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Posts posted by Ragmaala

  1. I found an excellent video regarding beginner question of where to focus while doing simran. Giani Thakur Singh ji asked hansali mahapurush regarding this. Mahapurush said that in the beginning stages people often but focus on various chakras, that is not advisable. Instead one should focus on the dhun of Gurumantra and depending on the adhikar of abhyasi the focus will go where it needs to be gone. Below is the link:


  2. 1 hour ago, Guest PCSJZ said:

    Wjkk wjkf. First time poster so please go easy!

    The last 2 weeks or so i have been hearing the sound exactly as per the clip in the above. I only hear it when doing simran. It starts in the left ear and slowly moves to the right and then both. If i concentrate on the sound it gets to the point where my head starts hurting a little.

    What should i do? Is hearing this sound a good thing? Should i focus on the sound, gurmantar or both?

    wjkk wjkf


    First of all congrats and welcome to forum ! Please try to register if you can. 
    yes these sounds are a great thing and they are the beginning of this spiritual journey...if it hurts your head dont focus too hard on sounds ...try to listen to the gurmantra as much as possible and the sounds will be there in background, 
    I dont want to advise you anything wrong so as I am also in the beginning stages so I would let the more experienced members handle this question.  @Lucky @Sat1176 
    I was told to do sehaj simran , focusing on the waheguru dhun as well as listening to the sounds simultaneously. You can also keep doing antarghat simran and focusing on the sounds. Sounds usually get more noticeable during the antarghat simran.

  3. 4 hours ago, Guest NoFap said:

    Today i started hearing sound current after 6 months again. (It started at (9 AM and still it is going on)

    Also i am having some kundalini symptoms too.

    My body is becoming cold.

    Continuous Buzzing in ears. (it feels like something is on top of my head teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)

    If am leaving my body freely it is started rotating.

    Also lots of vibration happening in full body.

    Enjoying it alot.

    Hope everything stays in control.

    Thats good 👍🏽  You should register here. 

  4. 8 hours ago, Mooorakh said:

    Vaise to it would have been better if @Lucky or @Sat1176   veerji would have answered this for you but ok.. Walking on lucky veerji's steps .. Let me try. But veerji pls stamp it whenever you see this. 

    Sehaj dhunn is the onstep ( door mat) to Naam where you have stepped.. So be happy and feel blessed plus thankful. It exist in everything, everywhere. It's waheguru ji himself. So it had been and will be there always. Now as we sit in sunn it will be our effort towards him say (1-10℅) at that time it will be more clear or change tunes or give vibrations etc but the rest of the time you will hear it whilst your daily regime (  90℅- his Parshaad) - Remember Satguru kot paenda aage hoye laet hai.. .. Sometimes you will feel vibrations very close to your ears - randomly.. Sometimes you may feel a mosquito kind buzz, or bells and other times you may find him far off - a faint sound.  Or gone away altogether. It's like we are starting to learn to walk (a toddler) will fall, then get up, may crawl or hold something and try again - that way

    As you will reach closer the dhun will keep getting sharper, clearer turn to beats, jazz,, vibrating music - naad, tur etc.

    Let's walk learn, wait, hold hands and pray for it together👭 like satsangi sehaliya.. 

    Waheguru ji will surely Bless - the way he is( apna birad samaaley) 


    Thanks @Mooorakh penji 🙏🏽You explained it beautifully, it makes sense. Its present throughout the day but intensity keeps going up and down. Wahgeuru! Baba ji sarean te kirpa karn including this keet . 🙏🏽😊

    @Lucky thanks veer ji 🙏🏽

    you know these little confirmations from you guys help me so much, you guys have no idea.  Waheguru. 

  5. 2 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    I feel like I have to add:

    I just did around 20 minutes of simran, and I have to say: My mindset/mindstate before and after the simran couldn't have been different. This REALLY helps to reset the munh (amongst many things), it really is effective. 

    Give the current situation, I was feeling a bit doom and gloom, but even towards the middle of my simran, I could feel mentally and psychology different. By the end I felt totally different, less apprehensive, more positive - and the differences were very pronounced for me. 

    I'm wondering about the people who sometimes report terrible negative feelings/dreams after simran - so far I haven't had this, and it's always been positive for me.

    Any ideas why all the dark stuff comes up for some people? 

    Thats great man. Keep it up and maybe increase it slowly.  20 mins three times a day  maybe ? Simran is the real medicine for mental, physical and spiritual problems and obstacles. It works in mysterious and incomprehensible ways. 

    I am no expert but whenever we do any sort of cleansing either physically or of the mind, the stink and dust does rise up initially.  So the negative thoughts and dreams can actually be sign of cleansing happening.  Some abhyasis say that even yawning that starts immediately after Simran is a sort of cleansing. 

  6. 9 hours ago, Mooorakh said:

    Yes veer ji this IS SEHAJ DHUN.  Congrats🎉🎊

    Wow thats great to hear 😊such a boost, but I am not in Sunn when hearing this sound. While hearing this sound I can still hear outside sounds.So is it still considered Sehaj Dhunn ? Because I thought your hear sehaj dhunn only in sunn. Or is it just terminology...please do clarify if you know. 🙏🏽 Funny thing, I ended up spending 30 mins watching videos of cicadas lol


    9 hours ago, Mooorakh said:

    But please don't get into pranayam Or aasans Or other experiments.. just keep japping, doing sehaj path and banis. Soon you will progress to drums and beats Or bells 🔔🔔🔔( it's different for each of us) Or may be Amrit.

    All this comes sehaj subhaye as we keep walking on the path. 

    Definitely 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽Thanks for boost.

  7. 6 hours ago, ipledgeblue said:

    IF felt a bit like when an aeroplane is changing levels, it also made me feel a bit sick (I get sick on aeroplanes when changing levels) which was making it difficult to concentrate.

    I am no expert, this is not my personal gyan, I am only going to relay what I have heard in response to similar questions like yours. When that happens  Do not put pressure or strain your eyelids, relax your eyes, or open them if it gets worse.  Do sehaj simran and focus on the sound of Gurmantra. That happens when your awareness goes on certain Nadis in your body. I too suffer from motion sickness and experience the same thing while taking off or landing in planes. 

  8. So after going through the whole thread, I still have a question. What does Sehaj Dhun sound like ? Or is it something you can only know after experiencing ?

    Right now I am experiencing a faint drum/machine type sounds from left side, intermittent whooshing in right side, a constant ringing type high-pitched sound mixed with intermittent cricket/cicada , sunsaan kind of sounds. 

    last night I put my dhyan between the eyebrow, trying to shrink my awareness as small as I could, the ringing type sound got louder and louder, I dont plan to do it again as it can cause strain, just wanted to experiment with it. 

    I also tried doing the Bhramari Pranyama , it did increase the internal sounds but only temporarily. Has anyone tried the Bhramari Pranayama ? I will post a link below:



  9. On 2/27/2018 at 7:26 AM, Ragmaala said:

    yesterday at work .... I randomly started hearing a cricket / tinnitus type sound... it was mainly focused on left ear ...

    even now theres something faint sound in left ear... 

    could it be due to tiredness or khuski or does it mean anything ? 


    On 2/27/2018 at 7:52 PM, Ragmaala said:

    I am gonna pay more attention to it. its still there in my left ear ... v faint... its neither annoying nor pleasing...it doesnt fill my head yet but with practice i think i will update how it goes...

    it only recently started when i was able to japa waheguru at amritvela with gurus grace... thats why i thought it due to tiredness. but i guess its a good sign of keep japping at amritvela.

    wow this was two years ago and I forgot something like this even happened. I was so stupid. If I had continued japping since then I would have been somewhere lol. The ringing sound was def due to japping which I lost or forgot for two years due to not Japping, 

    This is just for my mind so that I never create breaks or let go of Japping 🙏🏽

  10. 12 hours ago, Soulfinder said:

    Veer ji reading your posts have given me a lot of boost and inspiration as its only 2 angs a day but its cos of the punjabi reading issue i can't at the moment but i hope one day i will as i am planning to learn punjabi starting this week.

    That’s awesome veere ! Its all Guru jis grace he works in mysterious ways🙏🏽🙏🏽

  11. When you read pita ji di baani an interesting side effect is that it motivates you to be physically strong and fit. I just worked out a little bit after two week break. Hopefully, Guru ji keeps it up from this body. 
    Good stretching and exercise of legs is needed to stay for long sittings of meditation.Just sharing my random thoughts 💭 

  12. @Soulfinder  

    So taking inspiration from this thread, I had an idea why not start a sehaj path. So I have started reading of Sri Dasam Granth Sahib ji on ipad with a sooksham ardas. And planning to do an hr of reading everyday hopefully 🙏🏽. Just finished 28 angs , which includes about halfway of Akal Ustat. Maharaj is jaani jaan and will forgive this keet for any mistakes.  🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 I am no one to do anything. I am not this body and not this mind, Maharaj gave the furna and maharaj will make it happen to forgive my countless and innumerable Sins. 

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