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Mool Mantar Sadhana. 10 Malas of 108 beads daily, we can add more Malas after a while.

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Tues: 8 Malas
Wed: 10 Malas

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Method to Concentrate the Mind. 
Sant Harnam Singh Rampur Khera
Almost every follower of spirituality has the same dilemma: “We read Gurbani and try to meditate, but our mind does not stay focussed on Gurbani. It wanders in thought.” Many devotees would enquire about this issue frequently. Time and again, they would ask Baba Ji whether there was any method to prevent the mind from wandering. He would first listen to their query and then say, “Do you take time out or attempt to quieten your mind about which you are so anxious? Do you take any time or make a special effort to try to stop the mind from wandering in idle thought? So brother, if you try to do this you are praiseworthy. If you do not take time to meditate or make such a special effort, then you know, even the most simple of tasks in daily life cannot be accomplished without effort let alone focusing the mind”. Conquering your mind conquer the world man jeetai jag jeet. (JapJi 1st Guru, page 6) There is not an iota of doubt that all spiritual achievements are accomplished through mental concentration. Without proper focus of the mind, to read Gurbani or sit in meditation (simran) of naam will not bear proper fruit. The nature of our mind is to look outwardly to the world, hankering after material objects and our effort should be to make the mind introspective by taking refuge in the shelter of Guru. Bhai Gurdas Ji hails those gursikhs who have checked and controlled their minds from wandering outside: May I be a sacrifice unto those gursikhs who In accordance with gurmat, Concentrate their mind on the feet of the Guru ho sudhukae thin gurasikhaa baahur jaadhaa vuruj rehaayaa (Bhai Gurdas Vaar 12 Pauri 6) The mind wanders out because The scum (dirt) of so many births is attached to the soul And it has become pitch black janam janam kee is man ka-o mal laagee kaalaa ho-aa si-aahu. (Salok 3rd Guru, page 651) The accumulation of numerous sins over many past lives, has caused the mind to wander from its true centre and become tarnished with the filth of these sins. It runs and hankers after those material things, which it desires and appeases it. One must use Gurbani, which represents the Guru’s intellect, to logically discern whether these material things are good or bad. The reason why the mind wanders must be sought and the stimulus that causes the mind to lose focus must be addressed. Taking refuge in Gurbani and thereby accessing the highest intellect of our Guru, one obtains greater logic to prevent and check the mind from wandering around in thought: With his mind he contends With his mind he parleys And with his mind, he engages in contest. With the love of the true word, Man obtains that what he desires man hee naal jhagrhaa man hee naal sath man hee manjh samaa-ay. man jo ichhay so lahai sachai sabad subhaa-ay. (Salok 3rd Guru, page 87) With continuous effort, checking the mind from indulging in stray thoughts: Their mind is satiated (cooled down) By the mind itself Through the peerless hymns of Gurbani man hee tay man maani-aa gur kai sabad apaar. (Salok 3rd Guru, page 587) The waves coming out of the mind are called thoughts. These thoughts are the outcome of our nature or temperament. A person’s nature or temperament is created by repeated actions that one undertakes. These actions or deeds are a direct outcome of our surrounding environment or the company that we keep because… As the deeds man does so would he become jayhay karam kamaa-ay tayhaa ho-isee. (Suhi 1st Guru, page 730) Whatever company one keeps dictates what deeds and actions, he or she will commit. By taking a particular action time and again, it becomes a habit or our temperament. Our nature or temperament now will give rise to waves of thoughts that are directly related to our actions and the company we keep. So, to make the mind stable, first we need to remove the stimulus that is to change the company that we keep. By changing sangat from bad to that of good people or gursikhs, our mind will become engaged in listening to the Guru’s teaching. By repeatedly listening to the Guru’s words, one’s mind will find it easier to meditate on God. As Guru Nanak Dev Ji says in JapJi Sahib, listening to praises of God one becomes absorbed in contemplation/meditation easily (suni-ai laagai sahj Dhiaan.). Guru Ji has described the importance of listening with focus in these four stanzas of JapJi Sahib. These verses describe the height of spirituality that is gained just by listening to God’s name. One must now judge how much Gurbani does one listen to as we recite it. We can hear Gurbani only if our mind is stable and not wandering in other thoughts. If we recite gurmantar “Waheguru,” then we should hear it with our ears attentively. Repeat this action again and again, tuning our mind to the tone of our voice as we say Waheguru. Soon our mind will start to focus more deeply and then our task will be accomplished with ease: In the Lord’s love is spiritual vision And through the spiritual vision the Lord is comprehended By Guru’s grace, this ineffable discourse is known Dhun meh Dhi-aan Dhi-aan meh jaani-aa gurmukh akath kahaanee. ||3|| (Ramkali 1st Guru, page 879) Baba Ji used to describe one more method to quieten the mind of thoughts. When sitting down to do Mool mantar, say for 27 times, then only count the repetition of Mool mantar that was recited and listened to without other thoughts in the mind. If, when reciting Mool mantar, one had thoughts, then do not count this as having done the Mool mantar. Very quickly, the mind will realise that to complete 27 repetitions of Mool mantar, thoughts will have to be held down and focus in meditation will be required. You will at first find the mind goes astray a few times but, by counting only those repetitions as complete, when the mind was free of thought it will slowly begin to remain in focus longer. The intensityof concentration increases with time and pleasure is gained as the mind becomes used to meditating on naam. As concentration increases so does the pleasure so much so that… If you taste the sweetness of God elixir You shall be taken by surprise at tasting it. You need not kill the mind nor can it be killed No one has ever killed the mind thus far The only way is to divert its attention To some other constructive direction With the grace of God har ras kaa tooN chaakhahi saad. chaakhat ho-ay raheh bismaad. ||I|| (Gauri Guareri 5th Guru, page 180) It is clear from Gurbani that desires attract the attention of the mind to material objects and prevent it from concentrating on God consciousness: Without controlling the desires of the mind Mammon cannot be conquered The Lord who has created this universe He alone understands the mysteries of it Contemplating on the Guru’s word One is ferried across the dreadful world ocean naa man marai na maa-i-aa marai. jin kichh kee-aa so-ee jaanai sabad veechaar bha-o saagar tarai. (Parbhati 1st Guru, page 1342) In a nutshell, one’s mental energy must be focused and channelled in one direction only. The flow of thought needs to be diverted. Once, a great Sufi mystic enquired of his teacher the method to concentrate his mind. His Guru was busy planting onions and whilst working with his hands, he replied, ”Bulleh shah what is there to achieve of God consciousness? Dig up the plant from here (i.e. divert the mind’s attention from the world) and replant it over there (i.e. refocus your mind in meditation of God). Simply put, we need to divert our mind from worldly thoughts, anxieties and bad thoughts into Gurbani, kirtan, and meditation of naam (simran). At first a great deal of effort will be needed, labouring to achieve quietness from thoughts, but, the rewards of bliss will be proportional to the effort we put into meditation. Furthermore, along with our personal effort, we should beseech the Guru in Ardas. Ask Waheguru Ji as a humble servant, “Dear Guru Ji, we are incapable of controlling our mind, please have mercy and help us to control this strong willed mind. Make it seek pleasure in Gurbani.” Praying (or Ardas) in front of our Guru is in itself a further noble effort that will help immensely. To devotees seeking spiritual bliss, Baba Ji often used to say, ”In this world self-restraint or self-control is a great quality. Every gursikh must inculcate this quality in their daily life. It is essential because it enables spiritual benefits to be obtained more easily. Just as in our daily lives we try to save time by performing a task as efficiently as possible, so we should endeavour to gain maximum spiritual benefit in the least amount of time. By restraining the thoughts, we are able to understand Gurbani and concentrate more easily. To get maximum benefit in the least amount of time we should listen to Gurbani with all our focus and attention. If we do not listen to Gurbani with full inner attention then we miss the message of Gurbani. So, our effort is wasted, not to mention the inefficient use of our time. Absent minded recitation of Gurbani takes a long time to bear fruit whereas meditating on Gurbani with complete attention is accepted by the Guru readily. Counting the number of hymns or repetitions of Mool mantar is all but fruitless as Guru Ji says: Man may read and study cart loads of books He may read and study multitudes of books He may study boatloads of books He may study as many books to fill deep pits He may read years upon years Study through all the months of the years He may continue reading all his life He may study with all his breath Nanak there is only the name of God of merit All else is pursuit of pride and prattle of no merit parh parh gadee ladee-ah parh parh bharee-ah saath. parh parhee-ai jaytee aarjaa parhee-ah jaytay saas. parh bayrhee paa-ee-ai parh parh gadee-ah khaat. parhee-ah jaytay baras baras parhee-ah jaytay maas. naanak laykhai ik gal hor ha-umai jhakh-naa jhaakh. ||I|| (Asa 1st Guru, page 467) Bhagat Kabir Ji also say… Of what avail is reading and reflection Of what value is listening to Vedas and puranas?Of what value is listening or reading scriptures If equipoise does not arise within ki-aa parhee-ai ki-aa gunee-ai. ki-aa bayd puraanaaN sunee-ai. parhay sunay ki-aa ho-ee. ja-o sahj na mili-o so-ee. ||I|| (Sorath Bhagat Kabir Ji, page 655) Guru Arjun Dev Ji also warns us that… Man reads Holy Scriptures and Vedas He practices ablutions and breath control But he escapes not from The company of five evil passions. He is tied even more to a haughty disposition My dear, the Lord is not met through these measures As I have performed many such rituals I have dropped wearily at the Lord’s door And pray for the boon of a discerning intellect paath parhi-o ar bayd beechaari-o nival bhu-angam saaDhay. panch janaa si-o sang na chhutki-o aDhik ahaN-buDh baaDhay. pi-aaray in biDh milan na jaa-ee mai kee-ay karam anaykaa. (Dhanasari 5th Guru, p641) If a passenger needs to cover a long journey, he first has to travel to a station before boarding a train or bus. His real journey begins only when the bus or train moves. Similarly, when the tongue recites Gurbani, it is akin to the journey from home to the bus or train station. The real spiritual journey starts when we hear, understand and practice the message of Gurbani with the constant awareness that almighty God is always in and around us, listening to our every word. There is only one aim of our life because… This is your once in a lifetime chance to meet the Lord of this world gobind milan kee ih tayree baree-aa. (Asa 5th Guru, page 12) And to fulfil that aim Guru Ji has guided us to adopt the society of holy Saints: Joining the society of Saints Contemplate the name of the Lord mil saaDhsangat bhaj kayval naam| (Asa 5th Guru, page 12) And Contemplate the name of one Lord All other jobs are fruitless japahu ta ayko naamaa. avar niraafal kaamaa. ||I|| rahaa-o. (Suhi 1st Guru, page 728) And Contemplate the one name of almighty O mortal seek the one Lord’s asylum kayval naam japahu ray paraanee parahu ayk kee sarnaaN. (Dhanasari Bhagat Kabir Ji, page 692) And O mortals utter the name of one Lord Then alone will you be ferried across the world ocean kayval naam japahu ray paraanee tab hee nihchai tarnaa. (Parbhati Bhagat Kabir Ji, page 1349) The most helpful act in contemplating the name of the Lord is to keep Saintly company. We should strive to keep such company daily. The best company to keep is that of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Every gursikh must read attentively and analyse at least two angs from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji daily. In doing so, we keep the company of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and receive deeper and newer insight into spiritual matters, daily. According to the ancient text called ‘Gurbilas Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji’, whoever wishes a vision of the Guru should first glimpse the form of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji with devotion and faith. To glimpse Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is to have an audience with the Guru himself. Who ever wants to talk with the Guru should listen attentively and read Gurbani with love and devotion. Bhai Nand lal Ji who was the devoted poet of Guru Gobind Singh Ji says the same in his writings… The Sikh who wants to see the Guru Should glimpse upon sri Granth Guru Bathe in the ambrosial hour before dawn Circambulate the Guru three times attentively He who wants to talk to the Guru Should read, listen and practice Gurbani He who wants to listen to my voice Read the words of Guru Granth with concentration Consider the Granth my embodiment Doubt not the unity of Guru and Granth (Rehatnama Bhai Nand lal Ji) Furthermore, by keeping good company of gursikhs or Saintly persons, one is inspired and aspires to meet with the almighty: Beholding them ambition wells up in my mind too As to when shall I obtain the treasure of virtues? tinaa daykh man chaa-o uthandaa ha-o kad paa-ee guntaasaa. (Jaitsari 5th Guru, page 703) Moreover, by coming into the company of pious people, one is able to discriminate between good and bad deeds. One is inspired to adopt merits and shun misdeeds in the company of pious people. Eventually, the balance of our karma is tipped in favour of good deeds: During the seven watches It is good to speak the truth and sit with the wise In such company vice and virtue can be discerned The capital of falsehood is reduced Super intellect develops Among the company of gursikhs who love God satee pahree sat bhalaa bahee-ai parhi-aa paas. othai paap punn beechaaree-ai koorhai ghatai raas. (Salok 2nd Guru, page 146) And By meeting Saints society My understanding becomes acute. saaDhsangat mil buDh bibayk. ||3|| (Asa 5th Guru, page 377) If for some reason a gursikh cannot get the company of other gursikhs then he or she should try to enjoy the company of religious and holy texts. One is inspired to walk in the footsteps of great Saints, gursikhs and God loving personalities by reading their biographies and tales of achievement. In order to control their mind, every devotee should try to avail him or herself of the above-mentioned methods of pious, Godly company.

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