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Everything posted by Ragmaala

  1. wow bhaji .. what a gem. listened to the whole video. from 24 ish mins, he talks about kumbhak and mool bandh with reference to gurbani
  2. I might be wrong but this is just my observation. My thinking might be flawed due my own limited perception. So i apologize in advance If I hurt someone. A poster claiming to be a female, posts, and things get messy lol... someone makes a new account to help her, someone is asking to swear on loved ones, someone starts fighting that kasam is wrong in sikhi lol, people are getting emotional and so forth just an observation, how one anonymous poster riles up so many emotions. I think we all are too nice and too eager to help..i might be wrong but something just seemed fishy in original post, where is the op now . Reminds me of a triya charitar...again i m probably wrong
  3. So basically its a ratio of 1:2:1. I was never able to find a good resource teaching on kumbakh, Swami Rama Ji was really close with Sant Waryam Singh Ji. I find him to be genuine, so I follow his methods. I do this about 10 mins in morning. Here are two vides that helped me. might help you as well.
  4. Why would you want to make a murti ? Have you even read my post and contemplated upon it. Why would you want to make a murti when you can have real Darshana of Guru Nanak Sahib? Why would you want to get stuck to a stone ? The point is to go beyond the photo ultimately. I don't think you understood what I was trying to say. Your thinking is very rigid. You need to open up but that will happen with time and experience. Good Luck!
  5. Baba Nand Singh Ji was asked by his murshad/teacher Baba MahaHarnam Singh Ji Bhucho wale to have a portrait of Guru Nanak Sahib prepared which most accurately symbolizes Guru Sahib. There were many portraits of Guru Nanak Sahib in which he is seen pointing upwards, eyes rolled up, etc. Baba Ji wanted a picture in which when ever you look at the photo , it seems as if Guru Sahib is looking right at you. So Baba Nand Singh Ji according to the hukam of his Murshad/ teacher gave some pointers to a painter in Jagraon on how the painting should look . The painter made several versions before Baba ji finally approved the painting that most accurately symbolized Guru Sahib. In one version of sakhi, it is also said that the painter had the darshan of Guru Sahib which helped him in making the painting. Gurbani says tere banke loyan dant risala sohne nakk jinne lamde vala, kanchan kaya soyne ki dhala.... The Golden prakash and the golden clothes are based on kanchan kaya sone ki dhala. This is something that can be experienced by those who have had the darshan or practical experience. It was very interesting to note when I came across the practical experience of Bhai Dharmjit Singh Gurmat Meditation who talked about his exprience of Golden Parkash, and in anyway he is not related to Nanaksar Samparda. One hand has mala in it, it symbolizes Bhagti, and to do Bhagti. The other hand is hidden. One foot is exposed with padam in it, this is for Sikhs to meditate upon and do sewa of. The other foot is hidden, and is for everyone else(other creation) besides humans to do sewa of. The photo is more of a symbolic representation, to do dhyana of charan kamal , and use as an aid, as a reminder to think about Guru Ji, and as a beginner. , imo I also want to mention that no one can create an exact photo of Nirankar Rabb Ji Guru Nanak Sahib, but its more of a symbolic aid to help devotees. And there have been countless stories in past who had darshan of Guru Nanak Sahib through the photo during Baba Nand Singh Ji and Baba Ishar Singh Jis times. One time a devotee brought a saroop of Guru Nanak Sahib which was not the same painting. Baba ji closed his eyes and bowed to it. Someone asked why did you bow to it, its not even a true saroop of Guru Sahib. Baba Nand Singh ji, the greatest Brahmgyani of all, whose name is mentioned by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji in Sau Sakhi as a lead, Nand Singh Garja Singh Aadi Jin laaj panth ki saaji...said that whatever reminds us of our beloved Guru Ji deserves respect and bowing down to. So if you dont bow down to a photo, that's fine. No one will force you. But its not the absolute right thing to do either. Hopefully, with time you will realize. I also came across another person who is not related to Nanaksar, Mangal Singh Dhillon youtube channel. He talks about his conversations with God, how he came across a divine power, a divya purush Omkar Ji maharah. He told him that real saroop of Guru Nanak Sahib resembles the paintings in Nanaksar Jagraon.
  6. You have answered yourself right here. Anything that helps us remember our beloved Guru Ji during Naam Simran , deserves respect. Its a Khed of Pyar. Photo is a tool and an aid to assist. Once you have the real Darshan , the need for photo is gone. Then when you close your eyes you will see Guru Nanak ji everywhere, like Sant Waryam Singh ji ratwara sahib did. People had same doubts about photo even during Baba ji's time but they returned satisfied when Baba Ji explained to them. Some were fortunate to even have darshan of Guru Nanak Sahib Ji.
  7. But in the end , in grand scheme of things, this is a play of Kaal in Nirankar’s hukum. Gore had the brains to deceive people, and that’s what they did. We were either simple minded or the kings/princes were too busy in aish prasti. Dynasties/ empires come and go. Power can blind you and ultimately leads to your downfall. Jiski lathi uski bhains. At one point jews were vulnerable, now they have amassed strength/power to kick ass, and now everyone is crying. Guru Gobind Singh ji have said koi kisi ko raaj na dehe jo lehe apne nij bhuj bal se le hai.
  8. Yup the history of indigenous people is very very sad. They are still suffering the effects upto this day. The first nation,inuit and metis people have the highest rates of depression, suicide, drug addiction etc, almost6-10 times compared to canadian folks. European colonizers have fucked up a lot, all over World. Indigenous culture was basically wiped out.
  9. @Trimandeep Singh I love your enthusiasm. You are energetic and using your time in a productive manner. Keep it up! With time, and more experience you will realize the uncertainties in life, the grey areas, and the more you experience, the more you will know that you don't know anything. Atleast that was the case for me. But Keep it up! Now onto some points you made. This is a bigger issue that needs to be addressed first. If you don't read complete bani at Akal Takht , how does one expect a chardikala to happen? I hope the conclusion you are referring to is that Ragmala is Baani. How do you propose to do that ? Let's say you want to become Bhai Pinderpal Singh. How would do you do that ? Let's not talk about producing others, let's talk about transforming ourselves. In order to do correct parchar, one needs to have practical experience of Gurbani. Mahapurush who did great prachar were all great Naam Abhiyasis and Kamai vale. Naam Abhiyaas comes first, then parchar is a duty given by Akal Purakh Ji. If there is Kamai, only then the parchar will pierce into the hearts. for example, the kathavachacks from Damdamil Taksal during Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji's time were advised to have completed 36 Lakh mala of Moolmantra or 20-25000 Waheguru Japa everyday.
  10. When you listen to santhiya by Damdami Taksal on Gurmatveechar.com you will realize that there are numerous mistakes in SGGS saroops by SGPC. Hopefully, SGPC and Damdami Taksal can come together, and solve this issue. Also, I have heard in one of the kathas that when they do Akhand Path Sahib at Akal Takht sahib they don't read ragmala bani. Is that true ? In the 1960s, there was a conspiracy to change the mangals in Gurbani as well as remove Bhagat bani. If it had been not for the great mahapurush of that time such as Sant Ishar Singh Ji Nanaksar kaleran vale, rara sahib vale, Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa and many more, things would have been really bad for us.
  11. They have paused the astrazeneca here in Canada. People like to have pfizer and unwillingly moderna if nothing else is available. Hopefully, we don't get more mutations. But ultimately, its a play of Nirankar Ji via Kaal. Nature has definitely benefitted. Plus it has taught that restaurants, pubs, clubs, parties and shopping are non-essential.
  12. love your responses man, they are so subtle, witty and clever haha , lol at kudrat. I know who you are referring to
  13. his is not for you but for everyone. It is advised that one should stay away from such events or places especially Dargahs of Pirs or certain jagahs. There are numerous amounts of prets/jinns/sayyads etc at such places and they can cling on to you.
  14. Yes, after 12 am is Amritvela. Yes, for sure Obstacles are good sign in spiritual journey. That means your bad karams are working out plus kaal/kalyug/maya/ are trying to distract you from psth. Its good sign. Keep at it. Stay relaxed dont tense
  15. Listen from the beginning. It emphasizes the importance of listening to Pavan Shabads. Clears many doubts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CarUS97jDPE
  16. Do Waheguru Mantra Japa. Say Waaaaaahe...listen to it, say Gurooooo..listen to it. Go through the meditation section here, you will get your answers.
  17. The title is so wrong, the only inconsistencies are in our mind. Admin please change title if you agree.
  18. ਪਹਿਲਾ ਪਹਰੁ ਧੰਧੈ ਗਇਆ ਦੂਜੈ ਭਰਿ ਸੋਇਆ ॥ The first watch of the night passes away in worthless affairs, and the second passes in deep sleep. What time period are we talking about in the first watch of night ? ਤੀਜੈ ਝਾਖ ਝਖਾਇਆ ਚਉਥੈ ਭੋਰੁ ਭਇਆ ॥ In the third, they babble nonsense, and when the fourth watch comes, the day of death has arrived. _________________________ ਪਹਿਲੈ ਪਹਰੈ ਫੁਲੜਾ ਫਲੁ ਭੀ ਪਛਾ ਰਾਤਿ ॥ The first watch of the night brings flowers, and the later watches of the night bring fruit. again here, which is the first watch of night and the later watches? ਜੋ ਜਾਗੰਨ੍ਹ੍ਹਿ ਲਹੰਨਿ ਸੇ ਸਾਈ ਕੰਨੋ ਦਾਤਿ ॥੧੧੨॥ Those who remain awake and aware, receive the gifts from the Lord. ||112||
  19. wjkk wjkf ji, I was trying to get some information regarding the 8 pehars. I know each pehar is 3 hours. I am wondering when does the first pehar start, and what is the pichla pehar of night ? I tried googling but not much info available. Thanks.
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