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Everything posted by Kaljug

  1. Fateh! They are civilian casualties in every war, and the Taleban are cunning enough to maximise this collateral damage by storing weapons in civilian houses and using them as launch pads for their attacks. Hamas did the same thing in Gaza. It's a pretty common tactic among jihadi scum. The Muslim countries not involved directly in the war are also cunning enough to use this to their advantage, though it does not seem to prevent them from using the same measures. You're free to believe in whatever rubbish you want, but the British Empire no longer exists. If you think that the British are hoping to colonise Afghanistan ... well, in purely pragmatic terms, there is nothing there to colonise. Currently the only people hoping to conquer the world for their cause are imperialists of the Islamofascist variety. Regards, K.
  2. Killing Taleban scum is a war crime? Would that perhaps be because it's a crime for an infidel to kill a Muslim? Why do you consider the UK an enemy? Aren't you the same English public school boy educated by the country you now consider an enemy and who left Sikhi after being fed on a diet of Francisco/Bahadur's excrement and neo-Persian nonsense? K.
  3. Erdogan is just a greasy-haired Mullah in European dress. I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese flags bought by the Turks were made in China. I hope that the cost of the flag pays for the Red Army bullet that shatters some Uighur Muslim terrorist's skull. Regards, K.
  4. Fateh! Erdogan calls the riots in Xinjiang a "kind of genocide' and Turkish Muslims burn Chinese flags. This is just a day after the Turkish Industry Minister urges Turks to boycott Chinese goods: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/8145451.stm This is coming from the mouth of the head of state of a nominally sectarian but in reality a Muslim country, who is blaming the Chinese government for the murder of the Chinese Han population at the hands of Muslim Uighur rioters. He calls this a genocide of the Muslim Uighurs when in fact the Uighur terrorists murdered more than 3 times as much Han Chinese. This is the same man and the same country that still denies the 1.5 million dead in the Armenian Holocaust at the hamnds of the Ottoman Empire. It seems that it is only a genocide when Muslims die. Regards, K.
  5. We became middle class - we have too much to lose now to risk giving it up for little things like self-respect, dignity and honour. I also feel that '84 had a huge impact on the collective psyche of the Sikh male, making them more solitary, disillusioned and more spiritually aware and withdrawn. But, in the end, it doesn't really matter what the reasons are. The question is what we are going to do to change this. K.
  6. Psychological change usually occurs through physical training, Singh. It's quite difficult to change the mental habits of a lifetime and to overcome the emotional conditioning of one's childhood through mental effort alone. It's a bit different for the next generation. If they are brought up to be men and not chooay, they will not face the same problems as our generation (a large part of which seems to have been raised by - and disciplined at the hands of - women or ineffectual male role models). The armed forces offer excellent training. One can't run to mummy ji's lap there when the drill seargeant is being mean. Regards, K.
  7. LOL! If Harry Hill could kick you so hard that your children would be born with bruises, he would be Bas Rutten. Bas is funny as hell and tough as jurassic dinosaur crap. K.
  8. Fateh! Now you can become a Muslim after you're dead. Hurrah! /sarcasm Regards, K. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/wo...tory?FORM=ZZNR9 Sikh family loses court battle against conversion of dead man in Muslim-majority MalaysiaJULIA ZAPPEI | Associated Press Writer 4:29 AM EDT, July 6, 2009 KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — A Sikh family lost a court battle Monday in Muslim-majority Malaysia for the right to cremate one of their relatives after officials said the man had converted to Islam years before his death. The case threatens to revive complaints among non-Muslims that their religious rights are being sidelined — a grievance that has sparked interfaith tensions and severely eroded minority support for the government. The family of Mohan Singh has been fighting Islamic authorities for custody of his body after Mohan, 41, died of a heart attack on May 25. Officials from the Islamic government department of central Selangor state insisted Mohan converted to Islam in 1992, but the family said he practiced the Sikh religion until his death. Malaysia's secular High Court ruled Monday that it had no jurisdiction in the case, saying that the matter of Mohan's conversion to Islam had already been decided by the Islamic Shariah court, said the family's lawyer, Rajesh Kumar. Islamic authorities were expected to bury the body later Monday according to Muslim rites, since the Shariah court had already declared Mohan as a Muslim last month, Rajesh said. Malaysia has a double-tier court system for civil matters — Muslims go to the Shariah court; non-Muslims go to secular courts. But in interfaith disputes, non-Muslims complain they lose out as Shariah courts get the final say and rarely rule in their favor. The government has pledged to tackle legal ambiguities related to religious conversions. Authorities recently said minors can no longer be converted without both parents' consent, but the decision has not been made legally binding. Officials have not announced any new proposals to resolve disputed conversions in cases where someone has died. Ethnic Malay Muslims comprise nearly two-thirds of Malaysia's 28 million people. Minorities include ethnic Chinese and Indians who are mainly Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and Sikhs.
  9. Fateh! Bas Rutten in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3K-mrlYG7Y Bas Rutten's Street Fighting DVD (in 11 parts so click the next part after this): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQVaTEPOsTA Enjoy, K.
  10. Iraq's Mehdi Army is Shia, as one example. There's lots more. Anyway, time for home. I go, I go, look how I go! Swifter than arrow from the Tartar's bow. K.
  11. Mekhane'ch Jannat: LOL I reference a book that illustrates the trend of Islamic imperialism and terrorism in the name of Islam since the inception of Islam, and you give me some crap about strange mystical forces in the racial subconscious of the European countries being responsible for Muslims blowing themselves up and murdering innocents? And these magical forces are so subtle that even Muslims who murder in the name of Islam are being tricked by them? Better luck next time, as you say. Regards, K.
  12. Don't believe the hype - Shia Muslim terrorists are just as bad as Sunni ones. They may be getting attacked by Sunni terrorist outfits here and there but there are more than enough Shia terrorists to even the score. You should do some reading on the concept of the Islamic Ummah. When one is a Muslim, one gives up all ties to culture, country and government. A muslim terrorist is just as likely to be Persian, Malalysian, Indonesian, Pakistani, Uighur or whatever as he is to be an Arab. We have already heard what the Shia's have to say on this forum. They say Sikhs are just a form of Islam, Guru Nanak was a Muslim, and it has to be true because Islam is the only religion blah blahblah. I for one am sick of hearing what they have to say. True. Regards, K.
  13. Fateh! It's pretty easy to get a shotgun licence in the UK, licence for a rifle is not that much more difficult. The first thing the government or the ruling majority in a country does when it wants to annihilate a minority is to disarm them. Regards, K.
  14. This is the same bullshit reasoning used by so-called moderate Muslims and other Muslim sects to obtain support for the Muslim cause while their more aggressive co-religionists go around murdering innocent civilians. The ideology used by Wahhabis comes from the same Quran that Shias and other Muslim sects use and from the example of Mohammed and early Muslims. There are as many Shia terroist scum as there are Wahhabi ones. The root causes of their violence is the same in both cases: Islam and the Quran. Modern terrorist training camps in Iran: http://www.iranfocus.com/en/terrorism/excl...iran-05956.html Iran receives al Qaeda praise for role in terrorist attack: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/...st-attacks.html Regards, K.
  15. It depends where you train, but yeah I agree that most Traditional Martial Arts training is pretty useless. One needs to train in an atmosphere where the flight-or-fight reaction and the adrenalin dump are evoked and dealt with on a regular basis. In my experience, MMA, Krav Maga, Systema are pretty good alternatives to USMC basic or becoming merc. Regards, K.
  16. Nope. This seems like typical Islamic or liberal dhimmi thinking - blame the Great Satan for the state the world is in, Muslims are the victims of Infidel jealousy at the wonderful world of Islamic polity, etc etc. The Muslim threat has been existence since the creation of Islam. Even a cursory reading of history gives evidence of this. Read Andrew G Bostom's The Legacy of Jihad to see the same strand of Islamic desire for domination that one sees in today's Muslims who try to convert the world to islam by stealth jihad and taquiyyah or just plain inntimidation and blowing things up. There are still plenty of traditional cultures with religiously motivated ethics and morality, they just don't go around killing innocent people because they feel the world needs to conform to their mythology. Do you honestly believe that things are different in the Islamic world where the general populace is fed on a diet of anti-semitism and manufactured threats about the great Zionist/Christian Crusader Alliance coming to destroy Islam and everything Muslims believe holy? Regards, K.
  17. Fateh! Well, it was only a matter of time before the European natives got fed up with their government's inaction in punishing Islamic terrorists. Perhaps our governments will take note and actually start doing something about the Muslim problem. Watch the reaction of all the "moderate" Muslims, the same ones who stay quiet when there is any Mulsim terrorist attack, who will suddenly climb out of the woodwork and start shrieking about Islamophobia. I would not be surprised if the members of the Muslim heads of State in the UN's Organisation of the Islamic Conference use these rumours to further their agenda of spreading their Islamic blasphemy laws into European countries. Regards, K.
  18. And how many knife fights or gun fights have you been in without having any training beforehand? Martial skill is not enough, the will to pull to use deadly force is not enough either. Combine the two and you have something special. K.
  19. The only time you would draw your kirpan is when you are in mortal danger. If you are ever in such a situation and you are worried about what political repercussions your self-defence will have on the worldwide Sikh community, you are going to be dead real fast. Don't use your shastar if you can avoid it, but once you remove your kirpan from its mian, use it well. Then disappear and never talk about it with anyone. Regards, K.
  20. HSD: You can't buy it in the UK, though people have imported them from the US (around £200) and Thailand ( around £180). Dalsingh: It's multishot, though the gas cannister has to be replaced from time to time. You are not going to need 24g of compressed air though unless you are trying to kill Jaws. On a serious note, I think that Sikhs should be made to take lessons in Shastar Vidya or Silat or some other knife art before they are allowed to take amrit and carry a kirpan. I would prefer a good sharp knife and a little bit of Silat expertise rather than that wasp injection knife. You aren't going to have time to stick a knife in someone and fiddle around with the button if you are facing multiple opponents. Now, if you are an assassin, the knife might be very useful. ;-) I also think that those dull-bladed Taksali kirpans made from inferior metal need to be replaced with something a bit more functional. I'm currently trying to get Cold Steel to make some nice kirpans and tulwars, but they want to know that there will be a customer base for them before they start mass-producing shastar with their excellent steel. Their swords also vary from excellent replicas to heavy and unbalanced lookalikes so I'm trying to get an idea of weight, curvature and point of balance of puratan shastar before I give them any final design for the teghs and khandas. In the meantime, if you can afford to do it, get a blade made from good steel and a decent sized tang, and have someone construct the hilt for you. Or buy one of those awesome pesh kabz from nihangsingh.org. Regards, K.
  21. This is probably an old tradition that was recorded in PSG later with a newer justification. I believe it is a carry over from when the Khalsa were at war with Mughals - the practice was simply to guard against Muslim spies seeking to infiltrate the Panth's armies. In psychological terms, it is a way to cut off ties with one's past religion and one's loyalties to the Islamic Mughal rulers. The "purification" reasoning seems to be a later Hinduised addition. Sikh women have never worn burkhas, except in modern times in places where it is a cultural norm, e.g., Afghanistan. I'm guessing that this means the woman needs to take full ishnaan after three days but can still do 5 ishnaan or normal everyday washing before nitnem. This also seems like it has Brahmin influence. Since when do Sikhs consider menstruating women to be ritually unclean? PSG is a great look into the minds of influential Sikhs of the time (the chapter on statecraft implies that the granth was written by someone who was part of the ruling elite), but many of the suggested practices would not be acceptable according to modern Sikh standards. Regards, K.
  22. Fateh! Replace your kirpan with one of these: http://www.waspknife.com K.
  23. Like I said, you can believe whatever the hell you want, however that doesn't make it true. I repeat: Alchemy is older than than Islam and the Judeo-Christian tradition. If you think that it is an Islamic science, you are ignorant of history. People have been studying it for longer than Islam has been in existence, and before Moses was born. K.
  24. Fateh! Deep question. Do these astral realms and heavens exist in an actual location in space-time, or are they inseparable from the humans who seek to travel to them? IMO, astral travel is an inner experience as well as an outer one, and there is a limit on the realms one can access that is governed by one's spiritual devolopment and character (e.g., you aren't going to be able to gain entrance to Valhalla if you are a pacifist tree-hugger). Leaving the body at the point of death is a very different experience from leaving the body in trance because the astral sheath is still joined to the physical body in the latter case. At the point of death, the connection is entirely severed and the mind has nothing to hold on to as the process of severing occurs. If at this point you have not realised through spiritual practice (naam abhyaas and bhagti in Sikhi) that consciousness of some form exists on a transpersonal level, one just gets lost in the astral realm which is the realm of illusion and mistakes one's visions as being reality. The Tibetan Book of the Dead goes into much depth on what happens at the point of death. The people who practice astral projection do come across risks in their travelling. It's easy to become fascinated by the astral world. Sooner or later one will come across some entity that will try to convince you that it is some kind of higher being who has chosen you to give a very important message to humanity. The people who fall for this crap are numerous. If you want proof of this, go into the mind, body & spirit section of your local bookshop and see how many "channelled" books you find that are supposedly dictated by everything from dolphins to magicians from Atlantis. Regards, K.
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