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Another elephant goes crazy in India


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2 hours ago, Gunahgar said:

Never knew that "elephants in musth discharge a thick tar-like secretion called temporin from the temporal ducts on the sides of the head. Temporin contains proteins, lipids (notably cholesterol), phenol and 4-methyl phenol,[2][3]cresols and sesquiterpenes (notably farnesol and its derivatives)."

interesting stuff :  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musth


Actually Humans have no idea what Elephants in Musth go through , .Why they become so strong and aggressive. I read Jim corbett 's book in which he wrote that most dangerous animal you will encounter in Jungle is 10 foot tuske rin full musth

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I just thought the elephant was pissed off and like: "What the f**k do you think I am? Some sort of docile, entertaining seal! Well, let me wake you up to reality. Take these mopeds and shove them up your ars5e. Oh..and these tempos.....watch this mfs!!!"


"I'm tired of all this bull%hit! What the hell is this stupid thing on my face! Show me some respect mfs!! Look how easily I can throw your truck up into the air!" 

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1 minute ago, GurpreetKaur said:

Hehe... Are a lot of women on this site? Lol


Quick!!! Grab Gurpreet!! She's about to leave us!!



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Just now, GurpreetKaur said:

Lol, I just wanted to know if a lot of women over there then how's women's right going lol

I just hope she doesn't start laying into blokes for being oppressive, chauvinistic pigs..... lol

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8 hours ago, GurpreetKaur said:

Hehe... Are a lot of women on this site? Lol


Yes there are few white converts their..SPN is missionary site so she will get the desired 21st century gender similarity but do write their about miracles , supernatural  sants , ghosts , etc and you will be attacked from all fronts . She was in debate where she accussed few of them being atheists 

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