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How to answer Christian Missionaries by Jewish Rabbi

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One. We should just be out converting them and we aren't. We're lazy. No Parchar. 

Two. I would not try and take on the Bible head on bro. Nor would I speak against Christ. Gurbani doesn't. 

What I would attack is that those christians are fakes. I would attack their methods. 

I would offer an alternative. One with Rehit, Shastars, Daswandh, Daya, Bhang. One that prohibits alcohol and tobacco. 

And I would explain there are multiple legitimate paths.  And that the Guru Sahiban are self defined adopted Sons of God. 

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Update on Jews. The modern day accepted Jewish community is Jewish. Some say they converted in the early ad. But nonetheless. They do fit the criteria. 

Originally Jews traced lineage and tribe by father and mother both. The adopting of oral teachings lead the modern community to only do lineage one way. At that point they cut out half the ethnic Jews. They do have a problem with racism and have been reticent to accept black jews. Which adds to their look of inauthenticity. 

The original Jews were not a race but a nation of many races. The original persons of the Torah are black, and many of the Jews were black. Not all. Many darker skinned semites, and other phenotypes. 

Now were the slaved people who fit many curses of the Bible the Jews? Nope. They're paternal haplogroups are E1B1A. 

Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj said that those who were slaves were higher than Kings and Queens. Rahao. But he did not say they are the Jews. 

The Jews have black in them but it's E1B1B. They also have a lot of J and a few others. 

So is essau white? Nope. Black? Nope. He was Jacob's twin hairy brother. Later named Edom for trading his heritage for a bowl of red pottage. Making the arab nations Edom not europe. And a good half the Jews are mystery Jews and lost. 

Now muslims think they descend from Ishmael. They don't. Their maternal haplogroups don't show Hagar at all. They do however present identical to ummm Jews. 

The story of Essau and Jacob is about twins, the elder is wild and unfit to lead, the mother arranged for the birthright to pass to Jacob by trickery which it does. The story is about Jews who embrace their heritage versus those who don't and opress their heritage. Which bhi tried to say was white vs black|melanated people. It's not. It's the semites vs themselves. Essau are the arabs not ishmael. And muhammed is an anti Christ.  The Catholic Church the Whore of Babylon not the usa. 

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5 hours ago, LiquidSky said:

I personally now think that Yahweh is a false god, who asks the rapist the marry his victim. Who killed childern just because they called his prophet Boldy.

Personally Jews can keep their God.


Cool story bro. You read the Bible or just watch youtube? Because you misinterpreted everything so far. 

You want to debate a Christian about it? We can line it up. 

I didn't think so. 

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5 hours ago, LiquidSky said:

asks the rapist the marry his victim

This for example should be worded asks the young lover to pay a highly inflated dowry. 

If you adjust for inflation it's roughly $300,000 reasons not to sleep around. 

All cases of rape resulted in death as a consequence in the Torah. Sometimes to a whole tribe of freshly circumcised kin of said rapist. 

Furthermore the history of the Torah is descriptive not prescriptive. 

And the children bit must be from the gosepl of thomas which has never been accepted by Christians nor is it in the Bible bro. It's apocrypha. 

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bedh kateb kahahu mat jhootte jhoottaa jo na bichaarai ||

Do not say that the Vedas, the Bible and the Koran are false. Those who do not contemplate them are false.

Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Prabhaatee - 1350

It's been pointed out to me this doesn't simply mean they're all true. It means they're not entirely false and they must be compared. 

Comparing Bible to quran it becomes clear the quran is stolen from Bible and Vedas and the rest made up. 

What remains for me is compare the Vedas, which I have a feeling are going to provide more ancient history than anything. But until I read them and hear it debated I can't say. 

What you don't hear is anyone debating from the Vedas anything vociferously or well or at all. 

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We need to stay out between the rabid hindustani atheist political parties posing as hindus and the muslims both. 

Be converting a Dalit army and growing food, securing water, using Daswandh as intended, using Gurudwaras and Bungas as intended. 

And get ready to hold our own alone, while these godless mental patients go at it. 


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So you support this kind of God? 

If it was said that Yahweh was human and not a god, everyone wouldn't follow him. Say your sister (not ganna say daughter because you might not be married) got rapped and you went to the police and they turned around and said, "make him pay you money and marry them together". You would kick a fuss. But because he's got the title God attached we then try to apply Gurmat to the words of Yahweh and say God is one, that's it call it a day. 

I'm glad I'm not born in an Abrahamic religion.

Do you really need scriptural knowledge on this? If so you then are following a doctrine and argue with everyone to "read scripture". And if no-one has ever even read about it, it should never been talked about it. 

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23 minutes ago, LiquidSky said:

So you support this kind of God? 

If it was said that Yahweh was human and not a god, everyone wouldn't follow him. Say your sister (not ganna shouldn't say daughter because you might not be married) got rapped and you went to the police and they turned around and said, "make him pay you money and marry them together". You would kick a fuss. But because he's got the title God attached we then try to apply Gurmat to the words of Yahweh and say God is one, that's it call it a day. 

I'm glad I'm not born in an Abrahamic religion.

Do you really need scriptural knowledge on this? If so you then are following a doctrine and argue with everyone to "read scripture". And if no-one has ever even read about it, it should never been talked about it. 

See above. You require another read. You've expressed your emotions more than anything. 

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