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Canada To Issue More Visas To Skilled Indian Youths

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You carry one like they are angels Mithar. Like there isn't a world of crap to sort out in your society that is specifically the result of perceptions of macho Jat culture. Have you noticed what happens on the west coast of your country for instance? Or are you going to pretend idiotic spoilt 'gangsta' jat boys aren't killing each other like lowlife thugs there?

Anyway, if you keep living in denial, see how your communities problems will grow. It's your choice.

Plus my idea of construction courses for pendus back home is a golden one. If they are good, they can come here and do site work with better wages. I don't know why no one thinks of these things back home? Is it because the boys out there will feel ashamed of openly doing so called 'low caste' work?

Then come here and beg for it anyway.

First of all, the gangster culture in BC is by a few Sikh youth who are born and raised in Canada, or atleast have been raised in Canada. In other words, they are western kids much like you. They are not immigrants themselves. You're the one who is putting the Jat label on those gangsters. There are probably Tarkhans, Labanas and Sainis amongst them as well in proportion to their population ratio amongst the Sikhs in BC. I'm not the one living in denial, it is you who is blinding by your sheer hate and phobia of Jats.

Your idea of why Jats do not do these jobs back home again shows your ignorance about this matter. First of all, the main reason why Jats do not do these jobs back home is because they do not pay well, they will only make around a 100 rupees a day for back breaking work, where as in the west they will make much more for the same work. Secondly, the construction jobs back home are mainly done by Bhaiyas from UP/Bihar not the so called low castes of Punjab. Many Jats today have already adopted other occupations that have traditionally been occupied by other castes, for example, it is not uncommon to find Jats beginning to do Mistri work on the side like Tarkhans, or the fact that many Jats have started to open up shops(dukaans) which have traditionally been the work of Khatris, Bramins, Banyaas. If the work is profitable, the you will see Jats entering that field.

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What's the expression, none so blind as those who refuse to see! Dalsingh is the personification of that saying. What he knows about the situation in Punjab you could put on the back of a postage stamp! and most of the space would be filled with just the word Jat. He hasn't even been to a Pind let alone lived there for any length of time in order to see whether his preconceived notions have any basis. You can expose his lack of knowledge as much as you want but as with any hater he would just brush it aside. First he's an expert on the pinds without ever having been there and now he's an expert on the east coast gangs and is arguing with someone who lives there! Aside from the comic element of his posts, my advice is to just take any of his views on the Punjab pinds as a lot of hot air.

Edited by tonyhp32
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What makes you think that you are the only one with no caste? Why do you automatically assume that every time we are in discussions with you it is because we are defending our caste or the castesystem?

Because I've seen enough over the years to know that plenty of olders as well as their groomed youngsters have a surreptitious caste agenda. I don't presume everyone in discussions with me is like this, but there are plenty of these people about, infecting the panth slyly. Acting like they aren't that way inclined but then getting back into petty jaat paat mode as soon as they are amongst themselves.

I'm tired of people playing down its effects. Maybe where you are, it might not be an issue, but it is in the UK, especially as we need to overcome this crap to face any possible hostile crap from outside that may arise in future. Even without that, it's still an issue that is long overdue to be resolved.

And another thing. I'm not going to hold back on those of my generation who push this bullcrap pride thing, because whereas our parents generation were generally genuine semi-literate pendus, and didn't know any better. Their children should - especially after being educated.

Who knows, maybe the younger generation might make a break from it? But I personally witnessed how having a lax attitude towards it, only encouraged it. Hence the uncompromising stance.

Hope that answers your question.

Edited by dalsingh101
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You have very valid points. Ones in which I agree with. My only problem with you is that regardless of your prior experiences with cast loving members of the Punjabi community, you shouldn't be prejudiced when it comes to everyone you encounter, in regards to loyalty to cast, just because the ones you have had interactions with have proven to be ignorant. In doing so you do more harm, to your very just views, than good, by alienating people who otherwise would agree with you.

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