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Bruce Lung

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Everything posted by Bruce Lung

  1. Plus the video is complete parnoid (Admin Cut). But it seems to keep people out of trouble...
  2. I have kept abreast of these developments but not participated in such a futile exercise that is being allowed to go on just so that you have a toy to play with and don't have anything to do with the real issues affecting you from day to day. While you're working out who's who, and accusing everyone left right and centre of being agents of some evil power, you have to accept that 2 persons know the truth about your suspicions: 1) God 2) The Man (every email, phone call and discussion forum post passes through govt surveillance). The Man knows, and he ain't telling. Why do you think that is? Have fun
  3. Most of the active "sikhs" you think you know are'nt even sikhs at all. Read the novel "1984" by George Orwell. Applies to the tactics used by national governments including India's (and USA's, UK's, Canada, etc). You will be made to denounce everything you once believed in, and you will love them for it. You will waste the rest of your days sitting around drinking gin (or bhang, as the case may be). Trust no-one.
  4. Admin I am completely comfortable looking at this thread. I don't know where you got that idea from! No offense was intended - sometimes my sense of humor is taken the wrong way. Also, I would hope that you keep this thread open for discussion purposes, not just awareness of the fanatics' video. Sympathisers and supporters of RSS would not be allowed to have their say on sikhsangat for instance, and for them to open a pro-rss forum would not be productive.
  5. It's always an option to do nothing, and in these type of cases doing nothing might be a good damage-limitation exercise. It's like that pic of the Gurus inside a cow: it's been circulated more by Sikhs on the net than anyone else. If it was absolutely necessary to do something, it would have been better to target the bozo himself, rather than his "cause" or his employer. I'm sure that as a psychiatrist he's a member of a professional association that would'nt have any sympathy for his outburst and would want to distance itself from such views. They could discipline him and get him to shut up. In the long term, community activists should give themselves over to addressing the basis of his racist views, and make some efforts to undermine his base of support so that he has less resentment to exploit.
  6. Admin- Watch what you say. Last thing we want slandering match. This has been posted.. if you are so un-comfortable looking at this thread..you shouldn't look at it... this thread is for awareness purposes. Seriously, we Punjabis did not materialise from thin air. Some have been misled into becoming Muslim, Sikh or Hindu fanatics and want to fight their brothers (like you). Blood is thicker than ideology.
  7. Why? They have their country, their religions, their freedoms and no problems at all. They face no discrimination and every avenue in life is open to them: even to become the president. 3HO turned out to be a cult, that was infiltrated from head to toe with cops investigating importation of guns and weed, and CIA. What's wrong with investigating and studying your OWN roots??
  8. I was thinking more along the lines of an organisation made up of Punjabis.
  9. When brothers fight, it's an unnatural situation where there can be no winners and so we must consider who placed the seeds of conflict there in the first place (the parents?)
  10. The line between love and hate is thinner than you might think.
  11. The problem is that there really are certain individuals in Canada and elsewhere who are Sikhs and who are bozos. The broadcaster's comments will therefore have struck a chord with many of his redneck listeners. Those people who sympathised with his comments will become even more resolved now that they feel they have a martyr. It gives their paranoid concerns some legitimacy, because now they can jump up and say "free speech". Freedom of expression is an important political freedom and as such when it's curtailed there have to be strong reasons for doing so (e.g. incitement to commit violence/terrorism) otherwise it causes resentment. Sikhs in Canada and outside India generally have to accept that because they are a visible minority, they are bound to be regarded with a certain amount of distrust and suspicion by people of white English and French heritage. They have their culture too, and the homogenisation of world culture and the lessening of importance of the institution of the nation-state is bound to cause some confusion and fear that cultures and peoples are somehow under attack. You (Canadians) just aimed all your guns (so to speak) at an irrelevant radio show host who is unlikely to be taken all that seriously by the majority of Canadians. Now that you've attacked his freedom of speech, you've just added a few liberals to his very few far-right sympathising cult following. It was not worth it. He is nothing in the scheme of things. Consideration should have been given to the bigger picture.
  12. A picture is forming following this and other incidents such as the reaction to a certain play in the UK. You bet that this will be used in the future. People don't like being censored. This bozo broadcaster should be allowed to say what he wants.
  13. Fractals are a real eye-opener, showing how wonderful the world is. In nature, there are loads of identifiable fractals. I'm just an inquiring sort of person not a mathematician so I would'nt be the best person to explain about fractals. Perhaps someone else here could comment with more authority? A fractal is a type of geometric shape where the base shape is preserved through a transformation, so that the transformation is always composed of a series of smaller base shapes inside it. A good simple example is a fern plant: the larger leaf stalks are made up of smaller leaves in exactly the same shape, only smaller (in every proportion, they are exactly the same shape). It's like all plants are programmed to follow fractal patterns, with more or less complex rules determining the way they grow. Interestingly, Indian decorative patterns on cloth and elsewhere follow the L-system rule (L-system is the specific class of fractal transformation found in nature - there are other fractals which have not yet been seen to exist in nature). The swastika is one L-system fractal which suggests a propeller. If you progress it a couple of generations, the shape looks like a Tibetan mandala, containing empty spaces in the shape of swastikas. L-system fractals are being used by some artists, and it is remarkable how the flowing forms suggest Indian traditional patterns. Fractals were only just "discovered" (i.e. recognised) about 20 years ago. Is'nt it wonderful, how things seem to follow this design.
  14. U're all white. (sorry, could'nt resist). carry on as before
  15. Can't be bothered with reporting this time, but keeping the first file you uploaded (asp.net noted). Nothing worthwhile here for you, and all you have to do is ask anyway. No need for chop chop hack hack. BTW, the longer file without music is much better. Cheers It looks like the little fella clocked big fella on the head (could'nt have really stung, under all the cloth), and then the big fella rushed him and grabbed. Little fella was caught in a headlock, and then did a throw. They got to their feet and grappled. Did'nt really have a side view of this last bit, then the fight was broken up. Nobody seemed hurt or killed. It was funny when that old guy came in and took his souvenirs!
  16. Hey sikhiserver you thick sod, I got it working. http://www.sikhiserver.com/Videos/Nihang%2...ductions%20.wmv The music really sucks.
  17. Why does the link now point to: file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/singhsod/My%20Documents/SikhiServer/Videos/Nihang%20Niddar%20Singh%20brothers%20in%20arms%20Uptej%20Singh%201998%20Hohalla%20Mahalla%20Akaal%20Productions%20.wmv (note "singhsod")?
  19. the scene opens at the boundary...
  20. Equality in the religion? Silly kuri. There is absolute equality and no religion after death.
  21. Now my curiousity is really piqued. Sod it I will transfer the file to my other pc.
  22. UNLAWFUL to take genuine antique shastars out of India. Collector's market is very strong. Some unscrupulous sellers (not Akaal Arms, I suspect) just get new Indian blades and bury them under the ground for a couple of months, and try to pass them off as antiques.
  23. Whatever you do, don't upgrade from WMP 9 to WMP 10 if you want to be able to continue to play WMV files. Microsoft seem to have deliberately stopped files encoded with old WMV encoders from working, in their latest player (WMP 10), as some sort of scheme to force you to see only better quality images. Nuts but true. After installing WMP 10, WMV files won't work even if you roll-back to WMP 9.
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