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Sarabloh granth

Guransh SIngh

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Aad Guru Granth Sahib Jee and Dasam Granth Sahib jee pothis are more widely available and I have them. I also have heard many kathas and vyakhya of these two granths butu about Sarabloh Granth I was able to find very little on the internet about its origin and the banis in it. Could someone please provide more info about it.

Bhul Chuk Maaf

Sat Kartar

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7 hours ago, Guransh SIngh said:

Aad Guru Granth Sahib Jee and Dasam Granth Sahib jee pothis are more widely available and I have them. I also have heard many kathas and vyakhya of these two granths butu about Sarabloh Granth I was able to find very little on the internet about its origin and the banis in it. Could someone please provide more info about it.

Bhul Chuk Maaf

Sat Kartar

Sorry Hanji. Quick answer and I can't find the source I'm referencing. Dasam Granth has a lot of actual history, battles and truth about human nature in Kalyug. Sarbloh Granth is more actual history, battles, and truth about what a Khalsa should be. 

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8 hours ago, Guransh SIngh said:

Aad Guru Granth Sahib Jee and Dasam Granth Sahib jee pothis are more widely available and I have them. I also have heard many kathas and vyakhya of these two granths butu about Sarabloh Granth I was able to find very little on the internet about its origin and the banis in it. Could someone please provide more info about it.

Bhul Chuk Maaf

Sat Kartar


21 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

Sorry Hanji. Quick answer and I can't find the source I'm referencing. Dasam Granth has a lot of actual history, battles and truth about human nature in Kalyug. Sarbloh Granth is more actual history, battles, and truth about what a Khalsa should be. 




Bhul chuk maaf

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