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shukra megha

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if u spank ur monkey often enough you shouldnt get wet dreams.. :) haha akaaaal

Or just do simran before u sleep if that doesnt work then God wanted it to happen so enjoy..

If simran dont fix it then it was ment to be.. lol lets see fanatics prove this one wrong.. wha?? you saying simran dont have the power to stop it.. !! Blasphemy.. !!!!!!!

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I really don't know but I believe I read the "suffering for millions of days" on Sant Attar Singh Ji's website, certainly wasn't him who wrote that. There has been many authors who have been banned for their ficticiousness and I really don't keep a who's who list, who was that author who got banned for making up stories of Baba Nand Singh Ji.

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here is the complete shabad :

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

aasaa mehlaa 5.


For a moment of sexual pleasure, you shall suffer in pain for millions of days.

nimakh kaam su-aad kaaran kot dinas dukh paavahi.

For an instant, you may savor pleasure, but afterwards, you shall regret it, again and again. ||1||

gharee muhat rang maaneh fir bahur bahur pachhutaavahi. ||1||

O blind man, meditate on the Lord, the Lord, your King.

anDhay chayt har har raa-i-aa.

Your day is drawing near. ||1||Pause||

tayraa so din nayrhai aa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.

You are deceived, beholding with your eyes, the bitter melon and swallow-wort.

palak darisat daykh bhoolo aak neem ko tooNmar.

But, like the companionship of a poisonous snake, so is the desire for another`s spouse. ||2||

jaisaa sang bisee-ar si-o hai ray taiso hee ih par garihu. ||2||

For the sake of your enemy, you commit sins, while you neglect the reality of your faith.

bairee kaaran paap kartaa basat rahee amaanaa.

Your friendship is with those who abandon you, and you are angry with your friends. ||3||

chhod jaahi tin hee si-o sangee saajan si-o bairaanaa. ||3||

The entire world is entangled in this way; he alone is saved, who has the Perfect Guru.

sagal sansaar ihai biDh bi-aapi-o so ubri-o jis gur pooraa.

Says Nanak, I have crossed over the terrifying world-ocean; my body has become sanctified. ||4||5||127||

kaho naanak bhav saagar tari-o bha-ay peet sareeraa. ||4||5||127||

for ur clarification , (so that u don't take me wrong) , this shabad is about those people who commit adultery in fit of vaasna(lust).

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Thats if you forsake Waheguru for sex.


nothing wrong with Sex mate. Nothing. Nada. If there was then Guru Nanak Dev Ji..etc.. Guru Gobind Singh Ji would not have married and had children.

veer ji , please don't involve Guru Jis in this , they went on this path to teach us . But they were nirlep from maya . they were away from bhog bilaas . Mata Sulakhni ji had 2 sons from the 2 cloves that were given to bebe nanaki ki by Guru Nanak Dev ji and from bebe nanki ji to mata ji ; not by bhog bilaas . Similarly , others Guru Jis wr nirlep too . Nirankar is free from maya .

please don't try to asses Guru Ji 's life with your tush budhi .

i request never think again that guru jis were involved in maya . don't u have any faith in their shkati . now stop this topic right here and i don't need to explain y they wr free from bhog bilaas . becus these r the bachans of mahapurakhs such as baba nand singh jio .....

bhul chuk maaf

wjkk wjkf

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maya is the illusion, Bhog isn't an illusion but a part of human life, are u saying that maharaj didnt go for number 2 as he was beyong maya and needing a number 2 is after all a reaction of eating which is also maya so he didnt eat, then again my wear clothes they are maya, why talk that too is maya. why did maharaj become angry when hit by an arrow isnt anger maya,

He incarnated in maya and hence was a part of maya, not bound or confused by maya but a part of its rules and regulations, next your going to say that maharaj was never born just emaculated appeared as the whole idea of our guru. coming from a vagina.. !! eeew what a maya infested thought..

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Grow up mang, sex is here to say and YES Mahapursh have done it and still do it and will continue to do it whether you like it or not. It is very GOOD under the right circumstances!

veer ji , please don't involve Guru Jis in this , they went on this path to teach us . But they were nirlep from maya . they were away from bhog bilaas . Mata Sulakhni ji had 2 sons from the 2 cloves that were given to bebe nanaki ki by Guru Nanak Dev ji and from bebe nanki ji to mata ji ; not by bhog bilaas . Similarly , others Guru Jis wr nirlep too . Nirankar is free from maya .

please don't try to asses Guru Ji 's life with your tush budhi .

i request never think again that guru jis were involved in maya . don't u have any faith in their shkati . now stop this topic right here and i don't need to explain y they wr free from bhog bilaas . becus these r the bachans of mahapurakhs such as baba nand singh jio .....

bhul chuk maaf

wjkk wjkf

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Very well said, I fully agree.

maya is the illusion, Bhog isn't an illusion but a part of human life, are u saying that maharaj didnt go for number 2 as he was beyong maya and needing a number 2 is after all a reaction of eating which is also maya so he didnt eat, then again my wear clothes they are maya, why talk that too is maya. why did maharaj become angry when hit by an arrow isnt anger maya,

He incarnated in maya and hence was a part of maya, not bound or confused by maya but a part of its rules and regulations, next your going to say that maharaj was never born just emaculated appeared as the whole idea of our guru. coming from a vagina.. !! eeew what a maya infested thought..

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i have a proof that clearly says that Guru Ji were free from bhog bilaas

1) The sakhi of Bebe Nanki ji was told by Giani Thakur Singh ji in a katha in India . I already told you the sakhi about two cloves , and how they were given to Mata Sulakhni Ji as a prashad for having sons . Now , I don't think that Giani Thakur Singh ji will tell a lie in front of the whole sangat and in front of Guru Ji , and he also explained how they were free from bhog bilaas , maya etc .

2) Now the questions that you asked ; a similar type of question was asked to a Shiromani Sant Naam De Rasiye Dhan Dhan Dhan Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj Nanaksar Kaleran Wale . And he also told the same sakhi of Bebe Nanki Ji and the two cloves . Now I don't think that Pooran Brahmgyani Baba Ji will tell a lie .

That's all i have to say . Because i believe in the bachans of pooran mahapurakhs .

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There has been many authors who have been banned for their ficticiousness and I really don't keep a who's who list, who was that author who got banned for making up stories of Baba Nand Singh Ji.

ya , that author was a judge from jagraon district . he wrote some books called anand sarovar . those book wr burnt by baba ishar singh ji later on .

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