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Everything posted by Ragmaala

  1. Thanks for the tip veer ji, will def keep it in mind. I didn't have that problem since then, it seemed to get better on its own, so thats good. But it was def. v uncomfortable at that time.
  2. Between 12 to 6 is considered Amritvela, roughly.
  3. I have not heard the water flowing sounds only the insects/ringing. Once Swami Rama was sitting besides river Ganges and he mentioned how the flowing ganges sound is a perennial sound and very meditative. So indeed its an important sound along the journey. Also, the spinning/ nausea sensation has been better. It was probably a combination of mental stress and oversleeping.
  4. Before you watch this video please set your bias aside. Listen with open mind and be like a bee who extracts nectar from various flowers . Just replace the words Radha, Krishan ji with waheguru and Guru Nanak ji. His words have sweetness and a great magnetism , one can feel that Naam is pargat inside him. I have not come across any hindu mahapurush like him. The summary of video is importance of continuous Naam repetition while sitting, walking, eating etc. He explains that Nirantar Bhajan is very importany and many other subtle jugtis on how to tackle mind. Waheguru Ji. Hope the abhiyasis can benefit.
  5. I think Dasam Bani has this effect. I noticed vibrations in heart area once only when doing Brahm Kavach path. In the last two months, my spirituality has declined. @Sat1176@Mooorakh @Lucky Just yesterday, my ringing/insect sounds increased but I had this spinning sensation, headache , nausea and vomited several times. I couldn’t do anything else not even look at phone. So I was just focusing on breath. I also overslept that day and maybe that had a role in it ? Have you guys noticed any connection between increased ringing and dizziness/nausea. Even right now i feel slight sensation of spinning and some ringing. Uncomfortable feeling. Thanks.
  6. A very subtle detail...first time I noticed a little vibration for a minute just near the xiphoid process, maybe the beating of heart. The previous sounds are still present in 1/10. Even though the mind is scattered its the grace of the GURU JI that he is making me hear these. Maybe he is trying to tell me I am with you, keep going
  7. Life situations have taken a toll on Naam Japa. Havent done japa in 10 days and i am really starting to see its effects. I started studying for an exam. Studying took away time from Simran. I felt bad and I was neither able to study properly nor do simran. Not doing simran is making the mind to go back to its old grooves. Studying really increases the treguni thoughts which drag the mind even down. I know our every Karam should be bhagti but its so hard to actually execute in practical life.
  8. Tiger Skin is only for those Mahanpurush Karak Avtars who are sent and certified by Nirankar Ji themselves to perform certain duties in this world. Its one of the highest representation and symbolism of Shakti and Bhagti. Bhagti sitting on Shakti,i.e. Bhagti with full control over Shakti. Shakti is the creative form of Nirankar Ji. Dusht Daman ji also used tiger skin during their meditations, and even helped A form of Shakti to fight against Demons, by manifesting many tigers from the Tiger Skin. Sitting on a tiger has way advanced symbolism than our minds can comprehend. Tiger is also the mind that we have to kill in order to meet Nirankar ji. .. Guru Granth Sahib ji mentions that Bhagat Kabir ji also used deer skin as his asana. Having said the above, what does it mean for a common householder like you and me ? We should just acknowledge it and thats it. Skins are not going to do anything for us. For us, a simple clean sheet to sit on or a simple woolen asana should suffice. An asana basically stores your vibrations so it assists in meditation as a beginner. Even if we dont have an asana its ok. More important than anything, TRUE SELFLESS LOVE IS ALL THATS NEEDED IN BHAGTI!
  9. I was calling 712-775-7270(Caroll, Iowa) from Canada. I thought it was free until I received my cellphone bill lol...extra 50 dollars. But its all good. So people from Canada just be aware.
  10. Couple of things : 1) when we take more than 16 pills/ month of codeine, ibuprofen, advil, aspirin, tylenol, naproxen, aleve it actually constricts the blood vessels and causes medication overuse headache or rebound headaches. Neurologists who specialize in headaches do a medication holiday for 4 months for these mentioned meds. But keep taking the meds that you are on. Just make sure not to take lots of codeine...( i worked with a neurologist in past) 2) def. avoid the triggers 3) try this exercise 30 mins am and pm for few weeks. Sit in a comfortable, spine erect, relaxed Position. Relax your face, forehead, arms, back, abdomen, and legs. Now bring your awareness to your nose, nostrils and breath. When the breath goes in focus it going through your nose, and into your forehead. Imagine the cooling sensation going through your nose. Same thing with breath out. No strain on eyes and no strain anywhere else. Relaxed. Try this regularly for few weeks... 4) plus you can try bhramari pranayam. Its good for migraine headaches. Do a search here or on youtube. try 3 and 4, give it sometime, and hopefully it helps .
  11. @Soulfinder Hello veer, What methods or medications have you already tried for migraine headaches ? And how many pills are you taking in a day ? Are there any triggers such as stress or certain foods ? Whats your caffeine intake in terms of coffee and tea ? How long have you had the headaches, and how often are they occurring ? Depending on your answers, lets try some methods for headache relief.
  12. Came across this video , thought i would share it here. Answered many of my questions. Sant waryam singh ji was also the first spiritual teacher of Bhai Simranjit Singh Tohana. Sant Jis bachans are 100% sat and in Gold, if we follow I am sure we can benefit. in the following video, sant ji talks about 4 types of baani. 2 key points that I found were : if one wants to reach somewhere in this janam and does not want next janam then they should do 8-10 hours baikhari baani jaap in initial stages, if one is busy with their work and want to wait till next janam then they should atleast do 2.5 hours baikhari baani as a beginner. May Guru ji bless us all with His Naam Japa
  13. veer ji ! Thanks for your kind words but i am truly no one... I am still full of sins/paaps, Mind still has millions Kamjoris, lots of filth...only Guru Sahb ji can do kirpa.
  14. Listen to videos regarding this on youtube. I really respect Giani Thakur Singh ji, follow what he says and just start I guess. ...meri mat thori raam... I don't really know anything No I haven't been doing this japa recently as it can take away time from Nitnem, and Waheguru Japa...actually whatever Maharaj thinks is best for me he will get it done through me. All the best !!
  15. @moneyandpower Thanks for your brilliant personality analysis of myself. I bow down to you. You have done great service as I feel so much lighter of sins. This was a misunderstanding on your part. I feel silly for defending anyone but for the sake of clarification it was meant to be Brahm, as in universal consciousness. I am no where near a Sant , not even close to their dust, but Guru Ji is samrath if he wants he can do kirpa on this keet and make me a Sant . May your words come true. A forum is supposed to be public imo, so everyone can learn from each other. Its not attention seeking, but I was just ticked off when someone is proudly declaring themself as a womanizer, and considering themselves a Sikh, telling others to do Naam Kamai. Maybe my perception is flawed, but thats what my perception was at the current moment of your post. good. I didnt know I was at the level of the preachers. Thanks for the compliment. Please do elaborate in a separate thread. At the time of registering with this username I was told by a Mahapurush to do jaaps of this path. So in order to imbue this is my daily life, I made this as my username, even my passwords from that period had variations of Ragmala. Also, I am a firm believer in the Baani of Ragmala, so I wanted to make a statement too. You can call it attention seeking, sure. Thanks lol I am neither a sheep nor a wolf...but hopefully Guru Gobind Singh ji can me His Singh, thats my prayers to Him. thanks again. Thats great for you man. Happy for you !
  16. this is a solid advice, i can say from experience!! especially glutes strengthening with glute bridges help so much for sitting long periods of time.
  17. The OP did not even come back to see the storm she created here ...
  18. Good stuff! for now I am sticking to push-ups and squats, 100 reps of each everyday, aiming to increase it slowly.
  19. Are you really serious ? I am saying this because you mentioned that you consider yourself a Sikh and you are saying here that you love womanizing and you are flaunting about your Kshattriya-Jatt heritage ? I am also a Kshatriya-Jatt, so what, that does not mean shit. Since you consider yourself Sikh here are some words of the Guru for you and everyone to reflect upon. Guru Amardas ji says on Ang 112, Dehi jaat na aage jaaye, the body, status and caste will not matter in the afterworld Guru Nanak Sahib says on And 349, jaanho jot na pucho jaati aage jaat na he, see the jot in all , in the afterworld no caste/social status exists… Guru Amardas ji says on Ang 426, bin naave sab neech jaat hai bista ka keeda hoye, without Naam we are all low castes like microbes in shit… ….and as such there are innumerable examples in Gurbani that teach us not to be egoistic or prideful about one’s caste because it does not really matter afterwards. Only those are parvaan who are imbued with Naam. And regarding the Womanizing aspect here are some teachings of the Guru since you consider yourself a Sikh Par triya roop na pekhe netar... do not look at the other's woman with your eyes, Guru Arjan Dev ji mentions in Sukhmani Sahib dekh prayian changian maava dheeyan bhaina jaane ...consider others as your sisters, mothers, and daughters... eka naari jati hoye par naari dhee bhain vakhane... be jati with your own wife and consider others as your daughters and sisters... Guru Gobind Singh ji mentions in Charitropahyan that my father and guru advised me nij naari ke sang nit neh badhyio par naari ke sang bhool supne mein na jayiio... Do not even go to other woman in your sleep ... supne bind na deyi jharna.. Gurbani says dont let your bindu or semen out even in dreams ...those who hug prayi women they are made to hug hot iron pillars in the afterworld... You get the point. There are many countless examples from Gurbani which strongly advise against being a womanizer in order to be a True Khalsa and Sikh. So either you are totally ignorant about the teachings of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, if you are do some introspection since you consider yourself a Sikh. But I feel you are purposely generating controversial statements, trolling, to generate strong reactions for your own entertainment. Whatever the case maybe its my duty, being a Kshatriya lol, Kshatri ko poot haun baman ko nahi, being a Sikh, on a Sikh forum to condemn the concepts of flaunting ones caste in egoisim, and prodly declaring oneself a womanizer while considering oneself as a Sikh.... Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!!!
  20. The colors are due to the various elements...explained extensively on this forum...you should not be focusing on them, open your eyes gently or keep eyelids closed gently, dont strain your eyes, and dont forcefully put pressure anywhere in your body...let gurmantra ji do all the work. listen to simranjit singh tohanas q and a, link is provided in this forum, there are about 167, 99.1% of your present and future questions will be answered with them.
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