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Modi: It’S Not Just What He Did, It’S What He Will Do…


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Pakistan will lose the war, India has a bigger army and every war Porkistan started the three, they lost. This time Modi won't just hand back their region back to them. Porkistan spread propoganda that India started the war and lost but their is absolute proof that Porkistan lost the three wars. Porkistan talk a bigger game but India has a stronger nuclear capacity.

Lets be clear. Any terrorists coming in from the pakistani side have to have pakistani support. I say expand the war across the entire western front if this happens. Light up lahore and balochistan and see how they like it.

Then again why do you think India is on a dam construction spree. Lahore will look nice under 10 feet of water. haha..release the water lol..

Modi with his brains, skills, experience, cutthroat style is what pakis fear most. I expect a major increase in the defence budget, more money for R/D and partnerships with russia, isreal, america and france and complete revamp of RAW.

The worst nightmare for the paki has come true. A guy who makes it a personal mission to destroy pakis.

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I do not think that pakistan needs to be destroyed or financially ruined because they will head to India. We need to keep the pot boiling but do not let it overflow. Uncertainty kills a human being and his energy.

Most pakistanis claim middle eastern, turkish, saudi arabian descent and have no affiliation with this land or its culture so technically they should be asking the middle east for water.

So many levers just opened up. Pakis have not been this scared since Indira Gandhi.

Edited by Amandeep Hindustani
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Nothing more amusing than two Lalas boasting about how they are going to destroy Pakistan. Seems like just another form of mutual masturbation. You guys seem to be mistaking your country for an Israel. Your slum infested country is not an Israel, only Israel can hit terrorist training camps. Modi will follow the same policy as Vajpayee talking tough but doing very little. Let's see him try and copy the Israeli tactics.

I didn't see him to much when the pakis attacked the Hindu temple in Gujarat in 2002 killing 30 Hindu pilgrims, he was CM then and the BJP were governing the country. Can you imagine the reaction in Pakistan if some Indians had attacked a mosque in Pakistan and killed 30 Muslims.

Modi is a coward possibly with a suspect sexuality having suddenly come up recently come up with a wife he married in his younger days.

Edited by tonyhp32
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Nothing more amusing than two Lalas boasting about how they are going to destroy Pakistan. Seems like just another form of mutual masturbation. You guys seem to be mistaking your country for an Israel. Your slum infested country is not an Israel, only Israel can hit terrorist training camps. Modi will follow the same policy as Vajpayee talking tough but doing very little. Let's see him try and copy the Israeli tactics.

I didn't see him to much when the pakis attacked the Hindu temple in Gujarat in 2002 killing 30 Hindu pilgrims, he was CM then and the BJP were governing the country. Can you imagine the reaction in Pakistan if some Indians had attacked a mosque in Pakistan and killed 30 Muslims.

Modi is a coward possibly with a suspect sexuality having suddenly come up recently come up with a wife he married in his younger days.

I smell a paki - the stink of halal donkey rectum can be smelled from here. Who said we are going to destroy Pakistan? We don't want pakis flocking to India. Like I said our objective is to keep it boiling but not let it overflow.

And there are multiple ways to punish pakistan outside of direct attack or fight.

As for marriage, I suppose its better to marry a non-relative and leave unlike in Pakistan where admin cut.

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