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Harpal Singh Pannu


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"Though he is brother of inder ghagha, Harpal singh Pannu has no link with singh sabhcandaa. He is very knowledgable on Dasam granth sahib."

Inder da sagaa pra?

I was listening to his lectures, very interesting, a very highly read man. I like his character in terms of trying to understand gurbani without influence - and then cross referencing against ithaas/tikas etc.

The only reason I asked the question was because he was giving a very good lecture on Naam and Simran etc using Gurbani vaak and various arth.. and he clearly stated that this is simply my opinion, that I am not presenting it as fact.

His take on simran was interesting using Bhai Gurdas jis vaaran to prove that simply repeating something does not allow you to experience it.. i.e. as our esteemed brother Bhai Balbir Singh Ji says.. one must taste the mango in order to know what it tastes like, simply repeating mango will never allow us to experience its taste... basically that simply repeating Vaheguru in it self is a ritual. He said that all names in Gurbani are parvaan - and the key is to have complete bharosa and prem in Parmatma - then the simran will be real. He didn't real speak about the importance of amritvela simran...

I know he is in good company in Punjab University Patiala, but some of his thoughts just came across as a little reformist/missionery, probably just me.

Thanks for the info Singh2.

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"Though he is brother of inder ghagha, Harpal singh Pannu has no link with singh sabhcandaa. He is very knowledgable on Dasam granth sahib."

Inder da sagaa pra?

I was listening to his lectures, very interesting, a very highly read man. I like his character in terms of trying to understand gurbani without influence - and then cross referencing against ithaas/tikas etc.

The only reason I asked the question was because he was giving a very good lecture on Naam and Simran etc using Gurbani vaak and various arth.. and he clearly stated that this is simply my opinion, that I am not presenting it as fact.

His take on simran was interesting using Bhai Gurdas jis vaaran to prove that simply repeating something does not allow you to experience it.. i.e. as our esteemed brother Bhai Balbir Singh Ji says.. one must taste the mango in order to know what it tastes like, simply repeating mango will never allow us to experience its taste... basically that simply repeating Vaheguru in it self is a ritual. He said that all names in Gurbani are parvaan - and the key is to have complete bharosa and prem in Parmatma - then the simran will be real. He didn't real speak about the importance of amritvela simran...

I know he is in good company in Punjab University Patiala, but some of his thoughts just came across as a little reformist/missionery, probably just me.

Thanks for the info Singh2.

Shaheediyan ji

He has not embarked on path of naam simran. Hence he has not experienced it. Otherwise he is a faithful sikh.

This was the speech he delivered at Sacramento, CA. This was the theme speech of the event.


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