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Everything posted by HSD1

  1. A brilliant and spot on point. I am surprised.
  2. I was on about the young sikh women who are under 30 who blame sikh guys for every conceivable problem they encounter. I didnt realise you were on about older women, who do suffer a lot more than white women of the same age. I think a lot of it has to do with reconciling their petty assumptions with the real world. Gurudwaras are full of old biddies going on about how clever their kids are, how chaste and well mannered they are, how they will end up in Ox-bridge etc etc. When the kids get D's in their Maths GCSE, start having abortions or end up at UCE or Hertfordshire (/joke, sorry I couldnt resist guys, going to any uni is better than sitting on your arse), they have to face facts. And understandably that is deeply disturbing for many of these mothers. It's like spending all your time playing a board game, only to realise near the end that you didnt even really know the rules and ended up losing badly. Some of these mares dont need more sunshine, but a different vitamin D - Diazepam.
  3. A variation of that happens any place that has young women and alcohol. Or just young women. London, Brum, Manchester, Cardiff, Bristol, Leeds etc etc. Mind you it depends on how good looking you are as well. I've heard Newcastle is a riot, though I havent been there, if you're still into all that. I'm in East Berkshire or London most of the time now. So thankfully I dont see that as often, but yeah loose women are harder to avoid than find in this country.
  4. Uh oh, careful there Dalsingh. We dont want to rile the coconut jatha so much they end up whining and whinging like their pasty idols.
  5. You forgot: 'I cant even call it Christmas anymore! The PC brigade ruin everything' 'I was going to buy my kids Easter eggs but i was worried the police might arrest me for upsetting muslim sentiments. Mind you i spent all my benefits on jack daniels so the kids will have to nick their supper tonight. Not like the good old days though! Back then we would have taken the food out of some dirty wog's mouth! Yeah those were the days!' *sniffs and wipes back a tear* 'Oy come here and give me a snog darling!! Come on dont you like white girls? We're the best' *topples on her high heels and pukes all over the floor, before collapsing and passing out* etc etc, ad infinitum. Someone should write a book or blog of these types of comments, it would be a right laugh. Dont tell whitey though. If anyone cant take a joke, it's the english.
  6. I was wondering how long it would take for a wised-up muslim to take advantage of the post 9-11 world and all it's nuances and paranoia to make a friends-esque comedy. This wouldn't work for sikhs. The comedy takes the prejudices of white north americans and uses it. Most white north americans have no idea about sikhs, let alone have a good/bad view on them. In britain, the racism is based on the colour of the skin and a person's actions. A comedy like this which would highlight english people's racism would cause condemnation from the anglos. I seriously doubt they could handle it. I used to enjoy getting white people who said they weren't racist to show their prejudices and then confront them on it. You could see the look of confusion on their faces as they tried to reconcile 'i'm not a racist but...' with whatever other comment i had coaxed out of them. Doing this on a comedy show like the yankee one would cause mass tantrums among the island monkey population, until they all end up moaning and whining so much that someone finally puts them out of their collective misery.
  7. Supposedly he works with his older brother, though it is unclear if they do the same shifts. With security work it is sometimes a case of 6/7 day/night shifts, followed by 3/4 days/nights off. That would explain why he can spend so much time partying and lying in bed. I personally think that we dont see every interesting part of what was recorded. The family must have had some say on keeping certain things private. Maybe even having a say in the editing. Who knows. As for the younger brother, i feel that he tries to portray himself in a good light, possibly in order to get fixed up with a half decent girl.
  8. Dont say that! Now sikh girls all over the country will use your comment as an example of oppression that they will rebel against my getting drunk off their faces and shagging anything that moves.
  9. Enjoy: http://www.newstatesman.com/north-america/2009/08/power-china-world-japan-poland New Statesman has gone downhill recently thanks to a change in editorship. It provides a few decent articles every once in a while though. I jumped ship and now read the Private Eye as it at least has a sense of humour. Written media in this country is terrible.
  10. I think it goes a lot deeper than just oil. America has a military industrial complex left over from the cold war which needs war in order to survive. As time goes by we will see america harvest more of her allies or minor enemies. America also has permanent bases in the middle east which can prevent an attack from iran on israel, and help if its the other way round. A weak, corrupt, disjointed iraq actually benefits america more than a democratic, free, united iraq. Did anyone read that article in the New Statesman a few months ago about the next 50 years? It made points about where america's foreign policy will go from here. The part about Turkey uniting the muslim world was a little far-fetched though.
  11. Well it looks like I struck a nerve, which always shows something. I personally would let my children marry who they want. If I didnt like who they were marrying, I would disown them. Simples.
  12. lol. I'm surprised no one on here went nuts when you said that.
  13. I think our dear friend is on about the Grewals from the channel 4 show 'The Family'. Look fc, if your island monkey mates in your local pub dont like watching a programme about lower-middle class asians with jobs, tell them to go and do something to themselves. You dont need to imitate their retarding thinking.
  14. Not very paradoxical, unless of course you are basing your statement on the idea that all western democracies are the same. Which is wrong. 'Somewhat impartially'?! More like they see it in a warped, retarded and highly ignorant way. A fair point. But what about the fact that many sikhs will follow the path to self-realisation and end up at different destinations? We were not all meant to be the same. So tony is speaking for all sikhs then? You cant say all muslims and whites are not bad, only to go on and then slam sikhs with one stroke. So now we are helping the likes of the BNP? Blimey. Lol. You've got it the wrong way round. The point about the jews went completely over your head.
  15. Greatest soldiers know in history? A little stretch for our team but this is another thing. We are not homogeneous. Not all sikhs are the same. If you think the nihangs and akalis of old were all motivated or joined up by one thing, then you are way off the mark. We were a nation with a country, like it or not. That means we had people from all parts of the social scale in our people. Did you know that Lahore was known as one place that could rival London for its prostitute trade? Some of the pimps were probably 'sikhs', and so may have a fair few of the prostitutes. Did the sikh army refuse to fight the afghans/chinese/brit-hindustanis because of this? No. Help me a little here, I still dont understand what your points have to do with the BNP. If you are trying to say there is bad everywhere, I agree. Doesnt change the fact they are up to no good. Let me give you an analogy. Imagine you see a car stuck in a rail crossing. Both barriers have gone down, and the car cant get out. You see that the car has one person in it, who happens to be quite fat. As he opens the car door to get out, would you jump the barrier to slam the door shut in his face and say 'Lose weight first, that's what will really kill you!'? And then stand there to keep the door shut whilst the train approaches to kill you both? I really hope not. Many accounts of sikhs in wars have been flattering. Many others have not been. What of those sikhs who werent? During the anglo-sikh wars, there were many accounts of young sikh officers challenging british officers to duels between battles. Sikhs won pretty much all of the time, and on many occasions the soldiers under the british officer's command would shoot the sikh officer out of hand and laugh. Is it any wonder that the average sikh soldier refused to take prisoners during the ensuing battle? According to you, we should shun our ancestors because they are 'bad'. Well I am not prepared to do that. They fought for their nation, they fought for us. We would not be here if it weren't for them, 'good' or 'bad'. Anyway, a soldier is a soldier. I doubt many nihangs could mix it up with a bunch of american marines. Of course I do. You understand me so well. Let's go burn down a church. Not. Nihangs? Do you have a time machine which you used to personally interview each one? If not then I think it's pretty naive to stereotype (yes, there is such a thing as a positively skewed stereotype).
  16. Here we go, not as good as the sky news one though:
  17. Did anyone see him on sky news? I swear he looked like a puppet from Thunderbirds when he was walking along, except there were no strings. I'll post a link to it if i see it on youtube.
  18. I dont have a problem with muslims or whites on a one-to-one level. If i did i would be in the completely wrong country. But get a lot of them together and they develop mentalities which are self serving and detrimental to those who arent like them. Some sikhs walk around in a daze as if they can earn enough money or just suck up to everyone, and then they will be fine. Wrong attitude. But if being told this is so offensive and anti-sikhi, well fine then. It is almost funny how many sikhs nowadays are like those jews in the holocaust movies who prattle on with their stupid logic right up until being locked in the gas chamber.
  19. Lol i was being sarcastic. And yes, sikhs should believe in innocent until proven guilty.
  20. Lol, yes, but at the beginning of the battle the five evils would have been towards the back of their mind whereas remembering the tactics of the day would have been towards the forefront. Fighting the five evils is not a public battle to show in front of others and used to defend cowardice or ignorance. As for Mudki, the main reason we 'lost' is because we charged the british line too early, rather than wearing them down in a firefight first and charging when they broke ranks.
  21. lol. I dont usually agree with fordcapri but his post does show the face value of both sides at the current moment. But fordcapri, what if what the BNP are saying are just sweet words until they managed to get rid of the other ethnics?
  22. Really? It must be so nice to know it all just from reading an internet article on a 4 day old investigation. The fact is no one knows why he did it, so no one can give a truthful response to amardeep's question.
  23. No wonder we lose all the time if we follow shaheediyan's views. Can you imagine the sikhs at Mudki looking at one another and asking 'How's it going with the five evils? Yeah, I'm over most of them,' ? It is not about being paranoid or scared, it's to do with numbers and brotherhood. If your friend was on drugs would you just leave them to it? No of course not. I see stupidity among sikhs and i dont like it, so i try to find ways of changing that. Sikhs face threats nowadays that cant be combated by 'one man armies' or prostrating in front of pictures of Sant Bhindranwale Ji/Kharkhoos in their bedrooms like some of the youth do. If you dont want to hear this then fine, I am quite content to look after myself and leave the rest of you to wallow in ignorance.
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