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Everything posted by Dynamic_Banda

  1. ardas. nothing is more powerful and nothing will reward you so greatly as ardas. And that dont mean just stand up and say the words bow down and expect it to happen. Ardas is to truelly plea by setting your mind into asking for your desires and not just saying it with your tongue. See what you are doing as your dharam, your actions to make your satguru happy, different people bring different gifts to maharajs darbar, some bring milk and sugar, others take flowers. You go to maharajs charan with a promise that by his grace you wish to please him by taking training and study as your dharam, when you put it in his charan firstly it becomes your paath, the action is your prayer as its all for maharaj. and secondly you got the best personal trainer and teacher to motivate you. Also remember that Guru is constantly with you, so if you need the support seek him inside yourself, but that first ardas go to his darbar and fall in his charan. It worked for me (not the losing weight thing simply because I have a pre set deal already with maharaj with regards to my fitness ) but by his amazing grace and blessings other things have gone great. thats the way IMHO..
  2. lol i would agree with makhane the mentioned book isnt for everyone and I would not openly suggest it be read or referenced, as the contents is the type which if not approached and read in the correct manner, you probably end up screwed in the head. I only read it after I had a very strong knowledge of tantra, kundalini, dharma, and a seriously open mind.. by gods grace, I would say I have benefitted from what I realised, but also I would further back up the point that it aint worth reading if you aint got the background. Just gonna screw up your head. for me i found the second and third books the most useful.
  3. lol mekhane'ch after a comment like that i see u been reading the book where ur avatar pic comes from, have u got all three parts? or just the first,.
  4. god is happy.. lol wicked usage of words.. and challenge whats with the satnam vaheguru, if he needs to do his hatha yoga then its better then becoming a kaami time bomb with a knot in it .. There are no perversions other then in my own mind DHANBABANANAK, the avasta you are on about, if you any of us were on that path I doubt we would bother coming onto forums..lol be realistic not everyone is at the level of the bhramgiani, learn from the jeevan of sants do not attempt to mimic it.. Init Challenge.. (ban geya... mel gya joh melna si.) thats my humble opinion..
  5. i dont agree with these sort of sites, insted of hilighting that those circumstances are relative to social customs and or political influences, (such as the shia practice of whipping themselves - or the practice of stoning, etc etc). They label all these issues as ISLAMIC, as though they exist in every muslim I would hate for the world to read grewals site, and say to me your backwards mate with your turban, screw giving you turban rights.. you only wear turbans because you dont want to integrate into modern society etc etc, Its the same game here. Yes these issues are messed up, such as killing someone coz they don't believe in God the way you believe, and im not defending those who support that view. Im just saying dont see this as an ISLAMIC issue, see it as a humanity issue, as similar events have occured all over, China Vs Tibet. Sikhs Vs Hindus, (Karkoos shooting hindus on buses and vis versa) Bush Vs world.
  6. then bring on the nihang option for religion on shaadi.com.. Neo sort it out mate.
  7. Previous tracks and albums had some great music and deep meanings, God Bless IP and the seva they do, Looking forward to this next cd.
  8. mloco u into WoW ? I was on there for ages managed to get a lvl 38 undead warrior, lvl 18 elf mage, (sad i know) but havnt been on since I was away for about three days and all my friends where lvl 45 and doing raids which i couldnt take part in.. And face it playing any kinda WoW type game will ruin ur social, spritual, personal etc etc life. Its too addictive.
  9. lol, dhanbabananak, If you want people to turn towards naam abyass the last thing you want is to give them a game they will waste those precious hours on. I respect what it is you are saying, they as sikhs that should be the number one priority to push forward, however I can not see how a game can be used to promote naam abhyass, As naam is such a personal experience, the methods in which it is practices would be hard to emulate in a game scenario, especially a hack and slash game such as this sarbloh warriors game. The only idea I can currently think of is that if the players energy is low they can sit down and looks like they are meditating or praying and their energy becomes full. But in a game where you are running around hack and slashing away at other characters, sitting down doesnt seem to be a very wise option Maybe the fellow sikhs of this board can come up with ideas and taran0 or the sarbloh warriors team can incorporate the ideas most feasable .. P.S To taran0 can the characters jump off trees like hidden dragon style, and maybe even use their bhagti to fly (activate no clipping cheat )
  10. BINGO ... Drawrof, copied and pasted what i wanted to say but in a cooler way then I did, now the dilmna arises what if you are not bound to either hukam or dogma, just dancing in the presence of them both. miri piri style If you take the one joht idea as neo said thats a stage of high awareness bhram avastha, then does marriage really matter at all. but in the desire to be grist and take part in the worldy natak, or if you dont have that high stage of bhram gian, then is using the rules of tradition and dogma the best way to go? I personally say .. Maybe.
  11. Baz, I heard a discourse regarding that hadith and the statement of the 1 true sect amongst the 73, The most beutiful and infact only thing I took from that talk was., The true sect of Islam, is not a sect but the True Muslim whatever his/her sect. I think the same falls for all the organised religions and their various divisions, the true follower and believer is not he/she that belongs to one particular belief but one who hold true the universal belief. Being true. whatever that means
  12. boy would that be a major bummer, get engaged. splash out on all those suits and presents for the fiance, and then during her jai mala, she picks contestant number 3.. ... Or what if shes slightly cok eyed and points at the guy next you, but really means you.. but hey if thats someones tradition, respect to that. but I see no need for it amongst sikhs
  13. wow looks like a cold steel kokri, that i once saw a singh use to hack a massive industrial tin of tomatos open. but that blade looks more leathal..
  14. everyone is sikh, whats left to marry.. nah koi hindu na musalmaan. in the house of baba nanak nobody is turned away. :twisted: p.s. but if your at that level where you see all as the same, lol then where do you draw the line of sister mother and wife haaha... confused.. i know i am.
  15. Bruv, Concentrate on your exams, this is a forum not the doorway to heaven, lol. Take care of your karam and dharam (your actions and duties) and then worry about going beyond them lol just to add further confusion and spanner in the works. God aint going nowhere and people chatting about God aint gonna go anywhere either, so dont worry work hard God bless, and im if you put as much attention into your exams as you do in understand poor vijaydeeps indo english, then you will ace it. and if you ace it, then please grow a beard and sit my exams for me Best of Luck
  16. I would just like to say to both Jungee Ji And Taran0 Ji ,. Your work on this game is incredible, and I truelly believe that you have been graced by God. As you both know IF GOD hadnt exiled me to the far corners of the world, I would have owned you both in Rome and any version of UT. but as i have no hankar I shall congratulate you both on being second best.. to me. Take care losers. (P.S.) TO all sangat online, the game is in fully complete. The reason for the two year delay is simply because on the first beta test Taran0 and Jungee Ji were utterly thrashed by dynamic bandaR so Taran0 has decided to go into his pora sahib, and practice non stop for 2 years hoping one day he will defeat me. P.P.S. IF the above statement is true then please wait another 10 years before the game is released.
  17. Charles you are truelly an inspiritation, Dialogue has two side products confusion which leads to further ignorance, and understanding which leads to appreciaition. This doesnt neccesarily have to be between two people it can occur within oneself. Like I take my understanding of God and the Guru for granted to a point I am ignorant about it. Now another asks me to clarify and all I can do is be confused Funny little world. But yeh going back to the dialgue im glad your asking these questions helps us all think and understand, question our own understandings Gurfateh, is a smaller version of the sikh greating Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh (mainly came into common use in forums as the full salutation is too long to type, and an abbreviated form is more confusing trying to figure out how many V's there are). You can say whatever you please as long as its not offensive. Yes and No answers are hard to find in sikhism, as the root belief is prem, love, it takes more of a mystical approach then a logical approach, however as an Insider the mystical ways would appear logical. For yourself as an outsider the logical factor may be harder to grasp or infact non existant. lol Did Guru Nanak call himself Guru.? Simple answer ... Complex answer oh boy. !! Sikhism is academically seen as part of the bhakti movement (a religious order based upon the importance of personal devotion) hence the push towards a more mystical logic then mathematical logic of true and false. It is because of this push towards the devotional aspect Guru Nanak would have no need to call or claim himself as a Guru or Prophet or messenger, He can only share the devotional experience that is his message, hence the word (naam) - a mantra, and the importance of Kirtan. However being truely infinadoxical there is also the statement of other poets whose works are held in high esteem. The bhata de svaiye found in the Guru Granth Sahib, speak of Guru Nanak having been incarnated throughout the ages, (bascially saying that the incarnations of Vishnu are all infact incarnations of Guru Nanak). This may be read logically or as Vijaydeep attempts to point out be reference to the idea of a universal being all powerful which we are all apart of. Then there are the non Guru historically respected texts such as Bhai Gurdas Ji De Vaara (similar in some way to the hadiths of Islam, and the Gospels of Christianity) This text in particular is regarded as the key to the Guru Granth Sahib, without understanding the key the hidden messages of the Guru Granth Sahib can not be revealed. (Then again that is definate because if God wills it, then a deaf blind man who has never heard of the Guru Granth Sahib can realise all its glory - this would be going back to that mystical devotional idea) Chapter 2.. And the Dish Ran away with the spoon ! Lol I love your use of Chairs and tables perfect, truelly showed me how ignorant I am in my wording to just assume everyone understands things the way I do. Thanks for making it so obvious The idea of God is not based on one context, so God is not just indivisable, he is indivisable as something which is without form can obviously not be divided. (see the thread on Nature of God for discussions on being two opposing things at the same time and why we cant comprehend this. Also see the post on a guy who died for three days and came alive, (his NDE kind of gives a glimpse into a sikh perspective of God) Yet God is infinitely manifest meaning he can be split infinite amounts of time. I think this one context Vijaydeep provides an example of the rays of light. Light is called light, its one thing one beam of light, yet that one beam of light can be broken into many smaller beams each beam is still the original beam just now in many forms. Another example, is waves on an ocean, the waves ontop of the ocean are from the ocean they have raised above the ocean and we call that a wave it has a new name a new purpose maybe, but undeniably its still the ocean. If i was able to take that wave away from the ocean, one would not say this is the ocean they would say this is a wave. It is part of it yet not seperate from it yet seen as different. Maybe an example of water being in its different forms, a rain drop is still originally from the ocean just became evaporated, changed form left the ocean condensed changed form again and then fell to ground in another form. It will then pass from body to body, being absorbed into the ground, then soaked up by a plant, plants have water in them when you see a plant you wouldnt call it a body with the ocean in it. As the droplet has changed forms so many times it is now just the water in a plant, no longer the rain no longer the cloud, no longer the ocean. And according to the lovely water cycle this journey of the droplet will go from plant, to animal that ate the plant, to human who ate the animal, to pissed down the loo, to into the local rivers, and finally back to the ocean, where it originally came from. But thats in that one context. after all an ocean has limits it was created it is not infinite etc etc. that metaphorical journey of the droplet = journey of the soul is an example of that one idea. not a total science of the nature of the soul and God. Now part two. the tables and chairs. lol It was only in the leading Guru at any time! This holy table is called the Guru Joht (the light of the Guru) or guiding light. What does it do when its inside me? Its like GPS and TOM TOM, it shows you the way lol, not like a voice saying CHARLES Do not eat the BLUE PILL. ! then agian who knows mystically even a burning bush would be acceptable voice of God. I agree with vijaydeep, realising that guiding light and knowing its there insted of being so lost in an illusion that we disbelieve its existance is realisation, and this is given by Gods grace. The soul is in us all its what makes this collection of carbon based atoms a living thing which dies and the other collection of carbon based atoms a rock. The only difference between human and rock is the soul, a human without a soul is a rock. an attractive, soft, one but still lifeless. The soul is the chair. and yes we all have a chair and yes that chair is God (just like the droplet mentioned earlier) not a part of God, so not his ear lobe. I wouldnt be able to say hey im Gods little toe, and your his eye lash nice to meet you. I couldnt quantify the soul as its not a manifest object yet it is manifest as it allows manifest objects to be alive, hence its called the ether ! or void or CHI Well the holy table (the joht) is a chair which has emerged into a table. It has fully appreciated the table inside the chair and hence is now a bench.. both table and chair Lol new religion for carpenters. This is where mystical alchemy comes into play. Its all about the idea of transmutation. The soul will take on the characteristics of its form, such as the droplet may be urine, blood, nectar depending on which body it is in. To turn that droplet back into pure water H20 (slightly salty coz its from the ocean in our example) while still in the form it is in. Would require for its true original root existance (being the sea) to be realised by the droplet. Knowing its the sea it gains realisation reverts to its original form while inside the plant or whatever body it is and hey presto God in you God around you.. Your now a bench. You become a Har Jan (as mentioned earlier) how can the whole see be inside a plant or a person, well if the droplet was from the sea, and the droplet realises every other body around it which contains something that came from water will have the sea in it, it gains a higher state of awareness becomes liberated from the bonds of believing it is just blood or urine etc, It sees all as one universal h20, all becomes the ocean and the ocean is in all. However, this is according to the manifestated realisation the realisation of the unmanifest well to explain that we would need a language that can relate that which can not be comprehended. :twisted: sorry for the long reply I hope these metaphors and examples have shed light on your questions.
  18. sorry bruv, no pervy accusations intended.. lol too much time on the amanpreet post.. Alright well oh, im not a woman so dont really have a view point ..
  19. best thing to do is make up your own rehit and then when God asks what you playing at .. At least you can go to hell knowing you had darshan.
  20. Oh another intresting point came into my mind, I went to Holland with a good friend of mine for a childrens camp a long time ago, and the family who kindly took us in. (wonderful family) showed us a calendar they throught was disgusting and totally unacceptable portrayal of a sikh. It is important to note that in holland the community wasnt at that time as settled as it is here in UK, so immigrants usually stayed close by this included Hindus and Muslims, as the community was so tight they would regulary share events and visit one anothers places of worship on special occassions. So this poster showed a bare chested pumped Singh weilding an axe hacking away at these goblin green moguls as a mountain of mogul corpses lay under his feet. They felt it was racist totally barbaric depiction and they hated the fact it was in the gurdwara for a few hours. When we saw the poster we were over the moon it was perfect the kind of hard hitting image we always imagined in our heads, so powerful so beautiful and man so much gore. They gave it to us hoping we would inform the sangat in uk and it would make everyone else aware, we did give it to the sangat (at a time when scanners and email werent to widely used by us) and everyone we handed it out to loved it. I believe one sikh soc even made it their t shirt logo. just a point to remember before getting offended,. but definatly the media shouldnt be allowed to have free reign to offend as they please like what occured with the ridiculous cartoons of the Prophet.
  21. OOh the artistic freedom VS freedom of Faith arguments.. Im gonna be devils advocate. Media is an art it is an expression of art, fiction is exactly that a story, how many humans complain about indian heros never die in fights where they are clearly outnumbered and suffering from severe blood loss, Why do we not flag the humanism card saying that this will lead to viewers believing they can easily continue fighting after such severe injuries. Because we accept its a story, and as Sikhi becomes a bigger world relgion it will continue to be artisticly interpretated. Gursj you mentioned the tabeez on the amritdhari woman, well Ive seen amritdhari women wearing trousers and shirt. obvious western clothing after all arnt amrit dhari women sikhs and arnt sikhs from the punjab? Maybe its a question of misrepresentation of religious practice, every individual practices their own religion. The sikhs have taken care of mosques, Baba Nanak went on Hajj, Blue is a muslim colour, The turban was popularised by the Mogul rajas. etc etc you could go on about different influences, we all come from a very closed opinion of what a sikh is and should look like and should do. Lets take chhinderpalsinghs avatar for a second, beautiful rendition of several warrior sikhs sitting together. But this too was drawn by the artists personal interpretation. They all appear to be shastardari singhs but ones in red the other in green maybe the one in white is a naamdhari, are naamdharis sikhs would they keep guns, reds a hindu colour amritdharis cant wear red. etc etc If however the issue was with school text books or education documentaries presenting an inaccurate cross section or generalisation of sikhism then we should definatly step up the argument of misrepresentation Thats my opinion as devils advocate.
  22. lol then try the search function Bruv.. its funny your second post should be a hola at the ladies coz you feelin you got no lovin.. You want some advice, Go sweden and watch the swedish women go crazy, for some reason they have a thing for bearded men ! Whenever I feel lonely I just log into www.swedishchat.com (not even sure if thats a real site, just yanking ya) Check the search bruv these issues have been mentioned many a time
  23. Listen to a track from Damien Marley.. Road to Zion.. " Yeah man, Jah will be waitin there we a shout, Jah will be waitin there!!!!" Jah = God... "In this world of calamity, dirty looks and grudges and jealousy" maybe this is your dilemna !!! "And police weh abuse dem authority, media crush we nuh know bout variety," Dont think this line is relevant.. ...... "Just keep walking on the Road to Zion. Jah will be waiting there." In the wise words of drawof.. "keep trekking singh"
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