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Man catches wife cheating


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Yes I agree women are more peacekeepers. And they do tend to try and rectify things.. Myself included.  That's not about love though. It's about peace. 

For me personally I feel respected when my husband acknowledges my ability (outside of domestic things obviously) for example he works in broadcasting and I recently had to do a radio ad. Now I have experience in recording as a sound tech so I did my own ad. (It's for a concert we are organizing for the gurdwara for a Ragi jatha who are visiting from India right now) anyway I wasn't going to send it to my husband to listen to but I ended up anyway but I felt respected when he acknowledged that it was professionally done. I feel respected when he listens to my suggestions or ideas. I feel respected when I get to lead us in things (doesn't mean i dont let him ever but just that we both do at different times so I feel respected that he doesn't try to control me all the time or really ever) I feel respected that he will ASK me if he wants something instead of TELLING me to do things. And that he will do things I ASK him to. My opinion matters to him and his acknowledgement of my abilities and knowledge makes me feel respected. Love to me is something separate. Telling me he loves me doesn't directly make me feel respected. Someone can tell you they love you and then order you around which definitely is not being respected. So to me respect is higher. And it's not as you described that if he loves me I'll feel respected - that doesn't address not wanting to be ordered around, not having your opinion matter or being looked down on as a subordinate.  And most women in that newer survey answered same as me. But they were all educated as well... The original group were homemakers reliant on their husbands financial stability.  Independence makes a huge difference. Many women today don't even get married and provide for themselves. So they can easily say they value respect over love. 


Anyway.. Peace...


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