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How are these verses to be understood?


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Jia badhe also means supressing the spirit.It also may means tieing or Bandan or enslaving the animals.Ang1103.

So over here suprring self desire can be targeted and killing by supressing self sprit instead of surrender.

And another thing regarding Hera roti.

Hera in language of das means to serach.Das is yet to understand that if ever meat is termed hera in your punajabi,

Bhojpuris dialetces Herana means to search.

So how Hera Roti is made to meat das wants to know,perhaps it may means roti with poached animal.So poaching could be bad but htraot over here is cut of eater.

may be St Kabir Wrere Muslim but anti Halal and did not want to eat meat of that animal,killed for hunt/poached and Halal beaing done on that.

Then coming to three Yugas.As they have gone they will come back again.But as banis says that in this age also meat is there.

But as next line says that only one is virtous over whom Akal showers mercy.

by the way does Gurmat allows sin and good deed or punya or Papa.

if some one says yes then das can say that that person is yet to understand Gurmat.;

In Us there is nothing bad or Good.Punni Pap Vicharde Tate Sar nan Jani..

Jis Hath Jor Kar Vekhe Soi Nanak Uttam Nech Na Koi.

Das hopes that eating meat or other heavy vegitalves food is verly avoided as per Sampradayas as it prevents us from Nam Abhyas,as our bodly energy needs are reduced a lot.but sin and good deeds etc. are more good for Hindus or Jains but nnot for us.

If some Sikh preaches us such thing then iether he be like us or quite us and join jainism or hindusm as Khalsa is above evil and good.

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if meat goes between your lips, down your throat.. and down into your gut.. congradulations you eat meat.. the outcome.. ! it turns to $h!t .. and if meat doesnt take that route but some gajjar or gobi does.. then OH MY GOD.. it too turns to $h!t..

So the conclusion of this meat / Veggi debate.. its all a load of $h!t...

if we are asking what does the guru say about meat.. im more concerned about what he says about naam. something we should all be doing alot more of. inshallah

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But DB - you are only looking at this from a physical perspective, what about the following:

- the karams of that animal are now taken on by you

- the impact of this on your soul

- the 'vibrations' contained within food from a meat source vs. that from a vegetarian source

Also those who argue that eating is fine on the grounds that we use tablas in Gurdwaras etc, please be advised that Sikhs have their tablas made with skin from animals that have already died and not killed (source: Manjot Singh Khalsa - see http://www.tapoban.org/phorum/read.php?f=1...168&t=4168) since Sikhs as we know are really great musicians and have their own brand of tabla makers not to mention the finest Tabla Players, particularly within the Jatha.

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karmi apoh apani kai nere kai dooor..

according to our karams some are near and others far, if the karam of that animal are now mine then so be it, if they take me further away it is all in the hukam. After all what is karam when compared to naam?

the only difference between an animal and a vegitable is its physical form, after all on a theoretical metaphysical and atomic level it is but another carbon based life form both are the same thing. So what effect does it have on my soul, well if the only difference is a physical one then i would say it has the same effect eating any object has.

vibrations in food.. lol..

This is kaljug, if you feel that people are so fine tuned that the slightest effects will push them into the dark side then what about living in a country which kills innocent people, for oil or living in a house built by people who have smoked ate meat etc, after all if you can sense the vibrations in the food you consume, then you should be fine tuned to the level you can sense it in the clothes you wear which were delivered to the shop in a van driven by a man who smokes..

tablas made from the skin of a animal that is already dead coz someone else had killed it to eat it.. :D

either way the dead animal is being used to aid in everyday life, wether its on the outside or inside a persons stomach.

there is no paap in killing people yet such paap in killing a bakara, some will say the bakara is innocent and the ppl deserve it, well the bakara wouldnt be a bakara if it was so innocent it would have naam japped in its last life and become better then a bakara, so who can judge.. only the greatest judge of all.. almighty allah.

and as it is by his almighty grace that the sword severs the neck or that the KFC fries in the oil, all we can do is play in this lilla, if we wish to escape then no point in arguing about rights and wrongs, just take away and engage in the truth. and the only one thing we can all agree that is truely true.. is.. SATNAAM.

thats my opinion if u disagree then do an ardas for me

p.s. i have decided to mend my ways.. if the true khalsa only use the skin of dead animals to make tablas vajas etc, i too will from this day forth only consume the meat of already dead animals.. Thank u topaban.org I now feel like a true selfless khalsa.. and i guess this would mean KFC and Mac D's are totally acceptable. :D

p.s. forgive the crap transliteration, its has been written to meet no academic standard what so ever.

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  • 8 years later...
Guest Sikh- Always ready to learn

if meat goes between your lips, down your throat.. and down into your gut.. congradulations you eat meat.. the outcome.. ! it turns to $h!t .. and if meat doesnt take that route but some gajjar or gobi does.. then OH MY GOD.. it too turns to $h!t..


So the conclusion of this meat / Veggi debate.. its all a load of $h!t...


if we are asking what does the guru say about meat.. im more concerned about what he says about naam. something we should all be doing alot more of. inshallah

Dear Brother, whether you say Waheguru, Insallah, Raam, or Jesus. All are his names. There is No religion in this world which says there are two Gods.

Rest a simple example might enlighten you about Naam. 

For example when you fill up any application Form In the Name column you write your Name and in the Column of Father's Name you write your Father's Name. Correct ?

I ask you why you don't write you Father's younger brother Name. Please think. ( If you write  your Uncle's  name then you become bastard as per this world) Correct?

But when they (your father and uncle) both will have to write their Father's Name they  both will be writing one Name which is your Grand Father's Name.

So the same way religion teachers  keep on preaching MSikh only Waheguru and Hindu Raam Christian only Jesus. Yes we must follow because in this world we are born by this Father( Religion)

But we must not forget we have Grand Father as well which is One God who has created all of us and we all belong to same family. One day we will go back to same God no matter we are Hindu Sikh Muslim or Christian ( This is Naam) 

Awal Allah Noor Upaya, Kudrat kae sab bandey ek noor tae sabh jag upjaya, kaun bhaley kaun mandey

Which means that from that god we all are created nobody is above or beneath anyone.

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