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Everything posted by HSD

  1. Maybe he just got over emotional at what everyone was getting hysterical about. Or maybe he did just want to get Sikhs involved so that we looked relevant. Either way it wasn’t a good idea.
  2. I think the ones further up the layer cake are just better at hiding it or pretending otherwise.
  3. Coke is a confidence inducing stimulant that seems to amplify what ever exists in a person’s head. That’s why some people get violent, paranoid, horny after taking it or more homo/bi/paedo tendencies come out etc. It’s effects tend to wear off fairly quickly. Most of the people I’ve come across who do it tend to be a bit narcissistic. This stuff you posted is an amphetamine like Adderall. It reduces manic behaviour and increases focus, without all the weird affects of cocaine. At £64 a pill though they would have been better off buying Captagon lol.
  4. A lot of those trades are well paid though. Plumbers, electricians, carpenters, roofers, plasterers etc can bring in as much cash (or more) than most graduates. Many builders I’ve known now live in pretty swanky areas. The last blue collar jobs are in things like manufacturing, cleaning, warehouses etc. The sorts of jobs brits won’t do. There is a whole ‘poor person’ class now due to austerity, cuts and people forced to use foodbanks/ heat-or-eat and all that. Would you consider a working class boy who becomes a footballer and ends up on five figures a week to still be working class? What about people who claim they are working class but secretly vote Tory?
  5. Note how he uses the phrase ‘coming up next Thursday’ when he talks to people. If you turn that phrase into an acronym, you get what he’s really saying. The brits like being rude to others in an underhand way, though this phrase is no longer commonly used.
  6. It must be true if some random bloke said it. Here is actual footage from the 17th century proving it:
  7. HSD

    War Footage

    “Killing Frenzy”
  8. https://www.reuters.com/world/pentagon-asks-top-8-us-arms-makers-meet-ukraine-sources-2022-04-12/
  9. HSD

    War Footage

    The comment says Russian tanks overran the area so these must be the troops sent to mop up survivors or the rear echelon who came to clear up. The weapons get taken away for reissue. Note the grenade launcher which is either a UAG40 or a Mk19. A very nice weapon whichever one it is, though it didn’t do those guys much good. Some of the dead are missing their boots so it looks like someone has already picked over the bodies. As for vehicles, they either get hauled to a repair depot or the locals can have them for scrap.
  10. Ukrainian soldiers taking time out of their busy schedule to bully two old people:
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