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Everything posted by chatanga1

  1. My mate told me about this. Rage at its finest. See the worms turn. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wH8eHVySWd0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We-PaJTwjvw&feature=related
  2. fiction dal singh ji? ive always thought fiction was for arseholes who couldnt comprehend the beauty and mysticism and eternity of non fiction work, and needed something easier to read, just so they could pretend to be in the readers club. or am i wrong? Last non-sikh book i read was about the IRA.
  3. no its not that. we just hated you anyway.
  4. we have leaflets at our gurdwara, but for the last 4 months the STTM and screen has not been used. I was the one who always did it, for the last 5 years, but when the committee banned me from speaking from the stage, about 4 months ago, i told them to do it themselves. Of course they haven't but I feel bad cos it needs to be used, but like i told the committee, that unless you help youths, the youths are not going to help you. They dont give a monkeys. But our Gurdwara definitely is not helping individual Sikhs on their spiritual progression, or doing anything postive for the panth.
  5. what made me laugh so much, i couldnt stop laughing at this throughout the whole film, was when at the start he received the email, it was from "Hilary Clinton". That is mega mega funny, that they want to keep undercover by using an email address with the US presidents wife's name. You can see the talent of Chris Morris in this film. He's well-known for spoofs.
  6. i think the site is fine as it is. just need more people being active on it.
  7. you must watch the whole film. That guy Barry, the white convert is so funny, he goes in one line to the other members : "if i dont make it to afghanistan, Islam is finished..."
  8. They werent alone in that venture. This is a more complicated thing than you think. All communities Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs, and jatts and chamars, and brahmans and bania's all have a hand in turning panjab into a cesspit. Not Jatts alone, or Sikhs alone.
  9. Neo Bhaji, doesnt that tell you something about this whole story?
  10. You do make very positive contributions Dal Singh Ji, but sometimes you do what you blame Tony for, and blame jatts for all and sundry as well. This case is nothing to do anyone being jatts or whatnot, it was a tragic event. Media have tried to find an angle for the killing with all kinds of wild speculation as usual. This case is not normal in just "jatt world", but all over in all communities, in all religions.
  11. these are my relatives and i dont wanna give personal details but the above report is rubbish. The only truth is that Gurdial Singh did kill his wife. The reasons are yet to come out.
  12. i have not heard of those words for sympathy. I usually use the words " dardi, hamdardi, " for sympathy, and sympathisers. I these words are of persian origin, whereas the ones you have listed seem to be sanskrit origin.
  13. Ive had Pandit Narain Singhs steeks for a few years now, but havent got round to reading them. I am in awe of anybody who has read one, never mind both teeka's and compared them.
  14. The letters is the first part you have written are different but the word is pronounced the same. And yes different versions of Guru Dasam Bani have different letters. This is mainly down to copying from different birs, as not all the Dasam Birs are exactlly the same in terms of banis contained.
  15. Yes, what happened was the result of superb networking and ground level political manouvering between the Khalistan Council and American Senators. The Council did a really good job, and recieved a seat, but India got her knickers in a twist over it, and the seat was withdrawn. But i wouldnt go so far as to call india a large powerful nation cos they aint, they just used the best tool they have : trade.
  16. most kids born in westren world struggle with the rarra in gurmukhi "ੜ" sometimes i even cant say it.
  17. We dont have to go through govts to reach the UN. NGO's Amnesty Intl etc have the same power to reach the ears of the UN, they just dont have permanent representation there. In the UN there are seats for Unrepresented peoples, like the Palestinians etc, and the Sikhs approached this body for Sikhs to be given a seat here as well. They got a seat but due to the intervention of the Indian govt it was cancelled. (in 1996 i think)
  18. Thats quite humurous actuallly. Whereas the full moon is a great sight for superstitious Hindus and also some Muslims, the police must be bricking themselves, thinking how they can cope with the mini-crimewave that occurs every full moon. Did they increase patrols every full moon after this study came out Mekhane Ji?
  19. Chaj in ppanjabi is not spelt with a jajja "ਜ" but with a Jhajja "ਝ" Dal Singh Ji.
  20. Thanks. You have given me another reason to love them.
  21. Wolves are very misunderstood animals, partly because of Eesop, and other childrens tales. Even in europe they were despised and hunted to virtual extinction. For me, they are very majestic, elegant, and determined animals, persecuted because of myths, beleived by simpleton villagers. I think its the same with tigers as well, except that tigers have not been wrongly portrayed as wolves have been. Wolves is also my fav football team, but they are a bit on the shite side, floundering in the relegation zone of the premiership.
  22. 1st nation people worship the great spirit only. they have a brotherly affinity with the wolf. they dont actually worship wolves. Has anyone here ever seen the great documentary called "The West" by Ken Burns. Its amazing and so sad at the same time.
  23. this is out of the reach of indian sikhs. only sikhs in the western world can take this approach.
  24. Me and the 23,805 people who I emailed the story to
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