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Eating With Muslims

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I was hoping to get some answers here regarding my questions about Sikhs and Muslims.

I was talking to my friend the other day, and she said Sikhs are not allowed to buy products made by Muslims, eat together in the same room with Muslims or eat food made by Muslims.

I might be very ignorant, but to me this sounds very extreme. She said it's written in the Rehatname by Bhai Nand Lal ji. I can't find anything on the net about it, could someone please shed some light on this?

If it is true, what is the reason behind it?

Edited by G.Kaur
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Yes it is written in many rehitnames but you have to see them in their historical context. The muslims were the enemies of the Sikhs at the time so they should be read in the lines of not having any social relations with your enemies since many of them could be traitors and report to the mughals.

Later on in Sikh History Baba Ram Singh would say the same about the british when they conquered India and replaced the muslims in oppressing the Sikhs: Dont learn their language, dont adopt their lifestyle, dont eat with them etc. etc.

Its a historical notion, not an eternal one since there have always been muslims closely connected with the Sikh Gurus and in many case also saved their lives (Guru Gobind Singh in the lakhi jungle etc.)

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I vaguely recall reading instructions 'not to eat from the hands of a turk' in an old rehit.

We certainly can't eat halal anyway.

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I never eat from a muslim store, nor do I buy any products made by muslim companies or muslim fast food places(tastes like crap, alll about rockys and pizza express).

My personal choice.

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I don't eat halal. But seeing as all the shops around me are Muslim I do buy sabjee from them.

I have no sullay friends so the question of eating with them doesn't come up.

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there are strong reasons..if u observe muslims they eat from the same thaal..now they had this tradition because during their time poisoning the food of the enemy was common...and many a times the closest to the enemy were used to achieve this...

so when they share food amongst themselves..like if someone is called the guest..the guest will not fear of being poisioned by the host as they will eat from the same thaal.

if we were to accept food from them in the same thaal..we would be eating all that they do...and they had no dharamyudh ethics ..so they would choose yor weak point and poision u..they also wont take care of your maryada..they wont serve u jhatka...

i have known muslims who take pride in making a hindu eat beef by fraud..

this could be the reason...

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Thanks for the replies, interesting answers.

Jaikaara, Muslims have a tradition of eating from the same thaal because they get "blessings" by eating another Muslims jhooth. That's what I've been told.

All my Muslim friends respect the fact that I am vegetarian and always make vegetarian food for me when I'm at their houses.

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