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Do we really have a unique Identity?


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I jus thought of dis jus da other day. Due to da events of 9/11 sikhs in America where killed just for da fact dat we looked like Muslims to da Americans.

If u look further Jews look like Muslims, even old Christanians used to look Muslim (I know Christanty came b4 Islam), even Hindu's look like Muslims (Some Hindus still wear Pags) and even Rastafarians (They r even starting to wear Pugs) look like Muslims. And if u look even further where jus tinking of material matters and hav forgotton Brother/sister hood dat we have wid other ppl of different Religions, dat we r jus one of da same kind, childern of God.

Remeber Sikhs b4 Guru Gobind Singh came used to wear Pugs. Den i even thought of someting. Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave us an identity.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji said dat he'll make a Sikh seen visionable through a crowed of Millions. I believe dis to be da Blue Uniform dat Singh's and Singhni's wore on da battlefeld. And if u see in Pictures of battles, u see Muslims wid pugs and sikhs in pugs, but da only difference was dat us sikhs wore da Blue Uniform.

I also tink dat saying dat da Pug is a unique identity of da Sikhs is norrow-minded and selfish, wen Sikhs r meant 2 become selfless.

Tell me wot u tink. Im sorry if im wrong and if i offendend ne1.

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Well, you have a point

but then again having a Paagh isn't just ur Identity

think about Bana

we've got BANA something Muslims, or no1 else has

tho really few people do have bana now adays.....

also...Considering the facts...that Muslims usually cut their hair (but have the turban like a topi)

whilst Sikhs don't

eaverage Muslism DOn*T wear a Turban.

only a very small fraction of the muslims to :)

bhull chukk maaf

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Sat Sri Akal:

Today, Sikhs are the dominant religion that wears a dastaar. Others have mainly given that up. In that sense, it is now a unique identity of Sikhs. If everyone wished to go to their roots and adopt the Dastaar again, then they can go ahead and claim that the Dastaar is no longer dominant in Sikhism.

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Neither the Blue bana or the dastaar is unique to sikhs,

Blue is the color by muslims, which is why when Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj went undercover and dressed up like that peer he was wearing blue. Also in Asa Di Var it states that Guru Nanak Dev Ji wore blue clothes before going towards mecca. (The Naamdharis have a different version where Guru Nanak ripped the blue clothes and went towards mecca). The armies of Durga (Chandi, Mata.. ) are also stated to have been clad in blue, Shiv Ji is all blue etc. So the blue was nothing new.

THe dastar we know was worn by many different people sikhs and non sikhs, it was the sign of a king and honor, not the sign of a sikh.

So I guess we dont really have a UNIQUE SIKH IDENTITY.

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Mentions wearing of blue to please muslim rulers !!


Again mentions men wearing blue robes as the Turks and Pathaans gain power.


Here Maharaj states the Qazi's wear blue robes !

Bhai Gurdas Ji


Here he states, maharaj wore blue and sat amongst the pilgrims in mecca.

So there are many references throughout bani which show blue was infact the colour worn by the Muslims.

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I agree with Dynamic Banda, the colours Blue and Kesri are NOT uniquely Sikh per se, they are adopted from the ruling Moghul and Rajput classes, respectively, as have others high-ranking status symbols such as beards, up turned moustaches, riding horse back, keeping weapons, wearing TURBANS and such like.

These are all signs of a noble warrior, in the instance of the Khalsa Singh, subordinated to none other than Akaal.

Interesting connotation between the Blue worn by the Muslim Turks and Shiv Saroop is that when one sees many of the rituals performed by Muslims during the Hajj, they bear uncanny resemblance to those found amongst the Shivites...an area perhaps worth exploring...

...also consider "Nishani Sikhi di...Panj Shastar Parvaan"

Forgive my foolishness,


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Guest Javanmard

do the waves of the ocean have an identity?

does the atma have an identity?

Sure rahit is very important but I am not too sure about the obsession with identity. Is there any such thing such as identity. Due to the constant impermanent nature of things and mind constructs in particular. I consider rahit and bana to have more to do with the path rather than the static idea of identity.

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do the waves of the ocean have an identity?

does the atma have an identity?

Sure rahit is very important but I am not too sure about the obsession with identity. Is there any such thing such as identity. Due to the constant impermanent nature of things and mind constructs in particular. I consider rahit and bana to have more to do with the path rather than the static idea of identity.

i agree.

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do the waves of the ocean have an identity?

does the atma have an identity?

Sure rahit is very important but I am not too sure about the obsession with identity. Is there any such thing such as identity. Due to the constant impermanent nature of things and mind constructs in particular. I consider rahit and bana to have more to do with the path rather than the static idea of identity.

Me too.

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