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What is the point of blocking a member if they can still see your posts and direct personal attacks??

I had to block the member chatanga1 awhile back due to harrassment through PM and on posts, however it has been brought to my attention that he is still making harrassing remarks directed at me in topics that everyone on the forum see, including using rude remarks, untrue accusations and name calling.

Blocking him just means I can't see those remarks he makes, but he is still able to see my posts and make those rude comments...

Something should be done to prevent this.


Why not just read our conversation for yourselves and see who the devious one is.







can you please leave this forum?




Satkirin_Kaur 530

Replied: 9 June · Report

no thanks.  you can though if you'd like. I was actually asked to stay because of all the SIkh forums online, this one seems to have a hate on for Singhnis, and certain people who administer this site wanted to remove that perception of this forum and attract more females.  Because right now, it seems very anti-female. You are perfectly welcome to leave though if you don't like it here. I am sure there are othermale chauvenistic places you can go. 




chatanga1 1581

Replied: 9 June · Report

you wanted to leave and only stayed because you were asked to stay. Can't you go because :

a - you wanted to

b - because you are being asked to.


I am sure there are other feminist  centric places you can go.






Satkirin_Kaur 530

Replied: 9 June · Report

Actually I am not a feminist... I'm an equalist.

A Feminist (like a patriarchalist / male chauvenist) would seek to put their own gender at the top of a heirarchy where the other gender is below or enjoys less freedoms and priveledges. However, I am an equalist. I wish to see both genders have the same rights and freedoms, and enjoy the same priveledges.

I am not a feminist. However you are most definitely a male chauvenist.  I seek equality while you seek male domination.

You can always block me (and Sukrit Kaur etc) if you don't wish to read any female points of view.




chatanga1 1581

Replied: 11 June · Report

rubbish. feminism is not seeking to put gender at the top. its asking for gender parity on everything. maybe in the next world but this cannot be achieved in this world. Waheguru has created nature a specific way and that cannot be changed. females will have their roles and males will have theirs. There can never equality between genders in everything.

neither in sikhi has there been total gender equality of the type you seek. All the Gurus were male but they had plenty of female sikhs of the top brass. Yet there never was  a female Guru. You cannot overturn this or overlook it.  But were the Guru's wrong or chauvinists? Did they think a woman cannot hold this responsibiltiy?


And you are so so arrogant as to think im a chauvinist. I agree on a personal level that women should be allowed to do some sewa from which they are barred at the moment, but this should only be done after panthic conference. it is not for one or two people to decide.


you however are so nasty and sometime vulgar with your derisory comments on the taksal that ,even though i am not one of them, just the way you come across makes me (and i bet i'm not the only one) want to distance themselves from you.


and this "last post" thing. Who do you think you are, asking people on this forum to want to beg you to stay? You create more disharmony on this forum than anyone at the moment.




Satkirin_Kaur 530

Replied: 11 June · Report

Maybe this is the disharmony that is needed to get Sikh women the equality they deserve.

Natures roles for gender does not go beyond procreation.  If I choose to never have a child, I should not be blocked into restrictions based on women only being seen as a Mother and servant. 

Please dont get me wrong. I do not hate men. At all. I just hate being forever seen as a subordinate simply because I arrived in this world in a female body.  I don't see how what's between my legs should limit me especially in tasks that don't require genetalia.  

I dont hate you, or anyone else on here. I am just trying to get you all to see what majority of Sikh girls feel by being put in subordinate position.  The limitations imposed on Sikh women, have nothing to do with whether women are physically capable of ding them or not.  This is where parity should win out because if someone is physically capable of doing something then nature obviously intended for them to be able to do it.  I just want you to understand how much it sucks being told over and over by men that you are not allowed to do this or not allowed to do that simply because you are a woman and they feel more entitled simply because they are man. Regardless of the fact whether you can actually physically do it or not.  Its being held as some sort of "one up" on Sikh women.  Even to the point that guys like paapiman are saying men deserve more respect from women, than women deserve from men... simply because they are men. 

It really really hurts.  It makes you think that Waheguru Ji is punishing you to be born female and have to live with nothing but restrictions, men telling you what you are and are not allowed to do like you are a child and have no authority over anything, east of all your own life.  Just try to understand how it feels to be on that side of the fence even for just a moment. 

And then ask yourself is this really what Waheguru Ji wants?  For women to feel limited, restricted, incapable, told they cant do things, told their place is beneath men, inferior.  Did the Gurus really want Sikh women to feel this way their entire lives?  Its easy to speak about it being male... because you would never have to experience it.  

Yes, I believe in parity when it comes to tasks that don't require gender.  Which is nearly everything.  If someone is physically capable of doing something and aspires to do that thing, then they should be allowed.  Biology aside, the Fact is, men are not restricted from anything at all. Only women are.  That is wrong. That is not nature... that is man made restriction. 

Males and Females are more alike than different.  Amrit SAnchar requires two arms to stir the amrit, two legs to be in proper pose, a mouth and tongue to utter proper prayers. Both men and women have all of that.  Both men and women can have high bhagti, both can attain jeevan mukhta.  Both can become brahamgyani.  The fact that women are the ones that have to *endure* the pain of childbirth, should not be held to restrict them in things completely unrelated to childbirth. 

And... Creation of the Khalsa eliminated all these differences that were used to delineate humans... and this is from DDT's own RM:






chatanga1 1581

Replied: 11 June · Report

  On 11/06/2015, Satkirin_Kaur said:

Maybe this is the disharmony that is needed to get Sikh women the equality they deserve.

No. you will not get anywhere with this attitude. Disharmony will only polarise people and as i have said, because of the vulgar way you present yourself, those who may agree with you would distance themselves from you.





Satkirin_Kaur 530

Replied: 11 June · Report

I love how its seen as vulgar if women wish to have equal opportunity to men. But its not vulgar for men to suggest that women should be subservient / subordinate to men.  




chatanga1 1581

Replied: 12 June · Report

There you go again with your ego. i never said your thoughts about equality are vulgar but the way you present them. stop twisting things because you are making yourself look really immature. debate like a grown up, not some silly child.

your friend presents himself with vulgar vocab as well. does that mean the same implies for him?

I assuming you know what the panjabi word he wrote means. If you don't ask him.




Satkirin_Kaur 530

Replied: 12 June · Report

Who are you talking about? I would never use vulgar language!  And the childish ones IMO are the ones who are cry babies at any suggestion that women should enjoy the same rights as them. 




chatanga1 1581

Replied: 12 June · Report

who said YOU used vulgar language?




Satkirin_Kaur 530

Replied: 12 June · Report

you said I present myself in a vulgar way... vulgar means "making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude." or dressing in a vulgar "overtly sexual" way. 

I have never done this!  





chatanga1 1581

Replied: 12 June · Report

you do. look at the way you tried to make me out to be something bad by telling lies on the forum about my message to you. I have reposted it and i hope you have the decency to admit there that you have made up those lies and tried to out them in my mouth.


that is vulgar. vulgar behaviour. not befitting of someone who has done 20 years of research into sikhi.




Satkirin_Kaur 530

Replied: 13 June · Report

You tried telling me to leave the forum! How do you think that made me feel???  REALLY! 

Vulgar means sexually explicative... look it up. And I didnt lie. You said go somewhere thats feminist centric.  

I am not feminist. I am an equalist.  I don't believe that either gender should be 'above' the other. There is no heirarchy.  Males and females are equals. Obvious biology aside which is only used for procreation, gender should not be used to limit people. Only by our actions and merits should we be seen.  

I dont hate men. I dont even dislike men. I dislike the viewpoint that men should enjoy privilege over women simply because they are men. 




chatanga1 1581

Replied: 13 June · Report

No i didnt tell you anything.


I asked you and thats a big difference. I asked you after you had made such a fuss over your "last post " fiasco. you should live up to your word. not live by twisting others words.

20 years you have been researching sikhi and yet you are like this. how fruitful those 20 years have been.




Satkirin_Kaur 530

Replied: 13 June · Report

and in what way do you mean?  Everything I learned about Sikhi has said that all humans are equal and that caste, colour, creed, rich poor, gender, etc are a sin to use as means to limit people or put them at disadvantage. Then I came here and because everyone says women are lower than men, women have to bow to men out of respect, husband deserves more respect than the wife, he is to be seen as God over her, women are dirty because of monthly cycles, women should not be allowed to be panj pyaras, or most other seva especially at harmandir sahib, women should be obedient and servile, women were made weaker and that its just 'nature' they are supposed to be at the disadvantage, Dasam Granth shows women as not able to be trusted etc etc etc... you know what I mean.  

I really started to doubt Sikhi.  I was actually in tears over it.  More than once.  To have a Singh say the things to me that you have hurts.  That because I have stood up for Sikh women to have equal rights (notice I didnt say that biologically we are equal...) but we should have equal opportunity.  Because I stood up for this ideal, supported it with gurbani, I am all of a sudden vulgar??  It seems to be a huge horrible thing to even suggest on here that women should have equal opportunity as men in Sikhi.  And its not like we want to overtake and put men in a subordinate position like you do to us!  We only want to be able to have the same opportunities. 

Do you Singhs really think we are that bad? Why would Waheguru make us so lowly?  These are things I was going through and doubting my faith.  Who are you to come and call me vulgar because I have shown in Gurbani that equality is the only way?  

Please stop contacting me. 




chatanga1 1581

Replied: 13 June · Report

I will not contact you after you publicly admit, and apologise for trying to smear me by ascribing words to me in a context I  never made.


that is what i mean by your vulgarity. You have a chance to rectify it. Hope you have the heart and mind to admit you did something wrong and try to correct it.


i get no pleasure from contacting you either. So do what you know you need to do.




Satkirin_Kaur 530

Replied: 13 June · Report

not until you rectify making me feel terrible and in tears for asking me to leave the forum. It's a public forum and we are all allowed to be here.  




chatanga1 1581

Replied: 13 June · Report

you brought it on yourself.




chatanga1 1581

Replied: 16 June · Report

I was hoping that i woudlnt have to contact you again to read any poisonous words from you but you can't stop.

You are so small that you cannot apologise to me and to the other members on here for trying to mislead them.


You are the type of person that this forum can do without.




Satkirin_Kaur 530

Replied: 16 June · Report

Talk to Paapiman as he is the one saying that DDT teaches that women are to bow to their husbands (and their husbands do not bow to them in return) as he outright said that DDT teaches that husband has 'higher status' than a wife in marriage and hence deserves more respect from her, than she does from him. He is the one who said that a woman is bowed to by her children only and that this is 'Gurmat'. Also to see husband as God (or demi-God) over her. 

So please correct Paapiman if these things are not true because obviously you have not followed the conversation and are blaming me when it's HE WHO SAID THESE THINGS!  I am merely speaking against what he said! 

If you can show me a DDT group who gives 100% EQUAL religious rites to women and men, then I will eat any words I said about DDT.  That includes Panj pyaras btw.  Show me a DDT group that actually practices full equality and I will back down. 






Satkirin_Kaur 530

Replied: 16 June · Report

btw I assume you are very young from your attitude and think you know it all.. that its ok to denigrate women on a public forum, because you think they should be subservient to you.
Anyway, I am blocking you as of now, so anything more you write I wont see.  

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