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Sikh extremism

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He is (believe it or not) Jugraj's  (of Basics of Sikhi) brother. 


He's a very left-wing 'writer' who had a blog called Pickled Politics which he shut down after a few years. 

I think he might have had bad experiences with some kuttarh fudhoo Singhs in the past. To me, he is a probably a straight coconut and these days his main aim seems to be to portray Sikhs as some sort of threat in Britain for some reason? He thinks calls for Anand Karaj to be restricted to Sikhs is evil for some reason, for instance. 

I think he is another guy whose equated Sikhi with western secularism and can't see the blatant differences. I think he's also an opportunist who sees opportunity in being some sort of evangelic mouthpiece for white men and their agenda of portraying nonwhite males as misogynistic oppressors and all females as their victims.


He says:


If Sikhs want to prosper and survive, they need an open and vigorous debate about how the most pressing challenges they face come from within, not outside. The defensive mentality that has suffocated important, intellectual debate has to come to an end, or else it could end up suffocating the Sikh community itself.  


Ironically, I think he is one of the internal problems he speaks of. Someone ready to portray his own people in the worst light, and play down other communities attacks on us (as with the grooming of Sikh girls) in some deranged quest to keep relevant in mainstream white media. 


You guys know me, and I too believe the most important battles we have to fight are internal. I too believe we need to face up to crap like abuse, greed, apathy, casteism, drugs and drink problems amongst us but this doesn't mean we ignore real and serious threats from outside -  which I believe he consistently does. Presumably for career purposes. 

He is so far gone from his own community that it sometimes shocks me that he still (apparently) feels like he can talk with any authority on Sikh matters. If he wants to be a coconut, he should do like my brother and honestly put his hands up and say I'm not one of these people anymore. I'm living this other lifestyle now. 

He doesn't know how to talk to his own people as one of us. Instead he seems to project himself from the white world, taking up their stick to try to try and beat us with. Co-opted is how I would describe him. 


Sad really. But not uncommon.


Let's not give him too much attention. That's what he wants and thrives on. 

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