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Everything posted by dalsingh101

  1. What, like the BNP? lol In any case that's arguably just the path of becoming some other nation's kuti again.
  2. Relating it to our own people and playing a devils advocate to ask uncomfortable questions: Having this handle on the nature of the Brit beast, do our brothers and sisters who annually march at Hyde Park really have any chance of influencing things at a governmental level, seeing as we have nothing like oil to offer whitey? Especially as only recently companies like BP invested a whopping $7.2 billion into Hindustan? Plus I'm talking outside of Libya too. There seems to be ferment in a few parts of the Araba world in general? The overall toll of this on the western/arab relations, specifically economical?
  3. Was his 'affection' for Sikhs based on anything other than their usefulness in a British imperial context and a perception that they could be easily controlled to buttress the Brit agenda/interests?
  4. Nice one! I was looking for something to explain this.
  5. What I'm saying is that I've seen a lot of northerners (especially kurian) come here and be totally oblivious to some of the unspoken of darker undercurrents that can characterise the relationship between Sikhs and Paks in these parts. Call it naivety or simplicity, I don't know? I was just trying to give Suryadev a heads up. Because odds are, it wont be long before he'll meet some Paks who'll try and take the proper piss out him. Not that we don't have messed up apnay who aren't pretty twisted in how they treat other brothers and sisters, but you get what I mean.
  6. Not always, but they don't have a clearly identifiable long history of making a career out of it....lol Anyway, that was a sort of tongue in cheek snipe at my old nemesis. Don't make too much of it. Going back to the piece, I wonder if the apparent flux in the Arab world foreshadows possible major changes to how the western oil dependent economies operate? Not long ago I would have thought that they would just go in and take what they wanted. I think recent events will possibly make them more cautious of that than previously?
  7. This is interesting to observe in context of Britain trying to keep a foot in the Libyan door by initiating communication with the 'rebel leadership'. No doubt they want to preserve the previously agreed lucrative arrangements with the Gaddafi regime with any possible new comers. Hence the supportive 'moves'. It's a shame apnay aren't generally hip to the nature of the British political beast. In any case, if these fools know what's best, they should keep their noses out of these affairs as they have stirred the hornet's nest enough with the Iraq jaloos. If you don't agree, hold your horses as I'm sure Tony will be along real soon with his Jat arse licking perspective on events.
  8. A lot of us don't really instigate conversations with them in that over-friendly northern manner. So just be careful.
  9. Jajjy B is wearing his mum's psychedelic kameez from the 70s with Rupert the bear's 'pent'. Nalay blonde highlights! Pan@#*$ dimaag set aye aa!
  10. You mean freshies are walking around Panjab dressed like this!??! Have the fashion police been informed? What does the Akal Takhat plan to do about the severe style crisis before it spirals out of control?
  11. I wonder which ones you are talking about...... In any case, I hope you're not one of these brothers that sounds off about sullay to goray. That shit might run up north, but down south it won't wash. Just a friendly warning.
  12. What was the broad ratio of pagh wearers to monay? Plus were the freshies all dressed up like Jazzy B?
  13. Interestingly his translation of Rehras doesn't have the start of the sampooran one? jug jug bhagat apaiya. or any dasam bani. http://www.sacred-texts.com/skh/tsr1/tsr123.htm
  14. Found this: It is known to every Sikh that tobacco is forbidden by his religion, but it is not generally known that wine is equally forbidden. After I had quoted the Sikh tenets on this subject in public lectures at Simla, it was taken up by the enlightened Singh Sabha of Patiala; and a resolution in favour of total abstinence was signed by several of the best educated and most influential Sardars of the State. Macauliffe in preface to The Sikh Religion (1909)
  15. In Gurmat does it matter if I do paat sitting on floor or sitting on sofa (with shoes off and head covered)?
  16. I agree. Anyway, the only real global trouble makers from the region lately seem to be these arseholes: Now just where did I put my wasp repellent spray?
  17. My uncle and cousin are in Germany. They told me it was cool. My cousin was actually born and raised there. They experienced less racism than those that immigrated here, which is a turn up for the books.
  18. I don't really care as long as they keep those nazi instincts in check.
  19. I said it to you before, I'll say it again, what we need right now is an intellectual/spiritual lehar to transform us. It could well be possible that the very early seeds of this are being sowed as we speak. People can now communicate openly across space with technology. Lets see if Sikhs run with the old nepotistic, castecentric, materialist, sycophantic ways or come out with something more progressive and empowering?
  20. What would you suggest? That the lack of a nation state is causing them to shag prossies? And that they wont stop unless we get a nation before hand and then drum it into their heads not to? Anyway, I don't think we'd even disagree on the factors at influence. It's just we'd give different weightage[?] to the subcomponents at work. I guess I'm just expecting more from our people when it comes to personal discipline than you? Not anything remotely near perfection mind you - just that they don't wallow in the sludge of the barrel. Maybe I'm a fool for that or maybe we need to up our expectations of each other?
  21. Okay. How the hell do you expect people to engage in a guaranteed violent, traumatic conflict involving multiple hostile global players, lasting God knows how long (which is what gaining a sovereign nation is most likely to entail), without having them largely conditioned and prepared, both mentally and physically beforehand? Essentially prepared to make the ultimate personal and family sacrifice. Because unless I get it wrong, that is exactly what we need to have as a minimum in order to even give the thought of fighting for our nation a serious try. If there are ANY shortcomings in this department, chances our people will soon lose the will to persevere once serious reverses hit them. Or the cohesion required for success here won't exist and we'll be back to the old days of loyal 'Indian' Sikhs (ala Punjab police) killing 'separatist' ones and a community split as usual. These are things that need to be nailed before hand unless you want a repetition of before.
  22. Have you ever tried to grasp the worldview and theology inherent in our faith in a sustained way? Or is this all politics and sociological factors to you?
  23. How would you know? Seriously, you haven't got any clue about your own people, you've just projected what you wish they were onto your image of them. Your inability to speak the language essentially bars you from really getting to know/understand the vast majority of them. That's going to skew your perspective massively. Face it. You telling me about ghostdancing, you haven't even got a clue about what the majority of our people are like and you come out with all these theories. You think most Sikhs will give your 'theories' about how we need to progress even two minutes once they twig you can't even communicate to them in your native tongue? What chance do you think you have of being accepted by them? It's you who are out of your depth. Forget writing and publishing, we can't even informally form any sort of vague unified corporate perspective of the wider inter-community dynamics/relations. In any case, it isn't like we don't publish books on Sikh related matters anyway! You're saying we can't form corporate perspectives without an already existing base to operate from. I'm saying it is pretty much impossible to even get a base like this without forming a stronger corporate perspective before hand. Go to Atlanta in the States and you'll see what a load of crap your statement above is. You're a young idealised pup, who needs to actually get some real understanding/experience with your own people to assess the feasibility of your often good ideas in the real application. If you are so passionate about this, get off your arse and do this now.
  24. This is interesting to read in context of it being the first translation of the bani in line with the interpretation of prominent educated Sikhs of over a century ago. I think Kahn Singh Nabha (amongst others) helped him with this? I've read the first few pauris and am pleasantly surprised at the quality of translation.
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