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Neo-Sikhs at their best!

Guest Javanmard

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Guest Javanmard


I just wanted to share this video. It shows Neo-Sikhism at its best, I am really impressed!


Neo-Sikh spirituality! Vahiguru!!!

We should start a new movement: let's save Guru Granth Sahib from Neo-Sikhs!

Oh I forgot we already have the Guru Granth Campaigners...

Let's liberate Guru Granth Sahib from these gurdware!!!

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More sick is the fact that the guy who posted the video seems to have a morbid love-affair with 'beadbi' videos.

Wonder when he/she will be releasing a 'the best of..' videos series.

Oh my word! There actually IS a 'Best of..' video!! It's called 'Reflection on Beadbi' :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:

Fateh Singh

Bring in the wedding crashers! :LOL:

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This is nothing as compare to what I saw in the video of Fremont Gurdwara in Bay Area, California. They were slapping each other and so many Sikhs were walking around without their turbans and some were trying to look for their turbans. The police went inside wearing shoes catching Amritdhari goons. I will see if I can get a hold of that video because it was 8 years back when I saw it, so im not sure if its still there.

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and the very same people walk into darbar sahib on sundays and matha tek in front of Bani...

there was beadbi of Guru Sahib in some hindu mandir here. and some of the singhs were crying uncontrollably even while telling the sangat about it. and you find yourself thinking; what prem! what sharda!

and the next minute. you find the same blokes baring their kirpans in front of guru sahib.

ack. whatever happened to sikhs like bhai khanaya ji. whatever happened to the discipline, the purity, the righteousness of the khalsa. blah.

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Fateh Singh

We cannot ignore "mess" which exist within Sikhs and this is important that we show the negative reality also besides the positive stuff. These kind of incidents awake you and you get closer to your Guru & spiritual stuff rather than following one man and then another.

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Guest Javanmard

U guys don't understand nuffin cos theez people are fightin in da godwara so people can watch live wrestlin at da godwara instead of watchin it on TV. Hopefuly we'll be abel to have a championship of godwara fightin. We could even create a channel for that clled "Beadbi TV" with live godwara fights and best ofs! Wha' do u peopel fink?

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Violence exists amongst all peoples. So let's not lose perspective. If you really like to see violence check this religious violence. Us Sikhs aren't immune from having idiots in our religion.

But some religions have more than their fair share of idiots. Some fight others and some slaps themselves!




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Guest Javanmard

Yeah man! Mourning your shaheeds is bloody stupid inni' even if da wounds on da head are just supaficial. No wonder Sunnis, Wahabis and Internet khalistanis hate 'em Shi'ites! Theez guys are mental, they shoud just join our godwara wrestlin competition instead of beeting themselves. It'd be like in Maharaj's time like Seekhs, Hindoos and Musle all joinging hands in da same competition!

But if Pir Budhu Shah did that like Shi'as do yeah doz that mean he was like stupid like joefriday says?

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