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Everything posted by sikh_fauge

  1. o no..ive seen parts of that vid before..i never knew it was him. waheguru
  2. k singh, i have to make two flash websites (doesnt have to be too big) and two dreamweaver webpages, with one link in each!
  3. that is amazing! singh im totally in support of the computer game idea! what a wicked idea!! donation shall come ur way once i have some dolla!
  4. pornfile?? singh the website has to be clean!! waheguruuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  5. I agree with the last comment. Very true. Focus less on the outside and more on the inside (both spiritually and physically.) I think thats another topic tho; the problem with singhs and langar lol
  6. Thank u so much singh! I have no idea what that seperating files stuff is, but thankq! I shall be waiting my beloved! wahooooooooooooo
  7. I need to make two small websites in flash..i need help QUICK!! please sadh sangat ji, what do i do?? does anyone have a template i can use?? two small websites need to be in flash, and then two other websites with a link. basically each of the four things only need to have a couple of pages BUT ive only got until wednesday!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  8. On yesterday's BBC Asian Network programme, which Sonia Deol presented from 9am to 12.00. Guru Nanak, the first Guru of the Sikhs was called a devil. And other derogatory comments were made regarding the Sikh religion. After listening to the programme, it seems to me that this girl wasn’t even Sikh, she had no knowledge of Sikhi, and without jumping to conclusions, it seen quite obvious that she was in fact a Muslim, and was only on the show to insult Sikhs. This cannot be tolerated. the audio of the show will be uploaded later today Act now. Please call, email and text the BBC to complain. Use the feedback form - http://www.bbc.co.uk/feedback/ And call her live on her show too, see below for details. Call Sonia on 08459 440445, Text Sonia on 07786 202001 Email Sonia at sonia@bbc.co.uk Please forward this mail
  9. I think this discussion on nihangs,etc is irrelevant. Im shocked at that article..the writer speaks alot of sense, but from the very start u can tell hes a government chumcha. I like the name at the end too! lol Doesnt make it any more authentic india!!!!!
  10. I came across an interesting book my friend has in his room (hes muslim) but im not sure of the name,etc so please accept this apology beforehand (because i guess the author,etc would have helped.) But in the book it implied (by speaking of brahmgyanis,etc in a bad tone) that union of the soul is not possible and it is simply not true. That it is only the madness of the person which leads them to think they are perfect/in union with god/reflecting his light,etc. Is this in line with islamic beleif? Do muslims then not have the teachings/mentality to have this union?? In which case christians and jews too?
  11. So is it true that akjs arent khalsa?? should they be shunned from the sikh panth?? ALOT of the sikhs i know are akjs..infact most sangat in the west are 'akj.' Views please!
  12. not always veera. sometimes people do things because they want to..nothing more, nothing less. thats like saying ur into sikhi because of ego. some things arent so simple, and as sikhs we shouldnt be so judgmental without knowing why people do things i.e intention.
  13. Is it true that theres a shabad in gurbani which says that anyone who has sex outside marraige will be boiled in a couldren??
  14. Ah man..thats terrible. Im gonna do sukhmani sahib for their souls. May they rest in peace. Waheguru!
  15. Im here baby!! I prefer rows,followed by pulldowns,followed by pulley rows, maybe supersetted with one arm rows, or hammer rows, then finish off with deadlifts!
  16. Punjabis tend to over-react. And relegious sikhs tend to turn a blind eye to reality. Ultimately, there needs to be an in between mentality; yes not ALL muslims are x y or z. However, conversions DO happen, and bullying DOES happen (especially to kesh dhari sikhs) AND a mojority of sunni muslims (especially from the pakistani community) DISLIKE sikhs (whether they will say it to your face or not.) Similarly, theres not so nice punjabi sikhs out there, who also need to be taught a lesson. Akaaal
  17. Agree on that issue being raised. Lets not confuse the jot of waheguru with worship. Some people have that jot inside of them which attracts us like moths..there is nothing wrong with that. So long as we realise they are mortals like us. And we too can reach that goal.
  18. G singh i think u should rephrase when u said 'because of these jatts'..although iam not pro caste or anything..i cant but help feel offended, coming from a 'jatt' family. And drawof, good topic!! And lalleshvari paji, i never knew the reason we have all these different types of gurudwarai is cos of sgpc! thats terrible man..
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