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Everything posted by BhagatSingh

  1. The story of Kharag Singh is a work of "historical-fan-fiction", the same genre as the Assassin's Creed games. The author imagined what would happen if God fought a battle against the strongest warlord, in order to tell an epic story of an epic battle between the two. As far as I know, this character does not appear in Bhagwad Puran or Mahabharat. The Name 'Kharag Singh' is a(n intentionally) modern name, compared to that Era, and should also give it away as a work of "historical-fan-fiction".
  2. It's not pronounced (or spelled) as as "Par-bhir-ham", it's pronounced as Par-Bra-hm. Pronunciation is very important. We had another member on here who thought Brahm (God) was the same thing as Bharam (illusion). They had been pronouncing the two words in the same way, which lead to their confusion.
  3. I recommend this website for Ramayan - http://valmikiramayan.net/
  4. You mean - Guru Sumati de. Sumati means - su - good , mati - mindset Smarth means - powerful Anyway, the key to both peaceful simaran and rhythmic simaran, is good breath control. Breathe in - count to 6 Breathe out - count to 3 Repeat this till you get the rhythm down and start chanting naam in accordance with this rhythm.
  5. Dally got me hooked on The Walking Dead series. Been reading the compendiums. 2 down, 1 more left to go.
  6. ...just like how in Quran, you can find references to Allah.
  7. Although Guru Granth Sahib recommends aVegetarian diet, the best meal for a modern Sikh is Vegan. It may have been possible to be Vegatarian at the time when people lived in villages around farms. But in the modern age with factory farming, Vegan is the way to go. This is because the Dairy industry feeds into the Meat industry. Cows are impregnated so that they will give birth to a calf and begin to produce milk, this calf then is taken away from the mother and slaughtered, the cow itself is later slaughtered when she stops giving milk. The male calves are always slaughtered whereas the female calf maybe raised to produce milk and/or slaughtered. With the amount of people we have it is unsustainable to produce ethical milk, if milk was ever ethical to begin with.
  8. Monotheism and Polytheism and Pantheism are all the same. The experience of God, merges these branches in to one.
  9. The english translations are ... I don't want to say dishonest but certainly not giving the full picture. It literally says the name however the translation has not mentioned it. The name in this quote is - Ram Ram rhymes with calm, not to mention it is very calming when chanted. Btw Ram and Hari are two most popular names of the Lord in Guru Granth Sahib.
  10. Use of bindis for example. Interesting. Indeed. Yeah but it doesn't make sense to put it after Baba.
  11. The language appears to be more modern than Guru ji's times probably around at least late 1600s. Also why is Guru Sahib whose signature is "Nanak", signing a document as "Baba Nanak"?
  12. Friendship is important also, as well as associating with like-minded people, for the flowering of your soul/consciousness. Ultimately these paths are just tools that you can use to carve your own path in the world. What really matters is your daily practice and I am glad to hear you are doing something regularly. Practicing consistently on a daily basis and as much as possible, in all activities, is the most important. What has been your daily practice so far? And tell us more about what you are doing and your experience of doing it.
  13. Ok then what kind of spiritual practices have you dabbled in so far? And what are you doing these days?
  14. This is part of the Singh Sabha ideology. This is simply a continuation of the Singh Sabha ideology. You watch now, they will start questioning Nam Dev ji's bani. Then they will start questioning Guru Arjun Dev ji's bani. http://www.srigranth.org/servlet/gurbani.gurbani?Action=Page&g=1&h=1&r=1&t=1&p=0&k=0&fb=0&Param=1082 They are ignorant, they don't understand how Mythology works, what the worship of Devi Devte is about and so they foolishly cut out sections of banis. They cannot explain a lot of things in Guru Granth Sahib even. And Chaupai Sahib is just an easy target because it's not part of Guru Granth Sahib. So they can get away with cutting parts of it.
  15. Ok... but what are you really looking for? Just a community of people to chill with?
  16. Yes, this! I am so glad to see that you felt that too. He just lays down the barrage and blows your mind to bits. I would recommend his other youtube lectures as well. It's brilliant stuff. Nanak dukhiya sabh sansar, so sukhia jis naam adhar That's one of the four truths in Buddhism as well. Life is suffering.
  17. Hmm I remember now. How come Rajput women had Kunwar as a name and not Kunwari?
  18. @Lucky Thank you! It's all God's grace. Whispering of the inner guru.
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