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Everything posted by Amrikingh

  1. Im feeling that Nachne Nu Track tune is crajjjjjjjjjjjjjy
  2. Jagz Klimax been hyped up for like 6 months see what its all about... Heer: I don't know what people find so good about this tune...it just missing that punch to it, the song in general just seems very flat, no real thump in the production of the track. I really hate sarbjits voice is this..its like she got summin up her bum...it really is a pain just listening to the song Aaaj Tenu Nachna - A better song all together...yes its like Sachia Suniya Part 2, don't how much Kam Frantic helped him *coughs*...the vocalist could have been better. I love when frantic's mandolin comes on in 1.51..vah vah...u gotta rate him. but i feel its like something ive heard all over again. So it seems like ive actually listened to it before Billian Akhaan - I like the tumbi in this tune very nice, again just like the 2nd tune..Putt Jattan Da Jawan sampling, by this time...the material should have renamed as The UnOriginal Edit :-/ .lol., and Lembher sounds abit tired in the track...too many bottles Saaran - Music was alright...but seriously that vocalist got on my pecks, very average track Ajj Nachna Veh - Class it as Jungle Bhangra? lol....nah..i do like "dark" tunes with heavy bass...i think its a nice tune..very nicely done, that vaja piece keeps me humming and Biti her vocals are not too bad...shes nowhere near as irratating as Sarbjit, overall a very listenable track.. Chakley Soniye Yaara - Yes Yes the main man Kaka...deos his magic in this tune, probably the most danceable tune on the album , ohh and Rupz loves the violin bit...think's he dancing in a ballroom like a seen in Beauty and the beast..LOL..anyway...i thought it was the best tune on the album...probably where most of Jag'z magical thoughts went. We Run Da Streets - Oh my life...i couldnt stand it...lol...* skips it* Punjabi Mundeh Paun Bhangra - Production wise..the dhol the bass line..the algozey...just sounds sick...and its good to see Surinder Shinda goldie oldie singing tunneee...i couldnt belieave it finished in 2 minutes! lol!...inna? bas? could have at least added another minute! or so...this is actually shorter than your mainsteam single out in hmv! could have cut the we run da streets track out if you really run out of space...or even better is the 50 million adverts that Vip's are making a increase on...its really annoying...a man spends a tenner he gets a bhangra track worth 2 minutes what made the track worse..he puts a little scratch in it..about 1.15...and it was slight of timing when it started again...how awful..lol Overall...im think jag's needs to use his creative side abit more rather than using these frantic samples...its just sound so unoriginal, but a potential 4 out of 8 tracks which i thought were good despite one of the songs being cut so short. I still wanted more for my tenner though...too make so much hype about that heer track and making a video...ain't going to make it a track to remember... I done 3 reviews so far...i have to say although i seem abit unfair ill end on a good note, lol its better than the dcs and dj vix album...i'd tend to spin disc more...nice one jagz I hope for his next album...he uses better quality samples and get away from the frantism sound, bring some originality...and make your own unique sound peace. Amrik$ingh
  3. Dj Vix the third installment Pranda - The best track on the album....but recently heard a giddeh version floating around...a sick giddah dhol beat over it...it just livens it even more...but yeah nice tune Nah Chahidee - "kam frantic na chahidee"..lol..wasnt the case though!...Same melody as Putt Jattan Da Jawan from Original Edit " Frantic Alert"..lol...the track in general ain't that special...nice tumbi...but deosnt really pound the punches or dents the steel, but a good listening to track Meri Jaan - Skips track...i hate tracks like this Jatt - Militant bhangra tune...nice bassline...its hard to knock why its not good...so Vix..i let you off bro..lol..and i think he sampled pmc's ""viah kartare da" if you listen carefully in the beginning....Talk about Identical To PMC...LOL... Tappe - Interesting tune...with the stereo sarangi ear to the other ear...defo frantics works...lol...a good listening track... Puchna - i don't like Bhinda Aujla's voice...just don't find it appealling...typical fruity loops sounding job...didn't like the song Jawani - I hate this track...annoying mcing/ all of a sudden Manjeet Pappu sounds different vocally from the Jatt song..LOL...sang this track on a friday night or something?lol...just a boring track Chit Karda ( Sponsored By J.Lo)...lol....Jenny From The Block sample...you can't get any cheesier...i think Vix knows himself originals in general are hard to beat so why attempt to ruin your own classic?....Don't do it again mate ...seriously...awful remix Panjabian Dee Tauhr - A weak bhangra tune...could have recorded a quality instrumental beat to it..just seems low in quality...overall..werent that much of a strong track Desi Bonus - i dont rate this boliyan so much...but its very succussful Overall i dont think there's much you can nod your head to or dance to but just a general cd to put on while at home or in the car...Vix ain't done a bad job on the album...its pretty decent. though some say kam frantic was heavily involved...sometimes you can tell when frantic works are present...not that its a bad thing...if its to finish the product to a good standard then i dont think people should argue about it going back to my verdict...it though it was an average album. type of cd that i wouldn't pick up so much to spin when im bored...i just feel this cd isnt a must have in a Bhangra lovers life...not good enough to be a classic peace'
  4. Intro - Talk about being stupid 1. Never liked juggy d’s voice…but 13 year old screaming girls love him…the tracks ok..but should have left him out of the song completely, production was ok I suppose 2.Could have done more to this song..I didn’t feel it was a proper banging bhangra song…while it reminded of the Shava Shava Maaiyah bollocks..don’t ask me why 3. Rab Ne Banaiyan…wedding tune of this summer…its going to rock as a first dance tune…great vocals from Shin and the Guest Female…the production and vocal quality was brilliant 4.Interesting skit…I wonder whats next…“Chimta All The Way” 5.messed the song up…I feel shin was doing all the work and production was lagging…could have least looped a giddah dhol beat through it. It would have sounded a lot better…dhol players are lazy to use there creative side these days 6.*yawns*…u get a S#!tty song in every cd 7. I like this tune…only tune which could be the most danceable or near to a more true bhangra sound, again the dholi could have least added some interesting tirikits…instead of na ghe na ghe na na at a very fast pace in every break before and after the vocals 8.whats shin playing at…makes you want the crack the cd in half its so annoying. its not even funny. 9.Pants…pata nee kala kee bakwass bakda…its just so crap 10.Its not a bad tune….nach lain dai…now they use tirikits in tracks which aint da main ones..lol, what are producers and musicians playing at.. Cd 2.. 1 Felt the first tune was ok…just sounds so plain at times…more fill ins needed…the quality of the instruments seems a lower standard than the first cd…lol…but it’s a alright tune 2. I felt the typical dcs vocal range of shin…I like the way its all mixed up…will go down well at functions, and jaswinder narula…shes always been good …I felt the track was good. But the guitars reminded me of the typical vip records sound…lol..*coughs* 3. LOL..funny skit this year so far Ju Know… 4. Yeah man.. good tune…combination of all sounds…but I still think more could have been done with it…instrumentally 5. Stuff that Rupz listen’s to while he’s knitting…LOLOLOLOL…I didn’t like it 6..ooohh an instrumental…its an ok .fill in at weddings heh 7. What was the aim for making this song? Are they such thing as Italian Punjabi’s that are into the flamenco flex? Loll…not my sort of stuff 8. The way he says ipod…IPHAD…what?…you farted? LOL 9. Guitar intro sounds awesome…could have been a great tune if they kept a consistent chaal beat all the way through rather than making it a choppy job…hate it songs like this…spoils the flow…but other than that…it was ok…nothing major Overall…I don’t think the albums worth a tenner or more…but as a DJ you have no choice…coz of requests etc etc The way I look at is…Shin put in alot of effort on the vocals on majority of the tracks…its like without him…the albums hardly anything…the musicians were a let down in my opinion…could have made this a very impressive album if they gave shin the right amount of work due ..coz his vocals were very good on this album…if they pulled there jaaraban up… it would have been a much better album Lol..one thing that made me laugh was…when I looked at the album credits they had like 4 musicians that can play dhol/tabla/dholak…it was stupid…because majority of the tracks had hardly anything special, no tirkits or tihai’s or thora’s or special breathers…it was just simply plain and dull…musicians seemed so lazy in this production it just felt to me there was hardly any heart involved…and I feel that it was only shin with his vocals which carried most of the album through to getting some success. I’d say its like any other album…1 or 2 good tracks that people might remember for a few months…but nothing major … I hope the next dcs album has musician’s that want to impress and give a better quality product for the people out there peace
  5. Kulwinder singing is just tooooooooooooooooooooo wicked...he's got such a great voice...generally all the album on the music could been better. very hip hop'ish this time round anyway..its all good'
  6. happy vaisakhi everyone one love
  7. i think everything so far i've learnt in sikhi has a reason for it somethings can't be explained but feel positive within me
  8. and a few chopped gunday around the cherry ....LOLLLL
  9. a water tap? lol...i aint got da gyan rups...im too ghetto love lmao
  10. Immortal Productions alongside Jagowale, Kulwinder Singh Johal, Shveta, Surinder Singh & Narinder Singh, Tigerstyle, XS-BASS and introducing Bhai Balkar Singh Chola Sahib, Crative Boy, Des-C, G.N.E., Kanwar, Manpreet Singh, Money Spinner & Raxstar proudly present their next addition to the revolutionary Shaheedi series: Panj After the phenomenal impact of the previous four albums, the Immortals team have released their latest offering. With this album the purpose remains the same, to remember the sacrifices of the brave Singhs and Kaurs who stood tall against the face of oppression and injustice and to inspire a whole new generation of Sikhs, proud of their history and heritage. Dedicated to those who died for the faith, this fifth album explores issues of identity, equality, courage, strength and the self sacrifice of countless saintly warriors who abandoned the comforts of their homes and loved ones, to walk on a path where mortal death was a certainty. Traditional dhad, sarangi and kaveeshar have been fused with modern and western sounds along with some of the best rapping talent in the western Sikh hemisphere to create a captivating and innovative sound that is unparalleled. Not only are the tracks enthralling to listen to, but the depth of the lyrics instils a sense of pride that both links us back to our sisters & brothers-in-arms, who have sacrificed their present to secure our future but also questions our own roles in the faith today We pay homage to the sons and daughters of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, who have coloured our history with their blood and have inspired generation after generation to walk defiantly on the path of the Guru whilst facing all challengers, tyrants and oppressors. This album is devoted to them, and to all the future Sikh Soormeh who will, without doubt, keep the kesri nishaan’s of the panth hoisted proudly in the skies. Available across the World at Vaisakhi celebrations in April 2007. The album can also be purchased from the Immortal Productions website at www.shaheedi.com. Press and media can claim a free copy from the Immortal Productions team. For distribution enquiries and to claim your free copy email info@shaheedi.com 8)
  11. Davey Phall presents "sikhi nal pyar" a devotional journey featuring contributions by Simon Nandhra, Aman Hayer, Dalvinder Singh, Tarli Digital, Dj Stin & TwinBeats, KS Bhamrah & Dipps Bhamrah and many more out soon on Fame Records UK LTD
  12. yeah posted this on SS...its a really cool video like'
  13. http://www.khalsa.nl designed by a friend of mine...any dutch people on the site...please support it :wink: maximise sikhi
  14. ^ nipple piercing^ LOL welcome back bro!...* gives him a box of samosai*
  15. lol....why a female hindu saint?..why not a rastafarian saint...a muslim saint..a christian saint...a jew saint.....:? why can a sikh man be allowed to marry a hindu female saint? please explain this even if it a long @ss post required...lol thanks
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