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Everything posted by guv

  1. http://www.cosmicharmony.com/Sp/Babaji/Babaji.htm
  2. true say singh47. every gurdwara has it's problems. discussing them here would just be needless hearsay & nindya.
  3. just a thought... how do u know that it was a punishment?
  4. it's very nice to see an article like this. perhaps we should be more proactive as a community to raise awareness of sikhi.
  5. ... but they don't get any of the glory!
  6. true say. that's also true. but u haven't provided the reference. could u please do so? thank u. & also, which valaiti gora were u referring to? whereabouts in canada are u from? niddar singh might be going there this summer.
  7. the only person to mention "British phobic conspiracies" was u (at least on this thread), when u said: singh 47, could u please give references where "British phobic conspiracies" have been alleged. who are u referring to?
  8. u're right sikh princess... it does seem rather racist doesn't it? oops... so is that! sp, when u see pictures & videos of those poor starving people in africa (if they show those images on tv over there), does their plight not move u to feel compassion? or does the fact that they are 'black' mean that u do not appreciate the fact that they are dying? do u commemorate those that laid down their lives in ww1 / ww2 / american independence war? or does the fact they weren't your ancestors mean u don't appreciate them? please provide a reference of the "sneering". no offence to your pitaji, but could u please substantiate that story (unless of course he was an eye-witness) please provide a reference where they state that what the sikh bibi did was nothing. thank u.
  9. an interesting analogy i've heard is that the panj chor are 5 wild dogs u are tied to by leashes. they lead u this way & that way dragging u against your better judgement. the ideal state is where the dogs are at your heel, responding faithfully to your every beck & call. the article seems to suggest that u should get rid of the panj chor... all that will do is destroy u from the inside as u try to repress them. controlling them, u can use them for good. eg destroying kaam would mean that there would be no children (not to mention a lot of frustrated individuals!), but a person who rules over their kaam (as opposed to being ruled by it) would have a much healthier relationship with their other half.
  10. welcome gurm... hope u enjoy the site
  11. http://www.raceandhistory.com/historicalvi...nofHinduism.htm reference for jamuka's article.
  12. getting back to the point of the thread... just think about this... if someone tells u NOT to do something, what's the first thing u want to do? (eg. try to not think about monkeys... see how long u can last... it's incredibly difficult, because your mind keeps taking u back to those damn monkeys!) now if someone says, do NOT go to these websites... what's the first thing u're going to do?? lol... they're using reverse psychology without realising it & sending everyone to exactly the sites they don't want them to go to!!! they're doing the advertising for them... talk about shooting yourself in the foot!! nb. no matter what u do, do NOT go to the following website! http://www.khalsaalliance.org/index.php?pagename=alerts
  13. i just wanted to say jahan... each person's journey of discovery & relationship with akaal is completely individual. it goes beyond allying yourself with the terms 'sikhism'/'islam'... why be constrained within artificial constructs. forge your own path based on where your heart leads u.
  14. shasterkovich, please read "garland around my neck" by patwant singh & harinder kaur sekhon, which gives a biography of bhagat puran singh (who i see as a modern day equivalent of bhai kenaiya.) http://www.dtfbooks.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=45
  15. kevin carter committed suicide 16 months after taking the photo, not 3. it wasn't just depression... there were a number of factors including drugs & his inability to handle his fame. http://home-4.tiscali.nl/~t892660/msp/time.htm i cannot believe he sat there for 20 minutes without doing anything to get a 'better' picture! what a bastard! but then apparently he was obsessed with the fact that his pictures were never good enough.
  16. :oops2: dhan sri home & away! :roll:
  17. of course oooooo... is that a cheap shot at me? :P n3o likes u... run jt, run!!
  18. woooo hoooo... finally someone almost as insane as me on the forum!!!
  19. what about jaanae?... is that only 'to be known' & not 'to become known' etc? or something different? ditto with bujhaa.
  20. * guv takes notes on yet another example of a 'pathetic comeback' *
  21. i have 3 lines & 2 of them are joined together... does that mean i'm gonna have one wife... then later have two wives at the same time??
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