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PPlz from Midland, How bad is this situation?? Plz tell


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okay ppl chill...!

I heard bare crap that happens to these gals converting - su of them friends of mine.

Its this kind of hing that breaks up famlies. Ppl do go out there converting yeaah, but do u know where all this originates fro? GIGs.

Do u know sum of these guys actually go up and stand on the DJ box and luk 4 gals wearing Kara's.

If any1 has eva heard of Kipsy's - a bar yeah..... it had to get shutdown in my area cus der wer so many fights and stuff... then wen it took a Sikh girl to get raped and slaughtered - only then did they shut it dwn...

These gals dont know any better - cus parents havnt taught them - straight up that is the problem, and thisis a subject i feel so strongly about...!

the hurt and pain these gals cause is unbeleivable and they r so dumb yeah dat they dont realise until suming bad has happened.... but then to balance it out, u know these "muslim" guys dat convert e, they make the feel that they got no way out...!

Its all MASHED up....!!!

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i hear wat ur sayin K4ur...but have u eva thought tht the girls may even bring it on themselves. No disrespect to ur friends or nothing!!

When goin to gigs dont the girls have any common sense to ask a million n 1 questions to the guy they get approached by...n do they not realise tht they shudnt drink as much...n do they not realise tht clothes they wear (hardly anything these days) attracts the wrong guy in the 1st place!!!

A person's outlook can say alot abt a person.

I go clubbin....but i dont get drunk...n i dont wear clothin tht reveals any of my body!!! i get attention...but i dont give the guy 2 looks!!!

Clubbin was meant to b a fun thing..but these days....dumb ppl have ruined it for ppl like me..who only go for a chill..a laff n a giggle with mates..n a dance n tht!! Some clubs r like hoe houses!!!

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Guest kaur1699

Fateh Ji,

When goin to gigs dont the girls have any common sense to ask a million n 1 questions to the guy they get approached by...n do they not realise tht they shudnt drink as much...n do they not realise tht clothes they wear (hardly anything these days) attracts the wrong guy in the 1st place!!!

A person's outlook can say alot abt a person.

Very well said...

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Its all abt common sense really...im jus talkin frm experience!! My mates go out wearing hardly anything...and they get alot more attention...n guys rub past them intentionally!!

Jus dont look the part...then ur aiight!!!

Why do u think the muslims cova their females up...so tht no1 looks at them in tht way..n tht they look unattractive!!!!

i ain sayin girls should like u knw..look crap...but ....keep it within limits!!! Thats all!!

I bet enuf girls run outa the house so tht mum or dad dont see wat they r wearing...parents only flip coz they knw wat kind of dirty world it is!!!

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i heard bout a girl in north london in some uni there..neways she knew nothing bout sikhi her parents never taught her nothing n she had lots of muslims friends and her m8s were like convincin her 2 convert sayin how good islam is etc. and so she converted...just imagin if she knew about sikhi..u fink she would have converted??? :roll:

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to them, it's a way that guarantees acceptance into heaven... the muslim who converts someone to islam is guaranteed a spot in heaven....the seat is reserved... pre-purchased ticket, type of thing...not sure if its' first class or what, but they're guaranteed there, no matter what...........so they say

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Yeah the problem is well out of control... i wanna tell you about when i realised how bad it is. may last year I was approached by a Sikh girl, about how she offered 3,000 pounds to convert to Islam, by a group of Muslim lads out side our university which was Sheffield :(, I was over come with anger because I previously was handed a leaflet at the Sheffield train station written in Arabic having no idea what it was I put it in my pocket so I could get my granddad he knows the lingo, to translate. To my and my granddads shock it was about converting non - Muslims esp. Sikh and Hindu girls. I could not sit back and allow this sort of thing to happen so I contacted my university sent several e-mails but all I got back was that it’s not on university site so they can’t do any think. So I approached the group of Muslim lads to talk to them , with respect and being cram, to try understand what there doing and explain to them that others like me aren’t as cool headed, to my horror I got aggressive approach, abuse and racist comments. Since that day I was given dirty looks and even the odd swear word. happened for a week or so, it went ugly after I was approached by a group of 8 Muslims lad who believe I was some-what a threat to them, I knew right away that they didn’t where to chat to me. As there was no 1 with me, I knew that I would get a serious kill in , but I knew I had the skills from my wing chug to course least 2 of them some damage .. As soon as it started it ended, they broke my cheek bone/ nose and had 3 deep cuts to my head. I was out of action for over 2 weeks but I was much more determined to show them that I aint going to hide or back down from there threats. In some ways it made me closer to sikhi and made me a stronger person. Until this year when I somewhat had my revenge, I know it’s not good but I had to do it for myself. I won’t go into details. I now understand that these types of people don’t understand words they only understand violence. I stuck up for what I believed was right doesn’t matter what happened to me. I would do it all again just to make my point clear.

like steel i get enough dirty looks , but its chilling am moving to birmingham to be with more apanay :P lol

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i dunno wat it is abt bradford...but muslims knw tht there are more muslims here..than anywhere else!! but it scares me how much our apnay sikh munday do sooo much 2 protect their own religion down south!! i knw sheffield is bad..some guy was meant 2 have been in a coma coz pakis beat him up outside a club!!!

i dunno wat 2 say really...i jus wish tht our girls...jus educate themselves..instead of relying on thei parents.they knw wat they are..cant they find out more b4 its 2 late! u cant really blame the parents, most parents r from india and knw their roots already and also dont feel the need to teach religion to their youngsters as some of them pratice sikhi everyday. Majority of our parents came from India or elsewhere..UNEDUCATED...!!

ive seen it in bradford yeh....the kids get respectable jobs..drive nice flash cars about..and their old manz r dealin in drugs....they live on benefits..there sooo much more tht these nasty ppl get away with!!

People shud educate themselves....i think our sikh girls can b a bit dillusioned tht life is jus a simple easy..relgion free life! N feel its ok to live like the goray....!! These days the goray take piss outta pakis n the girls dont even go near em coz they knw wat they're like!!

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hey jagz penji - i know what you're talkin about, i went to Bradford for a rensabai last month, and around the streets it was swarmin with muslims - but not all of them are bad :LOL:

stick to da sangat, :) as far as i saw most of the people in the gurudwarae were pretty gursikhi-lyk. 8)

btw: some of the youth there do awesome kirtan!!!!! ur lucky, my place isn't half as good as bradford. though we're gettin there.


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trust amrik 2 say sumot like tht.....lo...u joka!!

bradford has got a good sikh sangat, but it gets ruined by our own kind...theres politcs goin on in gurdwaras and half the ladies jus go gurdwara coz they wanna catch up on gossip!!!! sad really!!!

im glad there aint tht many sikh girls in bradford..and the the ones tht do live here...have got a healthy sikh peer group!! unlike me...i aint got many sikh friends..my best mate is muslim...but i wudnt dare convert...its all good really..coz half the ppl me n my mate meet..they think my mate is sikh aswell!! lol!!! until they hear her name!!! hehe

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