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Everything posted by Premi

  1. Covid been less than two years...! Agree though, they should just less the majority of people get on with their lives
  2. Should be in the same place all times when possible, on an 'asan' . Part of building the routine
  3. So angry about Muslims using Sikhs names to cover their own communities failings and make Sikhs look bad
  4. Didn't know that about Anand's family, although she does look an 'aristocrat' type I think he just have a high opinion of himself, he is super-brainy from what I have read. He's brother of 'Tom Singh' https://www.dorsetecho.co.uk/news/19417492.tributes-mehnga-singh-father-new-look-founder-tom-singh/ 3rd July 2021 Tributes to Mehnga Singh, father of New Look founder Tom Singh By Martin Lea @DorsetEchoMart Tributes have been paid to the father of the founder of the New Look fashion chain who had an integral role in the early development of the company. Mehnga Singh, who lived in Upwey for many years, passed away peacefully on June 20 at the age of 92, after a 'fascinating and fulfilling life’, his family said. Although it was his son Tom who founded the company, Mr Singh helped lay the foundations and was a key player in its development. He remained closely involved in the business until the mid 1990s, focussing mainly on the transport and distribution side. Born in India, Mr Singh sought to escape the challenges of post-independence Punjab and came to England in 1950 to seek his fortune. He had married his wife Sawarn in India and she soon followed him to England with their son Tom. They settled in Taunton, then Wellington – the original plan was to make some money to send home and eventually return. Life in post-war Britain was not easy and the Singhs had the added burden of learning a new way of life and a new language. Being something of an entrepreneur, Mr Singh made a living selling clothes door-to-door before deciding to buy a shop in Wellington in 1955. They would later buy the premises next door and combine the two shops. A few years later Mr Singh took a gamble and started running stalls at local markets, starting at Taunton’s Saturday market - a move which paid off and gave the family financial security. Mr and Mrs Singh opened another shop in Taunton in 1969. Various other shops were opened by the family over the following years including a shop in St Thomas Street, Weymouth which was the first outlet to trade under the name 'New Look. The business continued to expand, focussing initially on small market towns, prior to its ultimate expansion which would revolutionise the UK retail market and secure an international footprint. Mr Singh lived in Dorset for many years and moved to Basingstoke two years ago to be close to family. The couple had three other children - George, Christine and Simon, the popular science author. A family spokesman said: "By his later years, he had grown to be a passionate gardener, harking back to his formative days growing up on the family farm in India. Indeed, his intention was always to return to India when the grandchildren were older, and it will become his final resting place when his ashes are scattered there." The spokesman added: "Mehnga will be remembered by all for his hard work and love of life, his signature joke telling and for always enjoying a visit to the pub. His whole family will remember him with the greatest love, respect and admiration and will miss him dearly."
  5. I think you might be right. The tweet might be alluding to 'what other gandh have the WMP done in the past (which was covered up)?'
  6. I think that is a good reason why it's stressed to stick to routine, e.g. waking up and doing same Nitnem each day, otherwise one gets 'lazy' It might be better for you to listen to slow ucharan of Bani This might be good (you could play it at 1.25 or 1.5 speed): http://www.gurbaniupdesh.org/multimedia/08-Gurbani Ucharan/Giani Thakur Singh Ji/Nitnem (Sehaj)/01-Jap Ji Sahib.mp3 Or this one : http://www.gurbaniupdesh.org/multimedia/08-Gurbani Ucharan/Giani Thakur Singh Ji/Nitnem 7 Banis/01-Japji Sahib.mp3
  7. I'm very much an introvert, so no chance of me going to 'socialise' unless I meet 'like-minded' people! It's not realistic for me to travel to East London on further thought. I'll look more locally. I might develop a 'home gym' as I have joined gyms before and didn't really like training in front of others.
  8. He's married to Anita Anand But think he's an 'atheist'
  9. Seen this on CNN Many working class men in the US seem anti-vaccine. Firefighters especially.
  10. only one extra death per 100,000 unvaccinated compared to vaccinated
  11. https://inews.co.uk/news/long-reads/gurpal-virdi-metropolitan-police-racism-vendetta-claims-136707 Victimised former Met officer Gurpal Virdi: ‘Racists and bigots drove me out of the police’ Gurpal Virdi has been falsely accused of racism, shunned by colleagues and faced a wrongful accusation of assault – all […] By i Team March 20, 2018 1:06 pm(Updated July 17, 2020 2:34 pm) Gurpal Virdi has been falsely accused of racism, shunned by colleagues and faced a wrongful accusation of assault – all because he spoke out against discrimination, he says When two police officers turned up on Gurpal Virdi’s doorstep and said they wanted to speak to him about an alleged assault dating back 28 years, the former Metropolitan Police sergeant assumed it was a misunderstanding that would soon be cleared up. After the police interview – when he learnt that he was accused of attacking a black teenager in the back of a police van – he realised it wouldn’t be so easy. “I’m being stitched up again,” he told his wife when he returned home from questioning – for it was not the first time he’d faced such an accusation during his 30-year career at Britain’s largest force. Fighting racism in the force Mr Virdi has been wrongly accused of racism, shunned by colleagues and had attempts at promotion turned down, he tells i, as he launches his new book, Behind the Blue Line, about his latest – successful – attempt to clear his name. Mr Virdi says his card was marked after he gave evidence to the public inquiry into the 1993 murder of the black teenager Stephen Lawrence by a group of five white youths. The inquiry had concluded that Britain’s biggest force was “institutionally racist”. He had recounted a similar episode about an attack on two young students, one Iraqi and one of Asian origin, by white youths, and his frustration that it was not treated as a racist incident. ‘Other officers hated me’ How had his fellow officers felt about him? “Hated. I was hated by quite a few officers,” he says. “Rather than acknowledging my commitment to making London a better place, I got attacked.” The attempt to frame him for the attack in the back of the van was just the latest effort to punish him, he says. Two decades ago, he was sacked after being falsely accused of sending racist mail to colleagues at Ealing police station in west London. Mr Virdi was one of 13 black and Asian officers who received a printed image of a black man accompanied by the message: “Not wanted. Keep the police force white, so leave now or else.” Scotland Yard erroneously claimed that Mr Virdi himself had sent the mail, sparked by anger at being turned down for promotion. Gurpal Virdi now serves as a local councillor in London (Photo: Gurpal Virdi) Shunned and sidelined After the force apologised, paid damages and Mr Virdi returned to work, he was shunned and sidelined for a decade. He took every opportunity to take secondments that would take him away from the atmosphere at Scotland Yard until he finally left.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/jul/31/officer-who-challenged-racism-in-police-cleared-of-sexual-assault-charges Officer who challenged racism in police cleared of sexual assault charges This article is more than 6 years old Retired detective sergeant Gurpal Virdi, who won two employment tribunal cases against Met, claims charges were part of vendetta Gurpal Virdi returning to work in 2002 after an employment tribunal found the Met police had racially discriminated against him. Photograph: Andrew Parsons/PA Vikram Dodd Fri 31 Jul 2015 18.38 BST A retired Asian officer who fought racism in the police has been cleared of sexually assaulting a prisoner almost 30 years ago after claiming the charges against him were part of a vendetta by Scotland Yard. A jury took 50 minutes on Friday to acquit former Det Sgt Gurpal Virdi of all charges over the incident which was alleged to have happened in 1986. The trial judge, His Honor Judge Andrew Goymer, said a conspiracy may have been behind the case against Virdi. Virdi alleged the case was brought to destroy his reputation and to punish him for speaking out. He told the Guardian a section of the Met had a “licence” to act as it wanted and had brought the case as part of a vendetta spanning 17 years.
  13. He 'looks' 'shady' to me , wouldn't trust him He's dismissed Sikhi in the past https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1207866/BBC-race-row-Sikh-listeners-threaten-Muslim-radio-presenter-denigrated-religious-symbol.html The BBC was forced to remove a show from its website after Muslim presenter Adil Ray received threats from Sikhs who said he had denigrated one of their religious symbols. Members of the Sikh community complained that Mr Ray had been disparaging about whether they really needed to carry kirpan daggers. During the offending August 6 show, Mr Ray was discussing a Punjabi music concert in Canada where police had refused entry to Sikhs wearing kirpans. But a number of listeners were upset that Mr Ray appeared to mock Sikhism, a charge that the Birmingham-based Asian Network denies. The Sikh Media Monitoring Group has written to the BBC requesting a full transcript of the show. The organisation has accused the Asian Network of being insensitive towards Sikh listeners.
  14. How did you get on ? Giani Thakur Singh Jee in Katha has said we should all try to memorise Gurbani as there will come times where written form will be difficult to access...
  15. @dalsingh101 what do you think in the tweet at the bottom of the page they mean by 'what's the full form of WMP' ?
  16. Came across these highly intersting and informative videos recently Made me think I didn't remember how Mughals were not in power until after Guru Nanak came to us, some time after 1500. And in 1541, the Sher Shah Suri Empire had temporarily displaced the Mugha Only the British were really able to take South Ind The history of India even before the Mughals seems fascinating, and I need to learn more
  17. https://www.sikhpa.com/seven-wmp-officers-given-misconduct-notice-for-sikh-hate-crime/ Seven WMP officers given “misconduct notice” for Sikh hate crime December 24, 2021/in News / A statement from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) confirmed that a West Midlands police officer behind a hate crime against a Sikh man has been issued with a “gross misconduct” notice, whilst six more have been given a “misconduct notice”. The statement comes months after the original incident took place in October, which saw a Sikh man issue a complaint about having his patka (religious head covering) removed and stamped on by officer Kashif Shafiq. The news of the misconduct notices was originally revealed by Sikh Youth UK (SYUK), a community activist group supporting the Sikh man at the centre of the incident. Despite the findings, IOPC Regional Director, Derrick Campbell said the misconduct notice given to seven WMP officers “does not necessarily mean that misconduct proceedings will follow. It is only once our investigation is complete that we will make decisions about whether or not the officers have a case to answer and should face disciplinary proceedings.” Whilst the outcome of the IOPC investigation continues, questions are arising as to why the video and audio footage of the incident has not been shared publicly, to provide clarity on what exactly happened. Sikh Press Association Senior Press Officer Jasveer Singh said of the latest update, “To end questions about what occurred, WMP could simply share footage from the cameras worn by the officers involved in the incident. At some point, especially in consideration of the outcome of the investigation, the footage will need to be revealed.” With this update, many are wondering why the Metropolitan Police are yet to give any update on complaints about one of their officers punching a Sikh man in the face in an unprovoked attack during last year’s #FarmersProtest #KisaanRally in London, which legal group Kaurs Legal have pushed for. https://www.unsaiddigital.com/7-officers-served-miconduct-notices-allegations-sikh-man-turban/ Seven officers have been served misconduct notices following an incident where a Sikh man’s turban was said to be forcibly removed. The incident took place on October 25 when the Sikh man (we will call him Mr Singh) was apprehended for minor traffic offences in the West Midlands region. West Midlands PC Kashif Shafiq was accused of carrying out the religiously-motivated hate crime of allegedly forcibly removing Mr Singh’s turban. He said: “I am happy that the IOPC is communicating with me openly and honestly. It is appreciated from my side and I cannot thank the Sikh community enough for the support they have given me.” Jas Singh, Advisor to the Sikh Federation (UK) also addressed the events. He said: “We welcome both the investigation and verdict of the IOPC into the inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour of the West Midlands Police officers at Perry Barr station. “The whole Sikh community were outraged to hear about the racial attack and desecration of a young Sikh man’s turban and Patka. Gurmel Singh, Supreme Sikh Council UK, said: “Based upon experience there is a clear perception in the community that there is a lack of Sikh awareness amongst officers particularly when it comes to visiting homes. Gurdwaras on policing matters .The custody suite has its own challenges . This is now a real opportunity for the WMP to reach out to credible representative Sikh organisations to discuss a way forward.” Assistant Chief Constable for Local Policing, Mr Baker said:”This investigation remains with the IOPC and it will be some time before we know the final outcome. “We do not underestimate the impact this has had on the man as well as the Sikh community, both locally and further afield.
  18. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-59154164 Police apology amid claim Sikh headwear was forcibly removed Published 22 hours ago Share IMAGE SOURCE,SIKH PRESS ASSOCIATION Image caption, Protesters gathered outside Perry Barr police station last week A police chief has apologised to a Sikh man whose arrest sparked a protest amid claims his religious head covering had been forcibly removed. An officer removed the head covering in a private room at Perry Barr police station in Birmingham and it fell on the floor at one point, police said. The force said the head covering, a patka, was immediately retrieved. Assistant Chief Constable Richard Baker said he met with the man to apologise to him for any distress he experienced. The matter has been referred to the Independent Office of Police Conduct who are now carrying out an investigation of the officers' interactions with the man on 27 October, West Midlands Police said. "We understand the religious significance of head coverings to the Sikh faith and we know reports of this incident have caused outrage and anger to the Sikh community and the wider public," ACC Baker said. "I do not underestimate the impact this has had on the man as well as the Sikh community, both locally and further afield. "This is absolutely not representative of West Midlands Police. "We are committed to treating everyone with dignity and respect and we continue to strive for better relationships with the communities we serve. We are determined to hold to account any officer who does not adhere to the standards of professional behaviour." The IOPC previously said a video on social media suggesting the man had his turban stamped on in a custody suite was "false". Latest news from the West Midlands The man, who was released on bail, is due at Birmingham Magistrates' Court on 25 November charged with obstructing a police officer and two counts of driving a vehicle when the VRM (vehicle registration) fails to conform with regulations.
  19. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-59154164 Police apology amid claim Sikh headwear was forcibly removed Published 22 hours ago Share IMAGE SOURCE,SIKH PRESS ASSOCIATION Image caption, Protesters gathered outside Perry Barr police station last week A police chief has apologised to a Sikh man whose arrest sparked a protest amid claims his religious head covering had been forcibly removed. An officer removed the head covering in a private room at Perry Barr police station in Birmingham and it fell on the floor at one point, police said. The force said the head covering, a patka, was immediately retrieved. Assistant Chief Constable Richard Baker said he met with the man to apologise to him for any distress he experienced. The matter has been referred to the Independent Office of Police Conduct who are now carrying out an investigation of the officers' interactions with the man on 27 October, West Midlands Police said. "We understand the religious significance of head coverings to the Sikh faith and we know reports of this incident have caused outrage and anger to the Sikh community and the wider public," ACC Baker said. "I do not underestimate the impact this has had on the man as well as the Sikh community, both locally and further afield. "This is absolutely not representative of West Midlands Police. "We are committed to treating everyone with dignity and respect and we continue to strive for better relationships with the communities we serve. We are determined to hold to account any officer who does not adhere to the standards of professional behaviour." The IOPC previously said a video on social media suggesting the man had his turban stamped on in a custody suite was "false". Latest news from the West Midlands The man, who was released on bail, is due at Birmingham Magistrates' Court on 25 November charged with obstructing a police officer and two counts of driving a vehicle when the VRM (vehicle registration) fails to conform with regulations.
  20. Not sure if all here were aware, I posted this on SS previously https://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/19675661.acist-act-west-midlands-police/ RACIST ACT BY THE WEST MIDLANDS POLICE On Tuesday 26th October 2021, it had been reported, that the racist West Midlands police had attacked a Sikh man. The police officer Kasim Shafiq, who is part of the West Midlands police force had stamped on and riped the Sikh man's turban. Due to this, a peaceful protest had been held outside the station, All protesters are urged to maintain peaceful and respectful conduct, Also be cautious of the rise of covid cases this would be taking place in the Perry Barr police station, Holford Drive, Birmingham, B42 2TU. This would be held on Wednesday 27th October 2021 from 7 pm-7:30 pm. A Sikh man who supports the Sikh youth UK (which is a campaign that raises awareness on international Sikh matters) was arrested yesterday in the afternoon by PC 22391 around 14:30. The arrest was about providing proof of address for a very minor traffic offence, The young Sikh man was taken to Perry Barr custody suite and was being booked in at the reception when PC Kashi Shafiq became very aggressive asking the Sikh man to remove his turban.PC Shafiq then reached across the reception desk and ripped the turban off the Sikh man's head, and then purposely stamped on it.As a community, we do not tolerate religious hate by anyone. especially police officers who take advantage of their power to attempt to degrade Sikhs. We urge the Sikh community nationwide to write complaints and share this far and wide.
  21. If you have any further thoughts, let me know I cannot travel through the Blackwall Tunnel currently as my car is not ULEZ compliant, but would consider somewhere in E London
  22. @Arsh1469 why five? Were you comparing 5 Sikhs to someone else ....?
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