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Saddam's been caught


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So they finally caught him at last, what do u think should be done with him now...

I personally think he should be taken to an international court system and not have the biased Americans involved in it, but i doubt that'll happen.....

(as u can see i'm procrastinating from studyin physics....damn it!!! It's tomorrow... oh no :cry: )

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So they finally caught him at last, what do u think should be done with him now...

I personally think he should be taken to an international court system and not have the biased Americans involved in it, but i doubt that'll happen.....

He'll probably be put before the Iraqis and they'll likely sentence him to death.

(as u can see i'm procrastinating from studyin physics....damn it!!! It's tomorrow... oh no :cry: )

:D (been there, done that)

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Well... but i mean in the spirit of sikhi wouldn't you think one should deal with someone with a bit more humanity.... I mean everyone knows how harsh the Sharia laws are... I think that he would realize more if one should him respect and dignity than if we treated him like an animal.... we don't have to stoop down to his level....

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To be honest if you ask me. I would say that he should be kept in prison for rest of his life. Also, please read about him and get to know how he has lived his life. He was not less than hitler the only difference was that there were no jews but citizens of Iraq.

I know I have written that he should be punsihed with "Sharia laws" but if you think about what he has done then you will see that he had no respect for anyone. He was cruel dictator who has killed more than million of muslims.

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Well... but i mean in the spirit of sikhi wouldn't you think one should deal with someone with a bit more humanity.... I mean everyone knows how harsh the Sharia laws are... I think that he would realize more if one should him respect and dignity than if we treated him like an animal.... we don't have to stoop down to his level....

Dont worry friends I dont think he can be treated against Human Right. One more think he is now an International Imprisonar. The whole world is looking for it so there is no possibilities that he will be ill treated. Anyway here is a

Top Ten Ways Saddam Hussein Can Improve His Image

10. Three words: adopt a kitty.

9. Join the cast of MTV's The Real World: Baghdad.

8. Instead of using terrorism to get his way, trysaying "please."

7. Auction off his mustache on QVC.

6. Start marketing adorable Tickle Me Saddam doll.

5. Replace military beret with one of those hats withtwo beer cans attached to it.

4. Star in a new situation comedy Dharma and Gregand Saddam.

3. Do one of those cute milk mustache ads.

2. Deliver military orders with a sock puppet --pretend he's the crazy one.

1. Change last name to Hus-Seinfeld.


4 more TOP TEN SADDAM articles


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Well... but i mean in the spirit of sikhi wouldn't you think one should deal with someone with a bit more humanity.... I mean everyone knows how harsh the Sharia laws are... I think that he would realize more if one should him respect and dignity than if we treated him like an animal.... we don't have to stoop down to his level....

If it were upto the Sikhs to determine his fate then I'd sure hope that we would be more compassionate regardless of what he has done. But then we don't know what punishment the Iraqis are going to give him.

On a related note, I have wondered whether giving someone the death penalty would be in-line with Sikh teachings. I always come up with the same answer: absolutely not.

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It's about time they found him, I think it should be up to the coalition forces to punish him, U.N would have left him in power if it was up to them.

"I personally think he should be taken to an international court system and not have the biased Americans involved in it, but i doubt that'll happen..... "

:roll: How can you not get any more biased towards a man who is responsible for driving 4 million people out of their homes, razing 6 thousand villages to the ground and for at least 1 million deaths (600,000 if you exclude the first Gulf War and the war with Iran).

I for one am glad that the U.S had the guts to sort him out. Plus ultra

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Yay....Saddam is caught....only a couple of hundred other bloodthirsty US imposed dictators left to topple :P:LOL: .......nah, in all seriousness, it's good he'll be brought to justice and all credit goes to the US TROOPS, not the President who sat in the oval office without worries....but with that said, how about actually capturing the person who really needs to be captured: Bin Laden

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yeah, they really turned attention away from bin laden, when the whole Iraq thing came up...with the way the administration has been, I could believe they did it on purpose. Anyway I completely agree with you about the US troops. One of my friends just joined the marines, takes guts...I say the troops deserve all the thanks, and Saddam's capture shouldn't be credited to President Bush.

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