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Everything posted by HeyDudesWassup

  1. Brahma: God of Creation Part 1: The Hindu Trinity & Lord Brahma http://hinduism.about.com/library/weekly/aa061703a.htm Behind the Trinity is One In India, there is a legend about Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Each of them was boasting about their miraculous powers. All of a sudden, a young boy came forth, asking Brahma: "What do you create?" Brahma's answer was quick and proud:"Everything". Asking the other two gods, the boy got the answers: "We sustain and then dissolve everything". The young visitor was holding a small straw in his hand. Showing it to Brahma, the boy asked: "Can you create a straw just like this?" after an extraordinary effort, Brahma admitted that he cannot create such a straw. The child turned to Vishnu and asked him to preserve the form of the straw. To his amazement, Vishnu was looking helpless to the dissolving form of the straw. Finally, the child asked Shiva to destroy the straw. Despite all his efforts, the straw was still there. Then the boy turned again towards Brahma and asked him: "Are you my creator?" Brahma thought thoroughly, but he could not remember creating the amazing boy. The child suddenly disappeared from their bewildered eyes, and the three gods remembered that behind their amazing powers there is always God. Too Many Gods! Too Much Confusion! http://hinduism.about.com/cs/basics/a/aa072103a.htm What is Brahman? In Hinduism, the impersonal Absolute is called “Brahmanâ€. According to this pantheistic belief, everything in existence, living or non-living comes from it. Therefore, Hindus regard all things as sacred. We cannot equate Brahman with God, because God is male and is describable, and this takes away from the concept of the Absolute. Brahman is formless or “nirakaraâ€, and beyond anything that we can conceive of. However, it can manifest itself in myriad forms, including Gods and Goddesses, the “sakara†form of the Brahman. According to Prof. Jeaneane Fowler of the University of Wales College, Newport: “The relationship between the many manifest deities and the unmanifest Brahman is rather like that between the sun and its rays. We cannot experience the sun itself but we can experience its rays and the qualities, which those rays have. And, although the sun’s rays are many, ultimately, there is only one source, one sun. So the Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism amount to thousands, all representing the many aspects of Brahman†(Hinduism: Beliefs, Practices and Scriptures)
  2. link to the Tapoban thread: http://www.tapoban.org/phorum/read.php?f=1&i=18520&t=18520
  3. this is being discussed on tapoban.org so I thought why not ask for thoughts here. Do you think it is healthy to Astral travel? Do you think it is unhealthy since one can get caught up in the web and have a downfall? What is its relation to spirituality? Here is a cool website FQA about astral projection: http://www.astralvoyage.com/projection/FAQ_updated.html
  4. GanM, very well put. anyways here is a link to yogic diet: http://www.abc-of-yoga.com/diet/home.asp
  5. Another book: Mindfulness In Plain English By Ven. Henepola Gunaratana this book is available in its entirety online: http://www.saigon.com/~anson/ebud/mfneng/mind0.htm
  6. For me the book "A Heart of stillness" has helped me alot in understanding true meditation It helped me in understanding the sikh way of life better too. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=glance&s=books
  7. heh heh I love fantasy too. I haven't played Everquest yet but will check it out. There is another MMORPG that I'm waiting for: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/ Also checkout: Warcraft 3 (I pick the Night Elves whenever I play this game) http://www.blizzard.com/ Age of Mythology http://www.microsoft.com/games/ageofmythology/greek_home.asp
  8. I pity the fool - Mr.T Mr.T has nothing to do with homosexuality, what are you talking about Shaka? You like to fantasise at past reruns of A-Team in a different light? Clubber Lang! Anyways I thought "Bend it like Beckham" was cinematic tutti.
  9. was it like this: http://www.sikhwomen.com/naam/simran1.htm
  10. http://www.newsforthesoul.com/ Some of the shows: Reincarnation: http://www.newsforthesoul.com/re.htm Exploring the Near Death Experience: http://www.newsforthesoul.com/nde.htm
  11. its the yahoo message boards what do you expect? They are not there to be educated but give their opinions.
  12. From the book "Divine Mystic Reflections on Gurmat" by Sant Naranjan Singh Ji: Q: Please say something about Raag Mala's place in Gurbani. A: Sant Ji: Raag Mala is part of Gurbani. the original Kartarpur beed or Granth written by Guru Arjan Dev Ji and the other at the Dam Dama Sahib written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji both have Raag Mala in them. I have seen both volumes. The ink used and the writing of Raag Malaand the rest of the Gurbani is the same. My faith is that Raag Mala is authentic Bani and should be honored and given due respect as Bani.
  13. couldn't the time and money spent on this forum be used to help and feed the poor?
  14. I downloaded a php script but I'm not sure how to customise it. Right now the user selects his poll answer and clicks on the VOTE submit button and it takes the user to a page where the results are. I do not want the results to be shown right away so how can I fix this script (I know the answer lies in the bolded area but I don't know what to put there): <TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 bordercolor="#003399"> <TH HEIGHT=26 VALIGN=bottom ALIGN=CENTER><div align="left"></div></TH> <TR> <TD WIDTH=130> <FORM ACTION="myResults.php" METHOD="post" target="_blank"> <P STYLE="font: 11px Arial;"><strong>Are you whatever?</strong><BR> <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=choice VALUE='1'> Yes I am<BR> <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=choice VALUE='2'> no I am not<BR> <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=choice VALUE='3'> I don't care<BR> <INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=voted VALUE="Vote!" ALIGN=center target=> <CENTER> </CENTER> </FORM></TD> </TR> </TABLE>
  15. Awesome book available online: Mindfulness in Plain English By Ven. Henepola Gunaratana http://www.saigon.com/~anson/ebud/mfneng/mind0.htm Preface In my experience I found that the most effective way to express something in order to make others understand is to use the simplest language. Also I learned from teaching that the more rigid the language the less effective it is. People to not respond to very stern and rigid language especially when we try to teach something which normally people don't engage in during their daily life. Meditation appears to them as something that they cannot always do. As more people turn to meditation, they need more simplified instructions so they can practice by themselves without a teacher around. This book is the result of requests made by many meditators who need a very simple book written in ordinary colloquial language. Reviews on amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=glance&s=books
  16. A Shaolin monk could absorb a crazy amount of punishment not to mention inflict a CRAZY amount as well WITH WEAPONS or HAND TO HAND. I don't think Niddar can take a straight right punch to the throat from someone 3 times his size without even blinking, a Shaolin monk can. The best martial art on the battlefield is Combat SAMBO in my opinion. ----------------------- Combat SAMBO is a very aggressive system designed to prepare an individual to be effective in any situation. It includes techniques that are dangerous and prohibited in sports. The Russian Military, Police, special Crowd Control units, Marines, and others have employed Combat SAMBO for all aspects of self-defense and close combat.
  17. http://www.veganbodybuilding.org/veganbasics.htm Helpful in diet
  18. I am a student of martial arts, I call it like I see it. This stuff just cannot be applied in the real world of mixed martial arts. Watch UFC PPV tommorow or better yet Pride FC Grand Prix and you will see real mixed martial artists.
  19. Beast I don't need to be in his classes to know there are weaknesses in his fighting style (just watch the videos). I think you HUGELY underestimate other martial arts.
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