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Vote for DARBAR SAHIB Ji, Amritsar as Seven Wonders of World

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I would request the sikhawareness administrator to make this thread sticky as well as show it prominenetly on main sikhawareness page if not already done. Thank You,

Best Regards

Guru Pyare Khalsa Jio,

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

On January 1st 2006, the World will have voted for the new Seven Wonders of the World following the seven ancient wonders of the world, namely

• The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

• The Colossus of Rhodes

• The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

• The Lighthouse at Alexandria

• The Statue of Zeus

• The Temple of Artemis

• The Pyramids of Egypt

One of the nominated sites to be chosen as the New Wonder of The World is the Golden Temple in Amrtisar. In order for Sri Harimander Sahib Ji to be chosen as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World, WE ALL NEED TO VOTE.

Recently I was selected as the UK Ambassador for the Wonder of World Project, which means I'm promoting the New Seven Wonders of The World Project in the UK.

If you want Sri Harimander Sahib Ji to be chosen, then please click on the link below, which will take you to the Global Voting Platform.


You all have until the end of Februray 2005 to register your votes for the new Seven Wonders of the World. In March 2005, the 21 shortlisted nominated sites will go forward to the next stage of voting. From the 21 shortlisted sites, 7 will be chosen as the New Wonders of the World at midnight, January 1st 2006.

Remember you can vote as many times as you want, but make sure it's before 28th February 2005.

How to get your vote counted…………………

Click on the link above – This will take you to the Global Nomination Platform

Click on the tick box at the bottom of the page that you agree to terms & Conditions and follow instructions on page

Scroll down towards the bottom of the page and look for the nominee table. Scroll down with the arrow to Golden Temple, Amritsar, India. Highlight and click on the site.

Underneath nominee, is nominees by country, scroll down with the arrow to Golden Temple, Amritsar, India. Highlight and click on the site, then follow instructions.

Select the country your from and follow the instructions.

In order to have your vote counted, you will need a personal code.

All you need to do is SMS the following numbers to receive your 6 digit code. The code is valid for one use only, and for one hour only from the time of your call.

SMS Line for UK

Send message ‘N7W’ to 63333 you will then receive a code by SMS

If you don’t have a mobile phone the telephone number is Telephone line for the UK is

09050530490 – Charge (0.5p)

Once you have received you 6 digit code, enter it into the entry box at the bottom of the website page and register your vote.

Please inform all your friends and family, so that they can also vote for Sri Harimander Sahib Ji as one of the New Wonders of the World. Forward this email to as many people as possible.

If the Golden Temple is chosen as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World, it will put Sikhs and the Golden Temple on the global map, with the combination of World-Wide television exposure, lasting tourism and image benefits. All new Seven Wonders of the World will be announced live on television across the world.

During the unique and historic event – The Official declaration of the New 7 Wonders of the World – humanity will come together to announce the chosen seven. For the first time in over 2000 years, and maybe never again for another 2000 years, history will be made.

N7W will appoint one venue, one city, as the Official Host venue for the Declaration.

Bhull Chuk Di Khema Karni,

Guru Ji Da, Sikh Panth Da Nimana Nitana Sevadar

Phaldip Singh

For further information email


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Sorry i wont be voting for this because i dont believe darbar sahib is a "wonder of the world" for any aesthetic reason. The artictecture is nothing special, and for the most part there is a lot of tacky material usage in the buildings.

I wouldnt even put it in the top 1000 let alone top 7. No offence. Its a great place for sikhs, for obvious reasons. But thats about it. I think.

Im pissed off at us sikhs because we make it seem like such an awesome thing, but really, it isnt, at least in terms of construction.

If we really wanted to make it wicked, we could.

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If we really wanted to make it wicked, we could.

sexy_singh, you may not be aware, but we already have some Sikhs who are very busy doing exactly that - they are attempting to do 'wicked sewa' on such buildings in the name of 'preserving Sikh heritage'.

By the time they finish their 'sewa', these Gurdwaras will become simply giant bathrooms with pleasant background music, paved from floor to ceiling with bright green bathroom tiles. Not forgetting the amazing super-duper filtration system donated by some rich businessmen (in the name of even MORE 'sewa') which will 'purify' the 'Sarovar'; we can look forward to 'good clean water'. Oops, almost forgot to mention the blue telfon-laden paint (excellent for waterproofing), Dulux white emulsion paint (great for covering up unsightly frescos, mosaics and murals), the 'solid gold' panels (...which are mysteriously turning GREEN - one for the alchemists to check out!!), and last but not least - cheap cement!!!

This line has to be a classic...

"If the Golden Temple is chosen as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World, it will put Sikhs and the Golden Temple on the global map, with the combination of World-Wide television exposure, lasting tourism and image benefits."

Image benefits....are you takin the pi$$? Everytime Sikhs manage to recover from their last bout with plastic surgery on their 'image', along comes another event where self-proclaimed 'Panthic Gursikhs' either bomb a plane, kill people over tables and chairs, kill their relatives in the name of honour, or start riots over some play that even the critics had dismissed as shyte. It appears some 'Sikhs' have better methods of putting Sikhs on the 'global map' - and its quick and efficient too!

Is there much point voting for a giant bathroom (that is slowly sinking) in the middle of a gigantic swimming pool? Where (if lucky), one may hear scripture being sung to 1960's Bollywood tunes and where the 'Head Granthi' appears to be sacked on a weekly basis...

Once again, no offence intended, just revealing the glory of the 'Panth' as it stands today.

...its Friday...perhaps its time I treated myself to a Crunchie! :oops:

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By the way - this entire intiative is a premium-rate phone call driven one. When you call it costs you 50p (about $1) not 0.5p as Phaldip claims. There really isnt any merit in this other than to line the pockets of the people behind this orgnaisation.


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Is there much point voting for a giant bathroom (that is slowly sinking) in the middle of a gigantic swimming pool? Where (if lucky), one may hear scripture being sung to 1960's Bollywood tunes and where the 'Head Granthi' appears to be sacked on a weekly basis...

Once again, no offence intended, just revealing the glory of the 'Panth' as it stands today.

...its Friday...perhaps its time I treated myself to a Crunchie! :oops:

Veer ji, would you kindly expand on the line in bold. I do not wish to 'guess' as to what you are tryig to say, as i could be very wrong because i have failed to understand due to the lack of my own ignorence.

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