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Everything posted by Narsingha

  1. chamkila, www.shastarvidiya.org is pro Sanatan Sikh Shastar Vidiya...whether it is pro-Hindu or pro-Sikh depends entirely upon your perception of what Sikhi actually encompasses...as such, you are entitled to your opinion
  2. Oogardanti baani is Bir Ras baani and has been written for warriors... ...as such, it will only be appreciated to its fullest extent by warriors alone. ..deal with it 8)
  3. I could quote a cliche and say that "size doesnt matter" 8) ...but it helps Reality is that not everyone can be a 6ft tall muscular fighting machine with balls of steel (be it damascus!). So, we have to remain in reality and do the best we can with the gifts we have bene blessed with by Akaal Purakh. ...good balanced diet, exercise (mental and physical), improving the mind, introspection, etc are part of maintaining and improving upon what you have been given. Even so, you can only do so much, and as Guru Maharaj says, depending on the effort you put into anything, that will determine what fruits you obtain. With regards to Sanatan Sikh Shastar Vidiya and Savya Rakhshah, practicing techniques (Chandi Pooja), Variyaam (circuit training) will reap their own rewards. If you wish to know about the training regime pop along to your local Sanatan Sikh Shastar Vidiya Savya Rakhsha Akharah :wink: ..or alternatively be patient and the exercise regimes will be available online in the near future.
  4. The best side to take is that of the Truth The Truth can be found through application of logic and reason (tark and nijaj) and and possessing an open mind free of prejudice that has the ability to contemplate (jaap). Good luck :wink:
  5. Basically Nihang, one who has been initiated into the Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa Panth by 5 Akali Nihang Singhs. There are various "types" of Nihang Singhs that exist depending on speciality, character, seva, appearance, etc. Some are specialists in weapons, some in Gurmat Sangeet, some in Ayurveda, etc. And today, due to the modern era, we have specialists in a variety of modern specialisations... Some Nihang Singhs DO marry, some dont. There are also Akali Nihang Singhs who on the whole tend to be Brahmchari - ie, not marry, and are on the whole more strict in their maryada than Nihang Singhs. Nihang Singhs tend to adapt and be more flexible in their maryada to suit their terrain and environment. Akali Nihang Singhs are Nihang Singhs who have proved themselves through service/sacrifice. They are distinguished by a Farla..Akali Nihang Guru Gobind Singh ji, Akali Nihang Phoola Singh Ji, etc etc all possessed a Farla, and are therefore recognised as Akali Nihang Singhs, contrary to the rubbish spewed out by modern mainstream Sikhs. The Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa Panth, and the Sanatan Sikhs (Nirmalas, Udasis, Seva Panthis) do NOT recognise institutions such as the SGPC who are products of the British Raj. Hence that Rehit maryada of the SGPC does not apply to these groups, nor is it acknowledged. With regards to cannabis, this is used, but not abused. Those that do are termed "Nangs", ie, fake Nihangs who do not respect Maryada. There are also those who imitate Nihang Singhs but have no respect for the maryada such as Chatka and Sukkha, but dress up as Nihang Singhs, and even copy a lot of the more "palatable" traditions such as wearing the warrior uniform...these individuals are also termed as "Nangs" as they dilute the traditions. On a final point, how does one become a Nihang Singh? If it is in your destiny, you will become one, if not, it wont. The Nihangs do NOT forcefully convert, nor do they expect people to become Nihang Singhs. We do not emotionally blackmail anyone either. Also, Nihang Singhs do not enforce eating of meat or taking cannabis either, this is bullshit spread by ignorant people. Diet is an individiual's choice, but respect for Chatka should be there.... The Sanatan Sikhs do not belive you have to be amritdhari to be a Sikh...a Sikh is defined by their actions and perception of Dharam. Amrit is, and was traditionally seen as initiation into the "Dal Panth" (Way of the Warrior..ie, the Warrior Khalsa), and was not a necessity for all Sikhs. making everyone look, act and think the same (as many modern mainstream Sikhs believe) is equivalent of a Nazi regime that destroys individuality...creation has variety and variety has beauty, so why not Sikhi? In the past, one had to prove themselves before they were given Amrit by the Nihang Khalsa. Many failed. This is still done, but it is rare, and standards have slipped. Now we have many who simply wish to jump on the Nihang bandwagon for "chodar" (status and ego), to look "cool" or "different" to their peers, but they lack the mental, spiritual and physical attributes that were once required. Such individuals are considered as "cannon fodder" (ie, when the time comes, they will have their use...waste nothing!!) For more info, check out www.sarbloh.info and www.shastarvidiya.org
  6. :roll: Throwing mud usually means some of it tends to stick to you too...mudwrestle with people who can indulge your fantasies :wink:
  7. Stick to the issue sidak...SGPC Maryada.. sidak, try to avoid playing your usual broken record of Nihang bashing on the internet... Khalistanis will have u believe "Raj" within that couplet refers to "physical kingdoms", lands to rule over, countries, etc. Twisting meanings taken out of context to fit their own desires....manmat! If "Raj" in that couplet was, as Khalistanis claim, referring to "physical lands", etc, then, Guru maharaj would not have stated elsewhere within Gurbani that it is not the desire of a Sikh to seek "Raj" or "Mukti" (in this context, referring to "Raj" in the sense of "physical kingdoms", "rule", etc) You may wish to refer to someone who has had correct santhia from a traceable lineage of Gurdevs...
  8. Maryada...briefly... "mar" = death, the ultimate truth, Kaal, Akaal... "yaad" = to remember, recall, introspection, delve deeper maryada = contemplation of death, hence that which defines the way we live in order to acheive a great death ..that which defines the way in which we live our life. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: From Nihang Baba Udey Singh, present secretary of the Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa Budha Dal, and nephew of 96 Crori Akali Nihang Baba Santa Singh Ji, present jathedar (commander in chief) of the Panjvah Takht Shromani Panth Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa 96 Crori Budha Dal Chalda Vaheer: 'There was only ever one Panth [budha Dal]. Now, every one of the fragmentations claims to be the Panth. The Panth has always been one. Its form is one. Its work has always been the same; spreading dharam, fighting tyranny. Not for empires, states or governments. We do not want seats from Congress or the [s.G.P.C.] Akalis. It is a false Panth of tickets. You have to buy your way in. We do not recognise this S.G.P.C. Panth - we only recognise the Panth which has stayed with the ancient traditions.' (Udey Singh, transcript of a recording, 8-12-1995) source: http://www.sarbloh.info/htmls/sikh_akali17.html From Nihang Baba Ram Singh, Sanatan Sikh Shastar Vidiya Gurdev and Ayurved Master of the Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa Budha Dal: 'Their [the S.G.P.C.'s] aim is to be acknowledged as the supreme power meaning we are the Panth [sikh nation]. You [referring to the S.G.P.C.] cannot be Panth as your birth is of 1922. Sikhism [Khalsa] has been installed by the Guru for over three hundred years. Before this, Siri Hargobind Sahib and Baba Budha Ji have installed Budha Dal [as custodians of Sikhism]. You [s.G.P.C.] created by the British in 1922, how can you be the Panth? You can not be the Panth because Panth has some principles.' (Baba Ram Singh Nihang, transcript of a recording, 16-4-98) source: http://www.sarbloh.info/htmls/sikh_akali19.html Therefore, historically, S.G.P.C. has NO authority within Sikhi as defined by the Gurus, logically, S.G.P.C. maryada has NO stance (unless u happen to be a follower of British Raj-nurtured Sikhi)
  9. Has anyone read Baba Gurbachan Singh Khalsa ji's works on the origins of the Kachera?
  10. "oh yeh i remember "sant gurbachan singh ji was a nihang cus he wore... wait for it... a blue bana! so he must obviously have been a nihang as taksali singhs were white!!!" " -Inderjit It may be worth you reading up on your Taksal history before making a fool of yourself, then again...maybe its too late for that :wink: "taken from "the mighty utterings of the great nidar" - Inderjit "if he was a nihang he was a real nihang not like the jokers pretending like in this country." - Inderjit Your inherent hatred against Nihangs is evident, try not to let it cloud your values. Have you ever confronted Nihang Niddar Singh about this? I guess its easier hiding behind a PC and slandering him behind his back?
  11. Even the Ardas as done by Baba Gurbachan Singh Khalsa, Nihang of the 96 Crore Budha Dal, speaks of FOUR Takhts, not 5. ..may be worthwhile consulting Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji's works (for all you avid Bhindrawaley fans out there) :wink:
  12. The Budha Dal Sampooran Ardas will be available soon on www.sarbloh.info along with a lot of other Gurbani (audio, video and text) along with transiliterations. please visit any one of the Sanatan Sikh Shastar Vidiya Savya Rakshah Akharas or on your next trip to India visit Batinda and get yourself a Budha Dal Sundar Gutka Sahib. Mod Note: Post edited due to irrelevant and insulting comments. Further comments of this nature will result in an automatic deletion.
  13. Gurpreet Kaur, if you had read my reply to why the Gurus are referred to as "Akali" then you would have known I said it will be mentioned on the websites. I mentioned this quite a few time to your close friend Bikramjit, who seems to have left the forum after sprinkling his usual dose of insults towards myself and lalleshvari... ...pls dont blame others simple because your impatience has taken the better of you 'The truth'.....here's something for you to think about...this whole section on sikhawareness.com has sprung up as a DIRECT results of www.sarbloh.info and www.shastarvidiya.org....lets not kid ourselves
  14. For those who kept in touch with that thread, and others regarding the websites, they would have realised the certain individuals against the websites have NOTHING better to do than: a) slandering and insulting Nihang Niddar Singh and myself (as Jagit Singh from Leeds and his motley crew have done)..and then claiming that they are humble and "gursikhs" :roll: avoid the issue and keep bringing up 1984 and Khalistan (which we have said will be discussed on www.nihang.com) c) ironically accuse us of "slandering" Fauja Singh and Randhir Singh (when all we have presented nothing but FACTS and have NEVER questioned the character or Bhagti of these individuals) d) resorting to threats (eg, the fake "akali" from california) e) asking questions which have already been answered on the websites or WILL be answered (but still these people lack patience and think we are "avoiding the issue") It has also come to attention that these same individuals lack the ability to understand basic English constructs and general comprehension. When asked for evidence (scriptural,historical, audio or video) to back up their claims, they run around in circles (see the AKJ thread in the archive dicussions) and instead resort to personal opinions or quoting out of context in order to appease their insecurity. Arguing with such people doesnt do anyone any credit and serves to waste time, which could be better spend making a good lamb curry. Should the moderators feel they need to edit my posting, knock yourselves out, but remember that Truth prevails regardless....and the internet is simply a medium to present knowledge. ...real effort occurs in the real world!!!
  15. Nitnem....contemplation of Naam for every moment of existence See the bigger picture :wink:
  16. ....Platha ('unarmed' combat) can be lethal and effective (offensive and self-preservation) if you possess skill, awareness (and balls of Steel). In the past, Warriors who were too poor to possess blades often utilised 'Platha' to disarm their opponent and used the opponent's weapons for further engagements. It would be advisable to learn to USE a blade before carrying one (twirling it around doesnt count), otherwise you are just giving your opponent a better weapon to kill you with, and you are a danger to those around you.
  17. "I recently went to a wedding in bham and got started on by 3 amritari singhs, ...." - Undergroundsikhi Maybe you just got that kinda face...with "easy target" printed on yer matha
  18. With regards to Teji sparring with Niddar Singh at Anandpur Sahib, we are asking the AKJ and Gatka groups to provide evidence that this was the case rather than spreading rumours about the encounter. If the source of this rumour is Teji, why has he not spoken out either pro- or against this encounter? If his knees are bad, does this mean he is still incapable of meeting Niddar Singh face to face and discussing the Vidiya rather than hiding in East London? We are virtually at his DOORSTEP and we have students from East London coming to the SLough and Cranford Akharas, so whats stopping him from turning up? At least the Gatka Master should provide a video or perhaps a photo to prove that he beat Niddar Singh Nihang...but as yet, still, no solid evidence.
  19. A tribute to one of the greatest Punjabi wrestlers of modern times... Great Gama Lion of the Punjab (1880 - 1960) India is often associated with beggars and fakirs. Not many in the West especially the United Stats, know that its people rank amogst the most athletic and warlike in the World. In India, wrestling is as old as written history. Indian wrestlers are huge men almost as big as the sumo giants of Japan. However, no man can become champion through brute force alone. There are a thousand "holds" in Indian wrestling, and the most skillful grapplers like Great Gama reign supreme. His real name was Ghulam Mohammed. A Muslim of Kashmiri wrestling stock. Gama defeated all comers in India with the exception of the extraordinary Ghulam Mohiuddin, with whom he had a two hour draw. His toughest opponent ever, was the 6'9" 270lb, Rahim Bux Sultaniwala. His victories over foreign wrestlers include Stanislaus Zbyszko (Poland), Dr. Benjamin Roller (U.S.), Johann Lemm (Switzerland), Maurice Deriaz (France), Jesse Peterson (Sweden), etc. Although he challenged many others including Japanese judo champion Taro Miyake, no one dared to come forward. George Hackenschmidt and Frank Gotch also declined to face Gama or others of his troupe. According to Nat Fleischer of Ring Magazine he was the only grappler of modern times who could have been a master of both Gotch and Hackenschmidt. Gama was employed by the Maharajah of Datia after the death of Gama's father, Aziz Pehelwan. Later he was patronized by the Maharajah of Patiala. After patition of India, Gama moved to the new state of Pakistan where he lived with his brother, Indian Champion Imam Bux and nephews: the famous Bholu Brothers. In 1963 he lost to the angel of death and is burined in Lahore - The City of Wrestlers and Warriors. (source: http://www.puroresu.com/wrestlers/gama/ ) More Links... http://www.ejmas.com/jalt/jaltart_noble_0502.htm http://www.ejmas.com/jalt/jaltart_noble_0602.htm http://www.ejmas.com/jalt/jaltart_noble_0702.htm http://www.ejmas.com/jalt/jaltart_noble_0802.htm http://www.blackbeltmag.com/archives/black...amathelion.html
  20. With regards to accusations of "slander", what has been presented is Facts about Randhir Singh and Fauja Singh. Slander is character assasination based on lies and untruths. No where on the websites have we questioned the characters of Randhir Singh or Fauja Singh or their relationship with the Almighty, this is not our place to do so. As yet NO one has come to us and proved with solid evidence that we are incorrect with what we have said with regards to Fauja Singh or Randhir Singh...not even the Akhand Kirtani Jatha who are the only group that is opposing the website and has attempted to take many steps to prevent this knowledge from being revealed. In fact, what we have seen from the AKJ (from the likes of Jagjit Singh from Leeds, and other individuals) is slander, ie, pure lies. The websites will be continued to be updated, and this information will be released in ever larger amounts. PS....we have yet to hear from Uptej (Teji) Singh and other Gatka masters out there with regards to the Hadh Torh Challenge, that remains unanswered.
  21. Undergroundsikhi is hoping someone will "translate" Pandit Narayan Singh Ji's works into "Malesh Bhasha" :roll:
  22. The best interpretation of Treh Charittar (aka Charitropakhyaan) is that by Pandit Narayan Singh Ji (...within Dasam Guru Durbar Steek 8 Vols) in Punjabi. There is an English interpretation available in 2 volumes by Pritpal Bindra. However, Pritpal Bindra is pro-SGPC, and very anti-Dasam Guru Durbar (as anyone who keeps in touch with his works will know) and his agenda is to make the Charitropakhyaan appear anti-Gurmat and debunk much of Dasam Guru Durbar. He has paradoxically made this section of Dasam Guru Durbar more available for people to read. Bindra's interpretation does not tally with the interpretation of Pandit Narayan Singh Ji's works, or for that matter those individuals who have received traditional Santhia of Dasam Guru Durbar (eg, Nirmalas, Nihangs, Udhasis, and some Taksali Sikhs). Bindra himself has never received any formal Santhia of Dasam Guru Durbar, or for that matter of any of the ancient texts that are required reading for any scholar attempting to produce works such as interpretations of scriptures. When questioned about his training by many individuals such as Dalip Singh, he refused to comment. That in itself makes his work questionable. Those who want a warped and twisted interpretation, or a simple shortcut to reading Charitropakhyaan can use Bindra's works :wink:
  23. Where's OpenVMS? ....best operating system ever :cry:
  24. Are they? ...they both have the same model of anti-tank armoury...maybe the shop at the same department store...
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