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Mugermach Singh

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Everything posted by Mugermach Singh

  1. people keep pets as companions. (in other words they have no friends :shock: ) If you look after your pet, keep one. if you dont like them, dont keep one. Guru Ji had animals as pets, he also went hunting. Some pets you keep cos you like and others you kill for training in martial arts. I'd like to keep goats. Any1 know why???
  2. No becasue i have bad eye sight. More or less Blind. I've seen quite a few reading from the guru granth sahib and doing ardas etc...
  3. i've started to read about the udasis, i've not read much but found this extract. On reading this extract i began to wonder. These are my trail of thoughts. If we are to ask what is sikhism, do we look at the sikhs of today or look at their gurus. Im sure that most people will (want to) look at what the gurus did to find out about true sikhi. Like wise, if we were to look at islam today, will we judge it by looking at the muslims of today. And if we to look at hinduism, .... to diverse. I answer gabroo question's in the same manner. I am not looking at what the udasis are of today, but more to the fact of who they were and what they should be, (i am in no position to tell people about the current day udasis as i still have little to none knowlegde regarding them and have not ever met a person who is an udasis .) From the extract above, if the gurus can hand over their sons to an udasis, then i cannot see anything wrong with their Baba ji, as for he did help guru ji finish of sukhmani sahib. fateh ji. I hope i have answered your question gabroo.
  4. just to note out, that extract was taken from sarbloh.info What i am trying to say is that knowledge is and should be aquired. We must remain openminded and then decide on what i true or false. We shouldn't make rash descision. I hope that my veer can understand this. As far as udasis are concerned, my knowledge is limited. But i am sure that there are bad apples in all sects. So not all udasis are true udasis. I have never met an udasis, or every been intrigued to read about them. But i will do some reading on the topic and let you know my personal opinion. fateh ji.
  5. in sikhi we need to aquire knowledge. With my newly aquired knowledge i wish to give a bit of info. It not much to do with Udasis, Sorry for the side tract. "To seek means to acquire knowledge. The second part of spiritual development is Gian Khand. The individual, who in its true form is Atma (particle of Parmatma, the highest God) moves towards Va-eh Guru by feeding on Gian (knowledge)." What do you think of this gabroo.
  6. was it not an udasi that guru arjun went to finish writing sukhmani sahib. I might be completly wrong. im not sure.
  7. Will you be my Pet.??? Jump up and down, Sit Only joking.
  8. oh yeah. me acting thick at the moment. Sorry. As far a Bhagti concerned, still working on it. I've looked up the word in Mahan Kosh but my punjabi still a bit tuteee futeee, so i need to look up the words that explain the word Bhagti and so forth. Sorry truthSingh, didnt mean to make you life hell by deleting our posts. But you have to admit, it was funny. Jsb, you got me in trouble. Naughty Naughty. :wink:
  9. go to http://www.gobindsadan.org/institute/dasam/pdf/v1_1.pdf for a punjabi tranlation. I've read it and taken what i could, but not understood it properly, i reckon its quite good. if you want one in english, i still recommend this one and a Punjabi to English Dictionary. (do a bit of hard work, it'll only help you in the future) On another note, i was told that if a person can understand most to all the words in Jap Sahib then it is possible for them to understand a lot of (not all) Dasam Granth. But one needs to understand the grammer as well as the meanings of the words. Any insight to this.
  10. what do you mean, stick to topic??
  11. i think the singhs have become the pets. lol. oh crap, that includes me too. d'oh. :shock: back to pests opps i mean pets, you cant keep a kuta cos that a goreh best freind, i know loads of muslims with cats. Jews have Jooha as pets, What should Sikhs adopt. I would like to have a crocodile as a pet so i say lets get crocs.
  12. i should write a dictionary called mugermach's english for It geniuses. i'll dedicate it to Albert, my talking computer.
  13. mugermach with one g please. oh i know i can spell, i was never good at english.
  14. Can a person with good language skills please break up the word Bhagti and explain it. I will try to find out myself aswell.
  15. correction, people who say wearing makeup is wrong should walk around naked. :shock:
  16. nice, people who dont wear make up, you should walk around naked. :shock:
  17. Bhagti is like the wind, you cant see or explain it, you just feel it.
  18. i can upgrade your machine if you wish. I will not only get it talking to you like a human (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/264663.stm) but i will try to get i to sing raag aswell. :wink:
  19. just a note on the translations. the one on dasamgranth.org is not the complete dasam granth. A lot is there but not all. also Dr. Jodh singh translations, as far as i know, there are only two books, so this too is incomplete.
  20. amee, these people keep @$£%" on the net and i we cant do anythingto stop these %^&%£>$?$££:%>?£ kinds or words apearing. Stop should put a stop to this %^£>?£5 and make people see the ?F:$%££ swearing is $%^$" ^&$$ 6$$??$>% 6%$'@£/4 needed at all. oh yeah. fateh. the above joke was to add humour, pls dont take offense, or truthsingh may cut it out as im not aloud to add humour. (again truthsingh, just joking. but i'll get you, and your kitty too....... :twisted: )
  21. sikhs beleive in equality, just not the same way as goreh. Our equality is also based on practicality, women are just better at some things and men are at others. But we are still equal, also if a women or man wants to swap duities/roles they can. But women are better in some cases and men are better in others. Also, roles of a women, i dont think it means what a women can do or cant, or should and shouldn't but more to the fact of what they are capable of doing.
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