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Everything posted by ipledgeblue

  1. What about people who want to follow maryada and beliefs of special "jatha" babas? Hmm yes but at least GNSSJ aren;t fanatical like some of the AKJs I'v seen and heard. Fanatics are more of a threat and should be stood up against and the nindya they do against others. The more peaceful people aren't much of a threat, and I reckon GNNSJ probably fall into that category, they aren;t likely to shoot someone or blow up hindus or even create organisations like BK. (Not the restaurant lol)
  2. nope, just the definitions given by their own jathebandis
  3. what i am basically trying to portray is why it would be deemed even more offensive if someone from AKJ wore the nihang bana as opposed to some other jathebandi. And I think it is obvious from the statement by the late Akali Nihang Jathedar Baba Santa Singh ji.
  4. I am sure the anti-caste members on here will be proud of that statement. I want to see one of these modern sikhs who believe in no caste to bring home a somalian. lol By the way, I noticed the Grewals were actually making these types of statements half heartedly, I could see the pain when the said them, especially in the mother whose eyes started watering. Of course not everyone watched the Brit Asia. Sometimes my dear sangat, people say things not because they mean them, but because of waqat, the things that have already happened in their family. I also happen to remember the statment when Mr Grewal said that a partner would have to adapt to a different religion/caste/culture. So the Grewals were saying things they didn't mean, it was so obvious. But the presenter was getting so boosted about these statments. I remember when I was asked to come on that show to talk about caste. I let my purataan sikhi following friends including an udasi sikh go instead, and their views seemed to be too pro-caste to show, so they re-filmed that episode with other people afterwards lol. Obviously didn;t agree with the presenter hehe.
  5. Mithar I am sure if akj didn't promote nindya against nihangs and nihang maryada and anti-raagmala sentiments, then people wouldn't mind so much. look at an akj-friendly site like sikhsangat, where many nihang views are censored, or can get you banned. http://www.sarbloh.info/htmls/article_samparda_akj3.html ‘Bhai Randhir Singh, as I told you before - they were new [to Sikhism], they had great enthusiasm. A new person as he gets caught up in whatever place he becomes like that. They, the five Singhs said a prayer and pledged not to read ‘Raagmala’ all their lives. Ok, now Bhai Randhir Singh went to jail and Teja Singh [bhasauria] began to preach that ‘Svaiya’ (scriptures from Adi Guru Durbar) are not scripture. ‘Bhagat Bani’ (scriptures from Adi Guru Durbar from Sikh, Hindu and Muslim saints) that to is not scripture. Other texts, which are not directly [Guru’s text] are [also] not scripture. Only texts of Sikh Guru’s of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth [and ninth] are scripture. He [Teja Singh Bhasauria] got his own Guru Granth published for he had his own printing press. When he published the Granth and the people found out then an edict from Akal Takht was issued against the Bhasaurias, stating no one was to have any contact with them. That anyone having contact with them would be excommunicated from Sikhism……Now, if Bhai Randhir Singh appreciated that he [Teja Singh Bhasauria] has attacked even the Sikh scriptures. ‘Bhagat Bani’, ‘Svaiya’, ‘Saehskirti’ and many others [sikh texts in Adi Guru Durbar] then he [Teja Singh Bhasauria] was also wrong with regards to ‘Raagmala’ [As he was with regards to these aforementioned scriptural texts]. But Bhai Sahib [Randhir Singh] did not think like that. Now, Bhai Sahib could sing Sikh religious texts. He also had great spiritual power. Because all day in jail, he was kept in isolation there, he contemplated “Va-eh Guru Va-eh Guru”. In this way he had great spiritual power. Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh [of Samparda Bhindra] and Bhai Randhir Singh had a meeting for three hours at Panjkhora Sahib. Understand. Only them two sat inside for three hours and talked. Bhai Randhir Singh said he accepted that: “From now on I will not say anything to anyone that someone read or not read [Raagmala].” Second, the holy being [baba Gurbachan Singh] said…The holy being then said when he came back: “He [Randhir Singh] has done great study of scripture so as he may attain salvation. But he will have to take one more birth so as he may read Guru Granth with ‘Raagmala’ then he will have salvation.” Here he [Randhir Singh] doubted the Guru. He who doubts the Guru, no matter how great a Sikh he is----- At the end [on death bed] Bhai Sahib greatly suffered. His end was of great suffering it should not have been like this.’ Giani Gurdev Singh, transcript of interview on October 2001 http://www.sarbloh.info/htmls/article_samparda_panchkhalsadiwan3.html ‘These ‘Bhasuria’ (followers of Teja Singh Bhasauria), who now are called ‘Akhand Kirtania’. There was a person called Teja Singh Bhasauria. Bhasaur village - if we come from Malerkotla to Ludihana is there on one side. There he built his Gurdwara. He adorned his turban like us (ie. like the Akali Nihangs). What is proper or improper conduct (meaning made his own rules) - he initiated people his own way. Boys or girls. He would have two Singhs put their lips to initiate’s ears another Singh to initiate’s lips and chant “Vah Guru Vah Guru”. What were they doing? They say, “We are putting in them, Vah Guru”. These are them --- He [Teja Singh] cut out ‘Raagmala’, excluded ‘Bhagta Bani’, instead of, ‘Pritham Bhagauti Simar Keh’, he began to use, ‘Pritham Satnam Simar Keh Guru Nanak Lee Dhiaeh’. All this he did, Teja Singh Bhasuria, now they call themselves ‘Akhand Kirtania’. That Randhir Singh was from Narangwal (a village near Ludhiana). I know all this. I lived near them in Ludhiana. Their traditions are some other (meaning they have no lineage). Their traditions are distinct from Sikh traditions.------ What deeds haven’t these traitors done this is the truth. They denied scripture, criticised scripture. Such are their evil deeds.’ Akali Nihang Baba Santa Singh, transcript of interview on 27-10-1999
  6. We need to get the Lahore Singh Sabha story out to all the sangat, get the children away from the neo sikhs of singh sabha origins.
  7. yeh man that will make them think twice. I didn't know Adil Ray is muslim? Ray seems more like a punjabi surname. ~Unless he is punjabi muslim?
  8. hmm well there are a lot of non-farmer jatts these days. well anyway tribe counts as more of a puratan sampraaday than a "jathebandi", then again it wasn;t I who started the caste topic in a thread about jatheys u cannot make it so, just by saying it I am sure you guys could do better by making a separate thread, rather than spoiling a different thread. or must it be brought up again and again everywhere?
  9. Hmm theer were sort of caste systems in africa, sich as hutus and the other tribe in their area, whetere fight still happen. in uk there was low class, middle class, high class. even in victorian times, theer was a differentce where low class was servant class, and had different habits and a more party type lifestykle compared to the higher classes. In punjab, for example in my pind, languaga sometimes differes between tribes/castes. some words are pronounced differently. It actually makes them stand out, or even ridiculed dor not speaking the "normal" langauge. Physically indistingushable, i would say even peoples pughs differ lol Physical features perhaps less. Rehni sehni back in punjab, ALOT. I mean even forums, some castes will complain more about castes onlimne and start preaching. there is one caste/tribe which is notorious for preaching about caste all over the nnet and sikh societies. They know who they are Ironically, they are also close to jatts haha. I guess t hey wouldn;t dare preach this stuff in the pends, just think they can do it outside. lol
  10. No but removing peoples tribes is, its no better than the mughals or the christians who destroyed tribes all over americas and africa and coverted them to christianity.
  11. maybe making more different "jathas" would get rid of the caste problem for these guys
  12. are they mocking the 5ks, or just questioning people who wear them but don;t have a reason for wearing them. If we arte looking at the same sticky. Lets just ask ourselves this, do some singhs who wear the 5 kakaars know why they wear them, or are they like some of the weird jatha singhs who reduce the kara beeni shastar to being a symbol of "oneness" only. I haven;t gone trhough the rest of the thread you are asking me about to check for insults. I can tell you this, I wear a heavier kara more these days, since why wear something that respresents beeni shastar created apparently by the nirmala singhs to play music, if i can wear beeni shastar ? Of course that is ritualistic?!? But what is wrong with rituals if they help you or increase respect?
  13. so is it ok to be from a tribe, or must we destroy all the tribes and enforce our our own superior culture and one race on them like the christians and muslims have done all over the world, and Hitler tried or lets just make more "jathas", but obviously not a jatha of nihang singhs should we write a "our caste is the best" poem, similar to the jatha one? lol
  14. so i guess tribes like zulu and aztecs, and not forgetting anglos, saxons and vikings are also mental slaves of the hindu customs? or does it only apply to indian tribes, in your version of gurmat?? and here we go again about caste debate, some people just have to have a go at the "castes" or people from certain tribes right, must be in their blood?
  15. Yeh Niddar Singh talks about it a lot these days, as well as gatka lolz
  16. gurmat is also puratan we should follow puaratan sampradaiy
  17. Matheen, how does posting on a website, as well as posting about sikhi, mean joining hindu fanatics? That would mean, if I posted on sikhsangat (on which i see I can post again since they changed the site), I must be joining the sikh fanatics?? What kinda logic is that? Have I actually supproted any of the fanatics views on hindu sikh site? In fact, I see more racist people on there than fanatics??? hey yes I understand. But I don;t even think some of the peopel are worried about fanatics, they probably think hindu sikh unity is some sort of evil thing or something lol I am sure sikh fanatics would find stuff even on this site contraversial, or even "hindu" as the loosely used term goes... And, yes on that site there are bunch of idiots, some are sikhs, and some are hindus. I do not support that site, but excuse my language but why the h### have some people on here got a problem with people posting on that site, and then not doing what they want to do? I mean seriously, bloody eck ...people on this thread just having a bashing session on here, doesn;t suit this site, belongs on sikhsangat hahaha
  18. Right, were the hindus writing stuff like this? http://www.hostmybb.com/phpbb/viewtopic.ph...orum=hindusikhs and which singh sabha would this be? The singh sabha interntaional from canada?
  19. ok so what would u wish me to say? I am not one of those guys who hate the word hindu, especially not since I stopped associating with neo-sikhs... Should I also argue for sikhs not being indian, because I know many hate india. Although, many indians have commited atrocities against sikhs.
  20. YEs Guru NAnak Dev Ji taught it to BAba Buddha ji. Guru HarGobind Sahib actually added 2 pentras
  21. puraatan culture is important whatever it is
  22. was it sikhs or singh sabhia neo-sikhs? didn't u write stuff against banee on that site? i can't remember
  23. of course, if anyone actually disses sikhi or uses inaccurate information, including tat khalsa singh sabha propoganda, I deal with it. But if someone just being an idiot or racist, I don't usually waste my time with them. I am not gonna go and have a slanging match with someone on a forum, and definetly not a swear-fest. I do not support RSS and don't know much about them, but neither do I support Tat Khalsa Singh Sabha, SGPC, nor the jathebandis. And also since you mentioned Bhindrawale Sant. I ain't one of those kids that keep wearng his t-shirts and pictures, and I do not consider his quotes at the same level as Guru ji. Neither do I consider him like Guru ji.
  24. Yes I am Jatinder. Please show me the terms hindu"ism" and religion used in bani, especially in these contexts? Well I have seen people saying Dasam Granth is from RSS, as well as stuff about nihangs doing RSS stuff. What does AFAIK mean? And you know sikhsangat is ok with dissing meat-eaters, if you read the admin post in the sticky it says they think it is disgusting. I never said I love jhatka, but it is very blatant when a site follows the views of certain jathebandis over purataan sikhi. Well, like I said they put me under moderation on sikhsangat, so I can't exactly post anything constructive on there. So I just went to another site where I can find some idiots lol. I only discuss against those who say stuff against purataan traditions on that site. And people like that SHabaaz, freesikh and Sarpanch I can;'t support them at all.
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