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G.Kaur's Achievements

  1. Vaheguroo Jee ka Khalsa Vaheguroo Jee kee Fateh Sangat Jee, we now have some new kirpans available, this time created from surgical steel. The full length being under 10 inches, with the blade being just over 5 inches and the handle just over 4 inches; the price is £60 and includes a gatra. In addition to this, we have made some small kirpans - these are 2.5 inches in length. You can see on the pictures we have placed a 5p coin next to it for comparison. The price is £15. Please e-mail info@kirpanforge.com if interested to purchase or if you would like to view them. We are based in Wolverhampton, UK. Pictures of the Kirpans can be seen here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10154578596495043.1073741830.664595042&type=1&l=2d08654522
  2. ..and tell their family and friends in Punjab what they do for a living and how rich they are, when they are actually cleaning toilets! Hilarious and so true lol No offence to people who clean toilets that's a job and there's nothing wrong with it. But we all know how apne log look down upon people who do it and associate it with lower castes and would never do it in India but are willing to clean white people's toilets in the West! It's okay to do it in the West but not in India... Ahh the good old double standards. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=361118334057195&fref=nf
  3. http://news.sky.com/story/1230075/india-shock-dowry-deaths-increase-revealed
  4. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/beaten-raped-locked-cage-paedophiles-3288946
  5. ‘You must stop these lies against your mother-in-law,’ he began. I felt nauseous. This man was a role model for hundreds, if not thousands, in the community. ‘She’s a holy woman,’ he continued. ‘Tell the police that you are mistaken. Let this poor woman have her life back.’ From then on, others in the community kept approaching me with similar messages. I was being ostracised by my own community. And for what? The honour of a woman who had conspired to commit murder." I'm speechless!
  6. So do you think I'm not aware of what Sikhi says about caste?
  7. What do you think my perception of caste is?
  8. Too many hypocrites these day! People saying one thing and doing something else! People not practicing what they preach! When I go back to the pind in Punjab and ask my family members why they are into caste, why they only want to marry into their caste I get answers like "Sikhi believes in caste, we are all born into different castes and should marry into our own castes only". I've given up discussing with these people. I can understand that illiterate people in India who don't know better and have been into this caste b******* all their lives won't change or listen to you, even if you tell them they are wrong. But what I don't understand is how educated people born and raised in the West are still into it?! One thing I'd like to know is, why people say they don't want to marry people from other castes because they are different and they do things differently. I know Punjabis from all sorts of different caste backgrounds and I don't see any difference in their mentality and way to to do things. Yes every punjabi family make their turka different, some put a lot of onions and garlic in others don't, you can't say that people from caste a do things this way and people from caste b do things another way. I don't see any difference in how Punjabis do things and their mentality. Can someone shed some light on this?
  9. People from India come here to work, and £40 a day for 10-12 hours work is a lot for them compared to what they would get in India. In India if you do the same job you'd probably get 5000-8000 rupees a month! That's how much you'd make here in 2-3 days so for them it's probably better working as slaves here than in Punjab.
  10. I didn't say we should delete or edit any Bani. We are not the Gurus and can not be compared to them. My opinion is still the same regarding not using your gotra?pind as surname.
  11. I went to Takht Sri Patna Sahib and Takht Sri Hazoor Sahib last year and they both did Aarti after Rehraas Sahib. Aren't they both under sgpc? I have a few pictures from the Aarti at Patna Sahib, if anyone wants to see them let me know
  12. People are always coming up with excuses like "oh if we don't use our goat as our last name there would be thousands of Gurpreet Singhs and Manjeet Kaurs". That's not an excuse because the fact is that our lastnames refer to our caste, even if we started using our pinds as lastnames it would still refer to the caste (or people would know which caste you are) because all pinds in Punjab are based on caste. That means you have a pind with 95% of people from x caste, then there are 1-2% from y caste and 2-3% from z caste. That's how it is in Punjab and that's a fact. If I used my dad's or mom's goat as lastname people would immediately know which background I'm from. But because i don't believe in any of the caste bakwaas I've had Kaur as my lastname since my birth and will have it till I die. Even though I got married I still didn't change my name to my husband's goat (he only uses Singh as well, but I could have chosen to have his goat after Kaur). If our lastnames were like Anderson, Pullinger, Taylor which doesn't refer to your caste I wouldn't have a problem with it but since our lastnames do it is wrong. Having Kaur and Singh as your lastname makes you 'anonymous' and not a part of any caste whatsoever.
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