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Everything posted by chatanga1

  1. what if it was a Sikh theocracy? would you feel different?
  2. its an iteresting read BUT... i know that you wish to add something to that Zulu. I dont think its that good at all actually and there are some errors in it as well. I think it is just like polar opposite of the Snatan side, this time coming from the akj mentality. I mean, we all know that what Sikhi is about today is not what it was over 100 years or so years ago, but to explain some of the different aspects, the writer has chosen to blame hindus bringing their old customs with them, etc, than thinking about what these customs had to do with sikhi. does anyone know whether he failed his academic year? and this line : The Akhand Kirtanee Jatha of present times also compares well to the descriptions given of the original Sikhs . just made me laugh. a lot.
  3. Guru Sahib also says "you are the fish and the fisherman..." in Sri Raag. Now the way i see this is that everything in Sargun is the avtar of Waheguru, from the seas to the mountains, from amoeba to elephants, and the list of Ram Chander, Krishan etc, are not in any way any more avtars of Waheguru, thsn I or any other human/living/on-living thing is. I think Dasam Guru makes it clear in Bachitar Natak, all of this. Also i think that this talk is confusing and muddles new-comers.
  4. no, im saying that there is no vaishnav influence that is more discerning than any other influence on Gurmat.
  5. well done for typing in "vashnavism" into sikhitothemax and then copying and posting the results here. it would be better if you wre actually able to understand them. Guru Ji has in no way said that vaishnavism is elevated, they as with the muslims talk of what it is like to be a true muslim, tell of what it is like to be a true vaishnav. But again for your agenda, you have taken the Gurus words and twisted them to suit yourself. You have just tried to do what the muslims do, to try and project gurmat as a vindication of islam being the truth. and failed as they did.
  6. Vaishnavism is not the primary philosophy in Gurbani, you only spout this rubbish because there are SOME similarities between Gurmat and vaishnavism, but there are just as many dis-similarites between Gurmat and vaishnavism that you should take care to read. This is why you will never succeed here, your understanding of Gurbani is based on it being an extension of Vaishnavism, whereas our Gurus entertained no such ideas, indeed such ideas being redundant in Kalyug. And you need to understand Gurbani on the antreev meanings rather than take literal meanings that use the words, "vishnu...ram...hari...gopal..."etc, and use them for your misguided agenda.
  7. i dont know why but m hodge came across as a shallow cheap cow to me, only really bothereing to do anything once it became apparent that there was a threat to her seat in parliament.
  8. a very interesting article. good find amardeep. here is a little passage from some sikh women living in iran : "Wearing a scarf over your head each time you step out of your home and keeping one’s hair covered is rather cumbersome but one gets used to it by and by. That is the custom and things have markedly improved on the dress code front, thanks to the progressive Iranian women," say Sikh women.
  9. hold on geezer everyone is different physically so recognise that. i do eat properly FYI so i know your remark is BS. what do you think that cravings are unnatural or wrong?
  10. well, i have seen many replies to the topic i started a few moons ago, but i think that some people missed the point, and the one person i wanted to reply never did - Zulu, it was you who said that whoever wishes to live a warrior life could eat meat, but you never advanced your view further. maybe now is the time? in terms of gurmat, a warrior is a person who fights battle every day against 5 chor. gurbani says also this person who defeats 5 pehlwaan is a soorma. anyone who has defeated the 5 chor is a warrior in the physical sense also, as he has lost the moh of this world. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehla: He alone is called a warrior, who is attached to the Lord's Love in this age. Through the Perfect True Guru, he conquers his own soul, and then everything comes under his control. ||1|| Now how does one attach themselves to the Lord's love? Is it by staying in Waheguru's Bhana?
  11. good answer, followed by a snide remark, unbreakable ji? speaking from personal experience only, i was non-veg for 17 years, during which i felt myself grow spiritually, but in the last 3 years since i took amrit, i havent eaten meat, but have definitely not felt or noticed any spiritual advance ment at all. what i have noticed since taking amrit is the change physically, in that my weight has gone from about 85kg to 70kg, and since avoiding meat in my diet, i have probably every day felt hungry. I definitely am weaker physically.
  12. yeh but i ay paying 60 dollars for one. there are sum cheaper ones but i dont know if they will fit on my machine, becos they are a differet make.
  13. i need to get a socket 939 motherboard for my broken comp. the serial on the existing motherboard also says ms 7168, do i need to get a mobo with this number on it or does one 939 mobo fit all comps regardless of make/model? appreciated.
  14. well i'll start you off. this comes at the end of Chandi Charitar in Dasam Guru. The male name is Shiv, and the female name is Shiva. However for some reason certain texts have the suffix "a" at the ends of their names, ie Krishn, is written Krishna, Ganesh is Ganesha. why this is written like this i dont know, but Shiv is written as Shiva in Dasam Guru. No Hindu calls Shiv Ji "Shiva Ji". This is one of the reasons this first mistake is made, in thinking that Guru Ji is refering to Shiv Ji.
  15. So was Gurbani from Dhur? or from the Gurus themselves? If it was from Dhur as Guru states, then in what way was it influenced? Bro maybe you can explain why Bhagwaan Sri Vishnu had to take multiple births to save Dharma, rather than the warrior saroop of Akaal, Bhagwaan Shiv Ji? And the Samprdayes do not think of Guru Ji talking invoking Shiv Ji in the context of Deh Shiva... but Chandi.
  16. what if a person doesnt have to use a weapon like a sword as such, but he is a good fighter. does that make him a warrior? In terms of Gurmat.
  17. amardeep, what about those who wield the pen? why is only knowledge of the sword neccessary?
  18. In another topic, it was mentioned that only those who live the warrior lifestyle should eat meat. So what is a warrior in gurmat?
  19. it all depends on the individual on how eating meat affects their spirituality.
  20. I dont make a living off the vidya no, but my ustad does, but it doesnt bother me in the slightest that he is a Namdhari, like it wouldnt bother me if he were a Hindu or Muslim either. And Jagjit Singh is not the only holder of this Vidya. I didnt feel or see any insult, so you dont need to apologise. Why has it come down to the knowing of names ?
  21. Dont equate Gurmat Parchaar or Shabd Guru parchaar as being automatically anti-dehdhari parchaar. Whats so special about Jagjit Singh that someone would desire to meet him? That he's in a long line of pretenders? And it was the 10 Gurus of sikhi that said bani is the satGuru. if anyone says otherwise, then they are lying.
  22. Hold on bro. Sant Jarnail Singh visited your dera in Hissar, which if im not mistaken is the 2nd biggest place you have. While he was there he invited the local Sant-Khalsa to come to Mehta Chowk to do kirtan. To say that he never cared to meet any Sant-Khalsa prominent or not, is false. The tonnes of misinformation that is about, is mainly of people claiming to be Guru's, holding the Jyot that Guru Nanak held, including the ones you call your guru. even radha swamis say that Guru Nanak passed on gurgaddi to their guru. why should we beleive you over them?
  23. Ok, so Ive found out that the name of the pehlvaan was Meeda, and in 1947, he led a mob to try and burn down Baba Deep Singh Gurdwara. He was killed by a Dhadi by the name of Udham Singh Nagoke.
  24. No these individuals did not exist on all sides. They existed in the Muslim side and were created in the Sikh side. Even after the massacre of Sikhs in Hazara, and then Rawalpindi, no Sikhs started any action against muslims, it was only in aug the Sikhs took revenge. The muslims were driven into a frenzy by muslims, and the sikhs were driven into a frenzy by muslims. And actually, i have spoken to sikhs who have admitted to killing muslims, but again this was because of what was happening across the border. I would not say that those sikhs were wrong, because i dont know what i would have done in the same situation. But i kinda get a feeling of what you would have done shaheediyan ji.
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