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Everything posted by GurjantGnostic

  1. Amen bro. Not only does the houses harmony basically require we only join in Anand Karaj with Gursikhs, and not only that but like minded ones, but when it comes to Dharam Yudh? You can only ask or expect that of a Sikh. I know there is a lot of talk about taking wives from outside the Paanth. Even if you get a foreign woman to be on the same page with you about domestic life? Which is really going to be you on her page or Kalyugs page. How you going to get her to understand and support Shaheed? It's too much even for Gursikh women. Real women.
  2. Unless you were trying to kill your wife, or destroy her with 16 kids, there is a natural balance struck. You have to understand birth control has only really existed in a "working" form for 50 years. A Sikh spends most their life celibate. We know what it's like to harvest that Kaam and transform it already. It is not a top state though or the one we are sent to find. Yes you should be doing Naam Simran while with your partner. Yes you should ejaculate far less than led to believe. Not only conserving energies, but increasing your connection and joy with your partner. Yes it is different to climax with your partner than masturbate. Yes porn and masturbation are extremeley destructive. Yes porn and masturbation are extremeley destructive. If you spend long without Anand Karaj you risk hurting yourself too, trying to deal with the energies has backlashes. You were supposed to be joined by later teens. Now we're trying to stay right, until our thirties, and that's not normal either. In Satyug we did not lust. We had no desire for others until a union was formed. That would be the only person that your Kaam was "turned on" for. These days the setting is set to "turned on" for almost everyone. It's supposed to be set to zero, then add only your Mehla. Even having a relationship based on Gurmat and Naam Simran one would want to still discipline their mind and body when it comes to sexual relations. There are huge health ramifications to sex especially for women that science has not solved well, leaving us still to family plan and be intimate in a way that doesn't destroy the woman. Sometimes this involves more than one wife. Not for Kaam or Lob or Moh but because that's how it works out when women start raising children. They need help, and community. Tending a mans needs alone can easily lead to being destroyed by child birth and too many children. Or his needs aren't tended and he withers or cheats. Yes we discipline Kaam. We are largely celibate and have the powers of celibates. We also bring Atmas into the Sikh Paanth and successfully live as householders. We do not run from any challenege. We demonstrate the Guru's way for real success, real liberation, timeless living.
  3. You have evaded having a Truthful conversation based on Gurmat for a long time. Even in the short time posting here the Sangat has a pretty clear idea what I'm talking about. It's on you to go back and address a great amount of Beadbi of Gursikhi. And to be a student of real Sikhs, Khalsa Guru, and more importantly a Sikh of the Guru Sahiban. Instead of undermining Gurmat. That's to start. And don't play daft again. You just look daft.
  4. Occupied at the moment, but let's find out. I just meant it to be understood my comments on copper were not Gurmat necessarily in origin.
  5. Final amature analagoy before letting the literate Sangat resolve this based on Gurbani. There is a mountain. It is rocky and perilous and some parts are greener and nicer than others. There is a single path that leads directly up the mountain and to a gate. To which connects a tower with one door. You can climb up the mountain however you may be able. Once at the top you cannot enter the tower. One could circle to the sunny side of the mountain pretty quick at the top. Lots of happy climbers there. But to enter the Tower you must circle to the Gate and proceed. To be allowed entry one must be fine tuned and then be struck and be checked to see if the Coin of the Shabad is True. If one has found the Paath, it leads directly to the Gate and itself contained everything one needs to be Struck True on it. Built into it. From this Gate you will see those not yet allowed entry given life outside the gates and sent off to perform duties in which to retemper their coin a bit. You will also see the Kings Own come to and from this gate as they too perform their Seva. Every once in a great while an animal is quickly proceeded inside with great respect and care that Vaheguru Akal Purakh has called for. So we understand the general way of the Gate for most of us, but nobody understands the Will of Vaheguru Akal Purakh.
  6. Original antibiotics were some sort of copper catalyst something.
  7. It's a great metal and way better than most of what we make things out of. You can't go wrong with it. Does it do the 70 30 thing exactly? I have no idea. It can't hurt though. I wouldn't put down Sarbloh for it but I'd drink it over every other metal.
  8. Not as many. My understanding of copper is that it's conductivity as a metal make it also a conductor for other energy wavelengths and it fascilitates other chemical reactions to occur. So if one places water in copper for example and let's it sit it catalyzes certain energetic and chemical reactions thus purifying the water in a way. If one were to say bless water in copper and drink it the known properties of water and copper both would apply. It is a nutrient. None of this is Bani.
  9. Rushed story. I hope it's possible small relevance rings there dully. At the top, discerning a Gursikh from the rarest of Atmas that manage to work their way into something almost identical is hard to do. No matter how close you are, or get, your final work is held to the Sikh standard. Can this be done? Yeah..by becoming a Sikh or identical to a Sikh and having help at the end, which is shorter if you're already Sikh like, and shortest if you follow the guidebook for the lab 100.
  10. I walked into a forest. I saw a man who had everything he needed. Provided in the environment, used to perfection. I asked him, what is this you do to have it all? He says I'm a lumberjack. I'm prideful so I say Well. I will not be a lumberjack. I will be something better. Chuckling he says I can show you the way from the beginning, give you a headstart. I say No! If I am to be greater than you I will have none of it! Years later a boy comes. And he says Hail Sir. I see you are a fine lumberjack. Please let me stay with you and learn your ways. My father was a lumberjack but I've lost him. Let me see your craft. The man says Boy! I am no mere lumberjack let me show you the ways only I know, having worked hard this forest! So the man takes his axe and plunges it into a tree and fells it. He makes boards and pieces from it. He shows the boy all he can do and make. The boy smiles and nods sagely. This is very good all you do, but when you cut the edges look like this, you have to plane them later. My fathers cuts were perfect from the beginning. See these joints? They are good but you've tied everything together with rope. The rope will rot before the wood and so my father used pegs. The man is dejected. Upset. He's spent now almost his whole life perfecting his craft and here an orphan boy has poked holes in everything he's done. The man rushes through the forest looking for the lumberjack. After what seems like lifetimes he finds the Lumberjack in the most (heavenly, natural, or hellish) part of the forest. He falls before him. Master! I have spent my all and I cannot compare to even one of your students! Please you must teach me! The Lumberjack smiles and says You've done really well Friend. You have your axe always, you did not take too much from the forest, your hair is now long like the moss from the highest branches but you thought it was trees you were learning to cut and it was your ego that needed to be felled. For your hard work you have reached me, now let me show you how to turn the axe on your body forest and make your boat home.
  11. Sarbloh counts as a steel. It's not cast iron or pig iron. It's high carbon steel. It's not alloyed, the carbon is that present before refining. Sarbloh should be used whenever possible, and is essential certain items be Sarbloh, but when substituting containers and things, glass, ceramic or most metals, not aluminum, are better than plastic. It seems Sarbloh really is iron in multiple forms. We wouldn't bat an eye at a cast iron skillet, but clearly cast iron isn't the Sarbloh of weapons. If Sarbloh is one thing it's steel made from pure iron. Or purified iron. If I was going to substitute an alloy of steel for weapons for Sarbloh I'd try silicate steel from generators as my second choice. If I was subbing for drink and food containers it'd be copper. There is something special about Sarbloh that can't be replaced, especially dietarily. The resulting quality of wepons historically indicates to me, some master Sikilgars were involved with forging and tempering practices probably lost largely to time. The effect Purtan Shastars had on imperial weapons and armor makes the Sarbloh then more like Damascus or Katana quality steel. It was probably smelted and forged repeatedly, and the edges were probably hardened with softer cores through the tempering.
  12. There is a reson to let people self govern, and have their own ways, to a degree. In a rush but not only does it protect the freedoms of the Paanth, which even the Guru Sahiban respected, and keeps you from being taken over and controlled from the top down from one location. The fact power is decentralized has preserved Sikhi. If it was just Akal Takht then Sikhi would be over already.
  13. Decentralization of power and responsibilities in Sikhi is intentional I think.
  14. Imagine digitally making Kirtan with that for the insturmentation. I mean no substitute for the real, but how great that might be.
  15. Unity comes from something deeper. I'm more concerned if people follow their rehit than it be identifcal to mine.
  16. In a way yes. Following Sarbloh Rehit and also only having food cooked by Amritdhari or yourself. But the base Rehit would be ...lacking words...Nihang or non Nihang..followed with Sarbloh Rehit additional.
  17. Shhh... The.. The...Wypipo will hear you. Hearing about their crimes makes them triggered and that's racist. Lol.
  18. Yeah. Yakuza suits are as much as you can take without dying. And they say it knocks 20 off their life. That little clear patch they leave down the center on the front is not only to conceal the suit under japanese business attire but so they don't die.
  19. I think a lot of Sikhs avoid it, seeing it as ritual piercing. Tattooed skin loses the ability to breath, and in extreme cases this does kill the persons liver then themself.
  20. I recommend taking vitamin E, and doing short bursts of activity to get breathing up then rest and repeat. Coordinate breathing with movement pleasurably using Vaheguru however feels most natural. With in or out breath or both. I also recommend laying on a semi firm floor and rocking side to side, with and without the legs held into chest, and rocking back and forth along the spine like Aikido Ukemi. Ugh. They're all doing it wrong. Kind of like this but you only rock part way and do both sides.
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