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    CdnSikhGirl reacted to Guest in ~~ Very Profound Commentary On Mool Mantra ~~   
    source: http://www.ikongkar.com/guru-nanakss-first-revelation-to-mankind/

    Guru Nanaks’s first revelation to mankind after his enlightenment was the Mul Mantra
    Ik Oankar – One Verse or Sound. Universe. One Universal Creator or Being. One Seed or moment, that is unfolding. Ever: creating, preserving, and changing. All dualities One, male/female, light/dark, good/bad, form/formless, yin/yang. There is unity in diversity, and singularity in infinity.

    Satinamu – Whose name is the Truth or existence. Truth, true identity, bowing to the truth. The truth is this moment, is the only truth for us. The greatest challenge is to overcome both life and death and unite the two polarites. As we realise our true identity, we become Timeless, and always see existential truth.

    Karta Purukh – The Creative Being or Creative Intelligence, consciousness, being: as creation is infinite, so is our inner being, so we must create.

    Nirbhau – Without fear – love, compassion. Have compassion on all beings.

    Nirvair – Without hatred, no enemies, no chosen people, same for all, forgiveness. Forgive and let go of the past, and embrace the moment.
    Akal Murat – Timeless, Deathless, Eternal form or shape. Embracing the moment, allows us to live in the spontaneous universe, in the mystery that life is, as an interconnected part of the whole.

    Ajoni – Unborn, does not take birth. We then cease to be born or die due to Karmas, and have the ability to transcend.

    Saibhang – Self existent, self sustained, self illuminated. We have independence from imposed and self-imposed boxes.

    Gur prasadi – Realised through Grace of the Guru, teacher, inner voice, intuition, conscious-
    Prasadi – grace, light, understanding, awareness. The right understanding and awareness, allows us to guide ourselves and others. The student and teacher are One.

    Guru Nanak added a couplet, the Salok, to make it Mul Mantra:

    Japu: Adi Sach Jugad Sach Hai Bhi Sach Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach – Repeating/Meditating. True before any beginning, true in all times, true now, Says Nanak forever true.

    The mantra given to Guru Nanak by the Timeless Being.

    Guru Nanak while in deep meditation in a river, disappeared for three days. On his return he declared there are no organised religions. Mans fate/destiny depends on his actions alone, not what (s)he professes to believe. While in complete union with the Divine, the Divine Being communicated the Maha Mantra to the Guru. In the Sikh tradition this Mantra gives a person Enlightenment, or God consciousness, Braham Gian, as the seed mantra, Ik Oankar Satnam is the source of all experience/awareness/ wisdom and knowledge.From the seed, Bij mantra, we get the five spiritual sounds, that manifest the four elements:Earth, Fire, Air, water, and Ether. This is in the sound Ik Oankar Satinamu. Ik Oankar is monosyllable, and Sa ti na mu is four. Hence Panch Shabad, five sacred sounds. Ik Oankar gives birth to the four elements, as the Divine is the seed. This gives rise to creation Karta Purukh. As the one is contained in all, this Being has no fear, or hatred. This unity of form and formlessness is always One and unchanging, therefore the Divine is the Eternal form. The Divine cannot have any duality or fear as it is the whole. The One being makes material existence function through its vibrations -naam – therefore the Universal Spirit is Self-illuminated. With intuitive awareness which is a gift from the One, the understanding gained is the grace, that allows a person to connect and align themselves with the Cosmic Being. Every person, being, animate or inanimate object is a reflection of this One Being or interconnectedness. The natural state of all things is intuitive awareness.
    Practice this mantra while walking, sitting, laying down, working, and your well being will increase rapidly. For deep practice, best times for meditation are between 3 am-6am, then 6pm-9pm, after washing.
    Content Contributed by Kamalroop Singh
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    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Mohini in Out Of Body Experiences   
    This is extremely common and IS associated with an OBE. There are several types of OBEs... Etheric projection is the typical floating over your body and seeing the physical surroundings and astral projection is more dreamlike and mystical.. the surroundings in astral projection may not be exactly like physical surroundings and more dreamlike. Either way, the heavy feeling, unable to move like you are stuck in glue etc is very very common. It's like you are not totally disconnected from the physical so you are trying to control your subtle body and the message gets mixed between your physical body which is in a paralysis state and your subtle body... so it doesn't quite work. When you think of it all of reality is really vibration in a medium and the different levels are just different frequencies... I think of like a radio dial as I mentioned before... we are always receiving ALL transmissions, but we only tune into one 'station' at a time. In this case you are stuck somewhere on the dial between two stations, where you can hear a bit from both stations at once. That's the best way I can explain it if it makes sense... it does to me. In reality I believe nothing actually 'leaves' the body... you are just shifting awareness away from the physical to your subtle body which always exists anyway, its just that you are always tuned into the physical.
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    CdnSikhGirl reacted to Ragmaala in Chritropakhyan - English Translation And Explanation   
    My personal belief is that to understand Dasam Granth one needs to be in the highest state of mind where duality has been destroyed. Bani is above the three gunas of rajo, tamo, sato. Only by being in Sehaj state, one can truly understand it. Once the Sikh has the vision that is desribed in Akal Ustat Ji, one will get more clarity. We should get the basics right first, as described by Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj then we will receive the kirpa to read and understand Banis of Dhan Sri Dasam Pita Ji.

    Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Ji Maharaj, please shower your blessings and grace. I am nothing. Please grant me shakti so that I can be able to follow your basic instructions.

    Dhan Dhan Pita Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj.!!!!!
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    CdnSikhGirl reacted to CdnSikhGirl in Can Women Be In The Panj Pyare   
    Bhaghat Singh Ji to answer your question about marrying a woman no because that is the one thing both are needed for... Procreation. Two women could not produce a child. However spiritual things do not need sexual parts at all.

    What about women who never fit into the neat little box you've illustrated in the complimentary roles? That usually means women are restricted and men aren't at all. It usually means women cook clean and raise babies and most patriarchal societies also say women are there to please men sexually (and never the other way round) that complimentary but different role issue has oppressed women for ages.

    I agree we should all compliment one another but gender shouldn't dictate it. Some women were born for military (like me) and some men were born to be caretakers. And there's nothing wrong with that. I was never attracted to doing housework for a living or raising babies... In fact I feel awkward around infants. I don't feel awkward in a battle scenario.... Explain that?

    And as for the SRM it is the widely accepted rehet maryada worldwide. The DDT maryada is not.

    And some of the most beautiful kirtan I have ever heard was by Bibian not Singhs. I also sing myself. I feel closer to Waheguru Ji doing kirtan and simran than in ever do listening to others... If I had to only ever listen to Singhs.... My soul would hurt. To preclude women from that would be wrong. Everyone should be able to sing kirtan and also do ardaas and take hukam etc. And I don't see anything wrong with women panj either. By not allowing women to fully do duties as Khalsa is same as saying women are never really fully Khalsa at all.
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    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from GurpreetKaur in Out Of Body Experiences   
    I have actually had numerous OBEs when I was younger, which mostly all happened on their own. They actually scared me at first and then I realized I was ok, so I started experimenting - basically I just let go and let it happen. I actually wrote an ebook on the subject years ago and though it was before I found Sikhi, and hence you won't find any reference to Sikhi in the book, but I did do a lot of research, both scientifically and spiritually into the subject so there are references to several different spiritual paths in the book.

    Feel free to take a look if you want...

    Those experiences ultimately led me on a spiritual journey to end up eventually in Sikhi. And I am about to take Amrit in Sept when I go back to India.
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    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from SAadmin in Night Shots At Darbar Sahib I Took In November 2013   
    I took these when I was there in November just past... (It was only 2 days past Diwali)

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    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Lucky in Can Women Be In The Panj Pyare   
    My personal opinion on this, is that the original five their gender does not matter. Amrit is beyond the phsyical realm.

    There were only certain castes in the original five as well, and to use the argument that panj pyare MUST be emmulating the original five exactly, then using that argument, a jatt should also never act as panj pyare.

    Then wehre do we stop? Were all five vegetarian? Were all five etc etc etc... see where this goes?

    The whole idea of amrit was to bring everyone together on the SAME level as equals. The argument that there were no women in the original five is as valid as saying there were no jatts in the original five.

    We have to realize that our souls are all equal. One must recognize the divine light within EVERYONE - only when one sees and recognizes this SAME divine light within everyone, will they understand. By separating people into groups of superiority based on gender, on caste etc. goes completely against what our Gurus taught.

    So yes women can act as Panj Pyare... having a penis does not make someone somehow more spiritual or more qualified to bestow amrit on someone else. If a Sikh receives Amrit, and abides by the SRM then they should be able to bestow that same amrit on others. To say that one person can and another can not, is equal to saying that one person is somehow closer to God than the other... and is putting the other person in a lower light. It's the SAME amrit... our souls are the SAME... in fact we are ALL soul BRIDES. The original five... five SIKHS, five SOULS gave their heads... their gender is only transitory and their penises matter only in matters of reproduction on the physical plane.

    The gender of the original five means no more than their caste did. Or else as I said no jatt would ever be able act as panj pyare either. All forms of discrimination were removed - caste, colour, etc. and yes even gender.

    (Why does gender always seem to stand out as somehow being different than any other difference anyway?)

    I realize many don't see it that way and I think it's because they can't see beyond the physical shells. We are told many times in SGGSJ that these bodies, they are nothing... they are only characters being played and when all the costumes are removed and the play is over - we see that it was the SAME actor who played ALL of them [God] - paraphrased from page 736 SGGSJ. If there really is only ONE, and that ONE is ALL... then how can we say any part of his creation is any less valuable or deserving than any other?

    Also, just wanted to add... warriors having to be male is bunk... Mai Bhago is who I look up to, and my career is actually in the military (18 years now). I am trained in combat... small arms... etc. Women are stronger than men think. It's only the mindset of men who want to limit us. The strongest of opponents are not those who are brute muscles but those who use their mind and cunning to beat an opponent. Case in point, martial arts teaches how to use an opponents weight and strength against them. I have seen small girls beat larger guys because the larger guys are not as nimble etc. All men are not born with the warrior mentality and not all women are born with nurturing mentality. And both genders can learn both easily... it's only limitations imposed by society that lock gender into specific 'roles'. Case in point, I have never had the nurturing mentality at all... from childhood to now, nearly 40, I have always looked to military career, to lines of work that require stress, even my volunteer work as as a first responder. I have never been interested in traditional womens roles like cooking, cleaning, raising kids, knitting etc. Am I a male in a female body? (Perhaps I should go through gender transition surgery... maybe then I could act as Panj huh??)

    Anyway, amrit has nothing to do with physical strength... it's entirely a spiritual initiation. And our souls are the SAME. In fact there is only ONE... we need to realize this fact that ALL is ONE. This separateness is illusion, and the more we think like this and create more separateness, then the further we get from becoming ONE.

    Thinking in terms of gender superiority is EGO. btw AKJ allows women to do Panj Pyare seva...

    And there are other groups who want to further limit women from even sitting behind SGGSJ. They will not allow women to participate in akhand paath, or do kirtan either. (DDT) And they quote the same arguments. The mentality spreads further... into other restrictions, women are not 'allowed' to do at Sri Darbar Sahib etc. An Amritdhari Bibi friend of mine, once tried to do some seva at Darbar Sahib and was stopped by a Singh who approached her husband, not her... and told him 'Control your Singhni' - as if she was not even a human worthy of actual interaction. This is what happens when one gender dominates the other... and this thinking is EGO.

    Also regarding the original five I quoted this from another site but it makes sense... "From that conversation we worked out a plausible way out of this direct challenge by pointing out the folklore and history that as many as 80,000 people may have gathered at Anandpur in 1699 when Guru Gobind Singh, the Tenth master, with a naked sword in hand, issued a call for a head. Can you imagine the consternation; surely there were no PA systems and microphones at hand over 300 years ago. If this crowd had to be fed who do you think were cooking and feeding the assembly if not the women? And if there were small children who were they clambering on if not their mothers? In the Indian culture at that time, and even today, when people sit on the floor in large assemblies men and women are somewhat segregated. It is likely that the women perhaps never even heard the call."
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