarkhans could only manage 834:1000. So either every caste was taking part in female infanticide or because of discrimination against females, they tended to die earlier.
  17. Again the Hindu proves what a fool he is! Dumba$$, I lived in Punjab upto 1975 and did my studying in the UK and have lived here since then. You thought you had proved that I am a Pakistani when all you did was prove what a fool you are.
  18. Jat bashing again by the Bahman! Lets dissect another uniquely Hindu trait which I like to call Hindu Bull$hit. Myth 1: Jats responsible for female foeticide. Jats form the majority of the rural areas of Punjab. The male female ratio in rural Punjab in 2011 was 907:1000 that is for unparh Bahman moorkahs means there were 907 females for every 1000 males in rural Punjab. For the urban areas it was 875 females for 1000 males. The complete opposite of what the Bahman myth maker would have us believe. I am not denying that female foeticide did not occur but all classes of people indulged in this disgraceful behaviour, even Bahmans indulged in it. But to try and portray this as something that just the Jats do is the hight of idiocy. Myth 2: The Putt Jattan de culture was created by Jats This is the result of urban filmmakers of the 1980s making films that would appeal to the rural audience. Punjabi films never do well in the urban areas mainly due to the inherent hatred of the urban Hindus for the Punjabi language. So Punjabi film makers make films for rural audiences and so they follow the majority culture of rural Punjab. Even traditional folk singers who are mainly non-Jat sing of the majority culture of the rural areas which has the agriculturalist at it's hub. As for the Kharkoos, none pi$$ed in their pants as the Bahman myth maker would like us to believe. When faced with the Police and Army they fought like lions. These Kharkoos were not only Jats but came from all classes of Punjabi society. Even many Pandit boys from rural areas joined the Kharkoo ranks and proved that when given a just cause that even Pandits need not emulate their cowardly ancestors as the Bahmans on here do and that they can fight like lions just as the rest of the Kharkoos did. Read the somewhat pro-India biased article of this-; http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/hindu-youths-join-hands-with-sikh-militants-in-punjab-leave-police-baffled/1/306535.html Myth 3: Chasm between 'sister' communities created by Jats This is another example of Hindu bull$hit. The two communities were never sister communities. I think the Bahman is a victim of the GOI and Doordarshan propaganda as examplified by film serials of the 1980s and 1990s and the oft repeated example of the eldest son of a Hindu family being a Sikh etc. The above were never the norm but belonged to a particular area of Punjab - the Pothohar area to which the chief propagandists of these examples belonged such as Khushwant Singh who used the example of one area of Punjab as if this was the norm in the whole of Punjab. In the core Sikhs areas of Majha-Doaba-Malwa there was no such thing as 'sister' community relationship between Sikhs and HIndus. In Pothohar due to the parchar of Baba Khem Singh Bedi the non-Muslims of Pothohar were either Keshdhari Sikhs, Sehajdhari Sikhs and Hindus. The roti-beti relationship was mainly between the Keshdhari Sikhs and the Sehajdhari Sikhs. The raising of the eldest son as a Sikh mainly happened when a childless Hindu couple or a couple who only had daughters would seek the blessings at Sikh shrines in the region for a son and would vow to raise that son as a Sikh. If a son was born then he would be raised a Sikh but any other sons that came along would be raised as Hindus or Sehajdhari Sikhs as no vow had been made for their birth. What really clinches the issue is that no couple ever made a daughter born after the vow was made and say a daughter was born, they did not raise her as a Sikh!
  19. Typical attempt to deflect blame from the Indian govt allowing millions to die of starvation so that Hindustani fascists like you and Sherni can indulge in some jingoistic pride.
  20. Dumbass Hindu. I am a Sikh. Neo can confirm who I am having known him online for over a decade. Pretending to be what they are not is a uniquely Hindu trait. I mean where else do you get a Hindu with a name like Sher, if that's not a Hindu pretending to be something he is not then I don't know what is.
  21. On a side note, while living in Punjab in the early 1970s we used to use the above verse and place various peoples name in there. It is from the times of the Misls when anyone could set himself as a Sardar and gather a few men and some weapons and become the Sardar of the locality. Surprising in the 1980s in college I came across a Muslim Sindhi who also knew the above verse which might show how great the influence of the Misls had become as their organisation was known outside the borders of Punjab.
  22. The statement above shows the difference between the Hindu mind and the Sikh mind. Bowing to the Creator is not the same as marrying Fido in the hope your life will change for the better! and on the daily mail website someone posts what everyone would have thought of when they first read this story
  23. Don't know who the vichola was but the bahman presiding in this disgusting ceremony was Sherni
  24. People caught in desperate situations have to make these kind of choices. Do you really want to discuss prostitution here? Maybe you might want to read about the Temple prostitutes in India? How about the brothels in Mumbai? Kharku - calm down man. I know that Dal Duggu is a tarkhan loser who wishes he was a Jat, probably bahman sherni wishes the same as well but don't let these losers make you lose your cool.
  25. All I can say to that is, what a heartless bast*ard you are. You are ok with a govt spending millions on a jingoistic space mission while 7,000 if its citizens die of hunger. No one dies in the UK from hunger whereas as 7,000 people do everyday in India. If you want to compare the Gurdwaras to the Indian govt, well every day hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are fed by Gurdwaras around the world. No one dies of hunger where there is a local Gurdwara. How many langars does the Indian govt have? You are right there are foodbanks in the UK as well as soup kitchens so how many are there in India? The fact is that the Indian govt has enough money and resources to eliminate hunger in India. It chooses not to because it is more concerned with pursuing an egotistical dream of becoming a superpower which it will never become. Now think again of what I wrote in my previous post. 7,000 Indians will die again today and everyday from now from hunger. Rather than agreeing with me that the Indian govt needs to fight hunger you are more concerned with showing The internet was created in the west and did not entail the govts of the west prioritising this technology against feeding their hungry. No one died of hunger so that the internet could be created. Disparities exist in all countries, but people do not starve because a small percentage in the west have the most wealth. I am writing about people dying of hunger not about disparities of housing stock ownership. Wow what a great response! The Chinese should also be doing more about their poverty problem just as the Indian govt should. The poverty rate is 7% in China which is about 97M people. It India 270M live below the poverty line. One the few statistics that Indian beats the Chinese hands down.
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