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Everything posted by Pheena

  1. Pheena


    has anyone seen this movie. i usually don't like to use movies to explore a religion but this one caught my eye, as in the end of the movie it actually states that there was a scroll taht was found written in Aramaic the language of jesus. Throughout the movie the first few lins of the scrolls is repeated andit goes someting like this. "The heaven of god is within you, look under a rock im there, split a piece of wood you will find me" that statment disapproves few concepts in christianity as they refer to god as a Painter to a Painting. That he is not present here but somewhere else in controll. So if anyoen has any more info on what im talking about please do share. Waheguru
  2. Anyone know what the word Aaki means, the last i heard it meant Vikaars??!!??
  3. and now we have a name for it. :mrgreen:
  4. sorry but your conversations was too abstract for me to comprehend...sorry yaar. Maybe you can write the questions more cleary for my dumb chittar.
  5. hhaaha i tried the link u posted truth ji, i typed in Hello and it tells me its Nark (hell).
  6. in that case its not destroying gender, rather mixing them into one. One can easily counterargue that why not make all men into women?? Which is still not the solution. Getting rid of Both meaning Seeing no difference between the 2 is the solution, as they become equal as no gender is greather than the other. One other thought that came into my mind is taht many times i've read the meaning of teh Khalsa which is Pure. Then Guru ji goes on by Giving examples of the Khalsa; ie: Khalsa mayra roop hai, and as your progress further into the examples guru ji gave, from my understanding Khalsa is the Synonym of Guru/God and i think all of us can agree on the fact that there is no gender of God. Khalsa = Pure = Guru = God. Arey they not the Roop of each other??
  7. even if the intention is to create a new gender, i think its impossible to name something that is without its duality. In other words, what would u call that gender that is not male or female, well whatever name you come up with, there will be an opposite, so the Duality will still remain. Khalsa has no gender means it has no gender, simply that, not that there is a 3rd gender which is genderless, its like destroying one set of rules to create another. Pointless. I hope that made sense.
  8. Use/Do that which Works. If kirtan makes you more Receptive to waheguru's anand, then how could that be wrong.
  9. but the purpose of the outer sikhi is to ignite your inner sikhi and/or to symbolize your inner sikhi This goes back to a Doctor is not only considered a Doctor when in a White Coat and a Stethoscope around his neck. He is a Doctor regardless of his outer layer. As you stated, Sikhi Emphasizes on both outer and inner, but the Article proclaims that over time the Outer has gained more Significance than inner.
  10. woops sorry ji, I'll edit the original post. Sorry again. Mulder and Scully are from The X Files the t.v show.
  11. One of the things i hate about india is the beggers. I went a year ago and everywhere we went, there they were. Few time i gave some money to some kids, by the time i turned around there were 20 more kids. Its like what can one do....i give because i take pity upon the kid, but i know that tomorrow hes gona do the same things..and sooner or later its gona turn into his profession. I tried ignoring them but its of no use, how long can one hear their cry. I don't blame them either. I blame the Politician who know that this has become a problem and yet they build their houses worth a million dollars and can't open a Factory to provide jobs for these people. There was this one girl who wouldn't leave us alone so i ignored for a whole 30 minutes. They are so persistant and patient that its unbelievable. They know that sooner or later you will give in and its hard to avoid them by turnin the other cheek. I told her why don't she work, she said, who is going to hire me. I told her to find a job, she said, Why don't you hire me, or find me a job. I was so dumbfounded and the way she said it made it seem like this was her last choice. She is helpless. Later when i thought about it...who would hire them. The people cannot solve the problem, it has grown so much that its out of our hands. The only people who can are the Governers or the Raaj Naytas who run the cities. But i do agree with Lali, that once everyone just stops giving to the begger, they will realize and would be forced to find a job. In General giving them money is like giving a Person addicted to drugs some cocain. it doesn't help them get off it, its feeding them something that they need to get rid of. but i don't know, for me its difficult, even tho i know they have mastered the skill of begging and they may not be talking from their heart. It still the idea of the innocence that these kids have and they will never have a chance in life to grow up and be someone.
  12. damn u could've fooled me with that one..,..btw it hink u might be on to something there..lolll
  13. its pretty hard at first, cause you have to pull the looped string so it is tight, but once you start to tie the knot it becomes loose and that sucks cause then its not tight enough so it falls down again adn again...
  14. .. it took me a very long time to learn how to tie the nala. The darn pajama would keep on falling, but it was all ok cause my bebe was there and she could tie a naala which would last for 3 days..
  15. exactly then who isn't a Sikh?? If you take the literal meaning of a Sikh, Learner, To Learn. The whoever wants to learn is a Sikh. Guru Nanak ji preached the Truth as did Muhammed as did Jesus thru their own perception. But when people hear the word Sikh, they associate that with Religion. If you take a step back every True seeker of the Truth is a Sikh. Maybe its just me, but sikh for me isn't one who wears the 5 symbols, its a big step yes, but not the destination. Its the Devotion, the Heart of a Seeker, the Desire to Seek that one can call himself a Sikh. Nowhere am i limiting the word Sikh to the Religion Sikhism, the Religion of Learners. The Religion of Seekers. An Organized group of Seekers are known as Sikhs, but the word can be attached to anyone who is a seeker. But as Religion has it, the word has become limited to a selected few. Bhul Chuk Maaf Waheguru
  16. what you experienced is only the beginning of endless "Weirdness" you might experience. Don't forget to thank him for whatever he gives. Keep walking sis, sooner or later you will begin to fly on this path, then the sky become the limit. Waheguru
  17. Waheguru, may he bless the ignorent ones with light and give courage to those at the other end of the fist. Waheguru Waheguru
  18. yes i can read Gurmukhi, Details please. Thanks ji.
  19. The first thing I would like to tell you about death is that there is no bigger lie than death. And yet, death appears to be true. It not only appears to be true but even seems like the cardinal truth of life—it appears as if the whole of life is surrounded by death. Whether we forget about it, or become oblivious to it, everywhere death remains close to us. Death is even closer to us than our shadow…. What I wish to say is that it is essential to see death, to understand it, to recognize it. But this is possible only when we die; one can only see it while dying. Then what is the way now? And if one sees death only while dying, then there is no way to understand it—because at the time of death one will be unconscious. Yes, there is a way now. We can go through an experiment of entering into death of our own free will. And may I say that meditation or samadhi is nothing else but that. The experience of entering death voluntarily is meditation, samadhi. The phenomenon that will automatically occur one day with the dropping of the body—we can willingly make that happen by creating a distance, inside, between the self and the body. And so, by leaving the body from the inside, we can experience the event of death, we can experience the occurrence of death. We can experience death today, this evening—because the occurrence of death simply means that our soul and our body will experience, in that journey, the same distinction between the two of them as when the vehicle is left behind and the traveler moves on ahead…. If the shell, the body, and the kernel, the consciousness, separate at this very instant, death is finished. With the creation of that distance, you come to know that the shell and the kernel are two separate things—that you will continue to survive in spite of the breaking of the shell, that there is no question of you breaking, of you disappearing. In that state, even though death will occur, it cannot penetrate inside you—it will occur outside you. It means only that which you are not will die. That which you are will survive. This is the very meaning of meditation or samadhi: learning how to separate the shell from the kernel. They can be separated because they are separate. They can be known separately because they are separate. That's why I call meditation a voluntary entry into death. And the man who enters death willingly, encounters it and comes to know that, "Death is there, and yet I am still here."… In meditation, too, one has to enter slowly within. And gradually, one after another, things begin to drop away. A distance is created with each and every thing, and a moment arrives when it feels as if everything is lying far away at a distance. It will feel as if someone else's corpse is lying on the shore—and yet you exist. The body is lying there and still you exist—separate, totally distinct and different. Once we experience seeing death face-to-face while alive, we will never have anything to do with death again. Death will keep on coming, but then it will be just like a stopover—it will be like changing clothes, it will be like when we take new horses and ride in new bodies and set out on a new journey, on new paths, into new worlds. But death will never be able to destroy us. This can only be known by encountering death. We will have to know it; we will have to pass through it. Because we are so very afraid of death, we are not even able to meditate. Many people come to me and say that they are unable to meditate. How shall I tell them that their real problem is something else? Their real problem is the fear of death…and meditation is a process of death. In a state of total meditation we reach the same point a dead man does. The only difference is that the dead man reaches there in an unconscious state, while we reach consciously. This is the only difference. The dead man has no knowledge of what happened, of how the shell broke open and the kernel survived. The meditative seeker knows that the shell and the kernel have become separate. The fear of death is the basic reason why people cannot go into meditation—there is no other reason. Those who are afraid of death can never enter into samadhi. Samadhi is a voluntary invitation to death. An invitation is given to death: "Come, I am ready to die. I want to know whether or not I will survive after death. And it is better that I know it consciously, because I won't be able to know anything if this event occurs in an unconscious state." So, the first thing I say to you is that as long as you keep running away from death you will continue to be defeated by it—and the day you stand up and encounter death, that very day death will leave you, but you will remain. These three days, all my talks will be on the techniques of how you can encounter death. I hope that, these three days, many people will come to know how to die, will be able to die…. Knowing death causes it to dissolve; then suddenly, for the first time, we become connected with life. That's why I told you that the first thing about meditation is that it is a voluntary entry into death. The second thing I would like to say is that one who enters into death willingly, finds, all of a sudden, entrance into life. Even though he goes in search of death, instead of meeting death he actually finds ultimate life. Even though, for the purpose of his search he enters the mansion of death, he actually ends up in the temple of life. And one who escapes from the mansion of death never reaches the temple of life…. I say both things simultaneously: meditation is entering voluntarily into death, and the one who enters death voluntarily attains to life. That means: one who encounters death ultimately finds that death has disappeared and he is in life's embrace. This looks quite contrary—you go in search of death and come across life—but it is not…. These three days we shall do the meditation of entering into death. And I shall speak to you on many of its dimensions. Tonight we shall do the first day's meditation. Let me explain a few things about it to you…. now01 Life is here, death has not arrived yet. It is sure to come; there is nothing more certain than death. There can be doubt regarding other things, but about death nothing whatsoever is in doubt. There are people who have doubts about God, there are others who have doubts about the soul, but you may never have come across a man who has doubts about death. It is inevitable—it is sure to come; it is already on its way. It is approaching closer and closer every moment. We can utilize the moments which are available before death for our awakening. Meditation is a technique to that effect. My effort in these three days will be to help you understand that meditation is the technique for that very awakening. now02 Now I will give suggestions for three minutes. Similarly, I will give suggestions for your breathing, and then for your thoughts. At the end, for ten minutes, we will be lost in silence. Your body is relaxing. Feel it: your body is relaxing…your body is relaxing…your body is relaxing…. Let go, as if the body is no more. Give up your hold. Your body is relaxing…drop all control over the body, as if your body is dead. You have moved inside; the energy has been sucked inside—now the body is left behind like a shell. The body is relaxing…the body is totally relaxed…. Let go. You will feel that it has gone, gone, gone. Let it fall if it will. The body is relaxed, as if you are dead now, as if the body is no more, as if the body has disappeared…. Relax your breathing also. Your breathing is relaxing…feel that your breathing is relaxing…your breathing has totally relaxed…. Let go…let the body go; let the breathing go too. Your breathing has relaxed. Your thoughts are also becoming silent…thoughts are becoming silent…. Feel your thoughts becoming totally silent…feel inside, thoughts are calming down. The body is relaxed, the breathing is relaxed, thoughts are silent…. Everything is silent within you. We are sinking into this silence; we are sinking, we are falling deeper and deeper as one falls into a well, keeps on falling deeper and deeper…just like this, we are falling deeper and deeper into emptiness, into shunya. Let go, let go your hold completely…. Keep drowning in emptiness, keep drowning…. Inside, only consciousness will remain, burning like a flame, watching, just a witness. Just remain a witness. Keep watching inside…. Outside everything is dead; the body has become totally inert. Breathing has slowed down, thoughts have slowed down; inside, we are falling into silence. Keep watching, keep watching, watching continuously—a much deeper silence, a much more profound silence will grow. In that watching state, 'I' will also disappear—only a shining light, a burning flame will remain. Now I will be still for ten minutes, and you keep on disappearing within, deeper and deeper. Give up your hold, let go. Just keep watching. For ten minutes, just be an onlooker, be a witness. Everything is silent…. Look within, keep looking within…. Inside, let there be just watching. The mind is becoming more and more silent…. At a distance you will see your body lying—as if it is someone else's body. You will move away from the body, as if you have left the body. It seems someone else is breathing…. Go even further within, go deeper inside…. Keep watching, keep looking inside, and the mind will totally sink into nothingness. Go deeper, go deeper down within…keep watching…the mind has become totally silent. The body is left behind, the body is as if dead. We have moved away from the body. Let go, let go totally; do not hold back at all, as if you are dead inside. The mind is becoming even more silent…the body is lying far away; we have moved far away from the body…. The mind has become totally silent…. Look inside. The 'I' has disappeared totally, only consciousness is left, only knowing is left. Everything else has disappeared…. Slowly, take a few deep breaths. The mind is now totally silent. Watch each and every breath, and you will feel the mind becoming even more silent. Your breathing will also seem separate from you, far away from you. Breathe softly and slowly. Watch how far away the breath is…watch how distant it is from you. Slowly, take a few deep breaths. Then open your eyes slowly. There is no need to hurry to get up. If you are unable to open your eyes, there is no need to hurry. Open your eyes slowly and softly, and then look outside for a moment…. Our evening meditation is now over. now03 In each meditation camp there used to be four discourses and four question-and-answer sessions. This time it has happened that you have turned all the meetings into question-and-answer sessions. now07
  20. When guru ji said that which Rehat was he talking about? I have asked this question few times and i go no where. Perhaps my own stupidity didn't let me see the asnwers, but in any case as far as my inquiry goes i would like to know few things. What is the Definition of the word Rehat?? Can the Word Rehat be a Synonym to the word Hukam? When guru ji said that which Rehat was he talking about?
  21. I was talking to my brother a while back and i asked him what was the religion of Guru Nanak Dev ji. Out of our conversation what i got was that, Guru Nanak Dev Ji Preached the Religion of Truth and the Followers of the Religion of Truth are Known as Sikhs. How True do u consider this statement??
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