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The Plight Of Poor Teenage Girls In The Indian Alleways


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1. you do realize that you can find women of all ethnicities that are promiscuous right? probably not.... punjabanaan that blow people for fun are quite prevalent in all of north america and europe......

2. and about shivling.... why dont you come say this to a true hindu... then you complain about getting burnt alive like a rat.... talk is cheap... and your ass is still hurting from burns inflicted in 84... yet you sit here acting like a soorma. typical coward singh sabha neosikh.

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Hindu girls get abused all the time but you won't find any Hindu soormay risking jail to defend their girls! Most of the Hindu Fudhus are too busy revising for their exams while their sister is getting shagged by a Musla downstairs!

You mean in the Gurudwara parking lot like that last girl, don't you?

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You mean in the Gurudwara parking lot like that last girl, don't you?

You asked the question where are the Sikhs protecting their women and I showed you. You can't show any Hindu fighting for his women because their culture is to submit and hope the Muslims don't hurt the menfolk.

Edited by tonyhp32
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1. you do realize that you can find women of all ethnicities that are promiscuous right? probably not.... punjabanaan that blow people for fun are quite prevalent in all of north america and europe......

2. and about shivling.... why dont you come say this to a true hindu... then you complain about getting burnt alive like a rat.... talk is cheap... and your ass is still hurting from burns inflicted in 84... yet you sit here acting like a soorma. typical coward singh sabha neosikh.

If the Punjabans do that then you sister must do the same? Your women were warming the Mughal emperor's beds centuries ago and that with the blessing of their fathers and brothers so you are the last person to talk about protecting women from Muslims.

As for the lulla comment, I have mentioned that to countless Hindus and they just try and rationalise it some even saying that it's not even a lulla. The best question to ask a Hindu is what god do you worship? the Monkey god or the elephant headed god?

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Maybe you would want to know the same from Sahib Sri Guru Gobindsingh ji who kept a copy of Hanuman Natak in His Kamarkassa...

If the Punjabans do that then you sister must do the same? Your women were warming the Mughal emperor's beds centuries ago and that with the blessing of their fathers and brothers so you are the last person to talk about protecting women from Muslims.

As for the lulla comment, I have mentioned that to countless Hindus and they just try and rationalise it some even saying that it's not even a lulla. The best question to ask a Hindu is what god do you worship? the Monkey god or the elephant headed god?

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Hanuman Natak, or Hanuman’s drama is one of the gupt Banis of Dasam Granth. It was taken out by the Sodhak committee during the late 1800’s and has quite a colorful past. It revolves around the Hindu simian God, Hanuman, and his loyalty to King Ram Chandar. From a Gurmat perspective Hanuman can represent a Sikh, whereas Ram Chandar can be viewed as a metaphor for Ram.

For those who have read the ancient Hindu text “Ramayana” detailing the battles between Ram Chandar and his nemesis Ravan, Hanuman’s loyalty cannot be called into doubt. He was faithful to his king up to such an extent, that he was even willing to burn himself alive for him. Such was the loyalty which the Guru wanted to view in his Sikhs.

The history of the Bani has been called into question many times. Many believe it was the personal creation of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Others state it to be a creation of one of his court poets, while others state it to be the creation of an imperial poet. Whatever the history, what cannot be doubted is the fact that it found a place in Dasam Granth. It is said that the Bani was written by a rishi during or after the Ramayan period. Yet for some reason he was not able to finish it. Over time it found itself in the hands of an imperial poet. He recognised it for it what it was. A relic of a bygone age where warriors dominated the world, and kings were glorified as divine beings. With constant praying and a religious fervor he was able to finish it and pass it onto the emperor, who had employed him. Over time it came into the possession of the mughal emperor Bahadur Shah, who gifted it to Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The Guru recognised it for what it was instantly, and it is said he kept it in his cummerbund and often read it to his Sikhs, to provide a metaphor in loyalty to them. Today it has become restricted to the Nihung Dals, handwritten manuscripts of Dasam Granth and the memories of a few Gursikhs.

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You need help ...anyways i can gift you this great composition if you can trust me and give me your address...i have decided to not lower myself to your level since that will destroy me ...in any and all cases you are our brother...my apologies for anything said in the past and i forgive you too...


If the Punjabans do that then you sister must do the same? Your women were warming the Mughal emperor's beds centuries ago and that with the blessing of their fathers and brothers so you are the last person to talk about protecting women from Muslims.

As for the lulla comment, I have mentioned that to countless Hindus and they just try and rationalise it some even saying that it's not even a lulla. The best question to ask a Hindu is what god do you worship? the Monkey god or the elephant headed god?

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The reason this is happening on such a scale now is because it is still a very male dominated society which has no respect for women. In theory they claim they respect women but in real life they treat them like second class citizens. Thanks to hindu Manu laws where women are considered as shuddars.

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Why don't you stop it from happening in the US of A?

It's not competition but statistical reality as the article says. And you still have not pointed out where I joked about rape?

Just because it cannot be stopped altogether does not mean we are going to make fun of it. Your tone so is alarmingly insulting. You are turning this so very serious matter into a mockery. You need to grow up and learn this world is not full of people like you who insult and mock everyone and everything they cannot handle or understand. Thank goodness for that, we still have some good people left in this world. I am very astonished.

Edited by Martin Holland
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Just because it cannot be stopped altogether does not mean we are going to make fun of it. Your tone so is alarmingly insulting. You are turning this so very serious matter into a mockery. You need to grow up and learn this world is not full of people like you who insult and mock everyone and everything they cannot handle or understand. Thank goodness for that, we still have some good people left in this world. I am very astonished.

You westerners like to point fingers but as the article says you have the same issues. And if you are serious about this topic you should discuss why such crimes in the so called civilized world. Just 3 generations ago you were nuking and gassing each other.

And what do you want me to say when half your women are drunk anyways when the assault happened.

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Just because it cannot be stopped altogether does not mean we are going to make fun of it. Your tone so is alarmingly insulting. You are turning this so very serious matter into a mockery. You need to grow up and learn this world is not full of people like you who insult and mock everyone and everything they cannot handle or understand. Thank goodness for that, we still have some good people left in this world. I am very astonis


Edited by Saroj Bahl
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